Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    So after playing all of the save the universe content and other old raids I have to say. It was fun. Things are way too easy though. And the feats are just grind time sink feats. Im not sure I want to go back into Fos2 elite ever again. I always wanted to know what the old raids would feel like scaled up. Honestly they need to be more difficult.
  2. Apollonia Dedicated Player


    me to someone else talking about solo-ing bounties: we're not supposed to be able to but I didn't test this specifically myself
    you: nah nah nah, you didn't test [at all]
    me to you: I tested. I just didn't test the unintended thing
    you: you said you didn't test anything nah nah nah
    me to you: quote it back to me
    ***quotes me back*** -- doesn't say I didn't test
    you: gotcha!
    me: yeah that doesn't mean what you think it means, it means I did test, just not that specific thing.
    you: I meant that the whole time
    me: backpedalling much?

    And here we are.

    When I said I tested but didn't test a specific thing being discussed (because there was no reason to test for something unintended).
    And then you and your hilarious Legion of Salty Forum Bros misconstrued that into me not testing at all, so I called you out on it and told you to quote it back to me. You did quote it back thinking it was a gotcha (as if I didn't know what I said?) and that what you were quoting was a victory; still not realizing what you quoted back didn't mean what you thought it did -- it was specific and didn't say what you misunderstood it and believed it said. I pointed your misunderstanding out in my reply. So, your response was to save face and frame it as you only claiming it meant what I originally intended, as if you didn't originally misunderstand. Now, here you are again, moving the goal posts again.

    This entire discussion hinges on 1) being able to following a conversation 2) understanding others' needs. If you can't follow a basic sentence, you're not in a position to participate.

    Sit this one out. Or do I need to screen shot our exchange to drive it all home? Would you like to concede and admit you were wrong or would you like to relive this moment again?
    • Like x 1
  3. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Heck, McHale, Parish and the rest of the Celtics back then all were really good team players. Not to mention the guy standing behind Larry in the picture. Magic was a hell of a team player too.
    Here is a story here

    Video here

    One of my favorites was The Worm.
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  4. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Troll response? Really?
    If DCUO players were not so used to being carried or being able to over gear everything (playing easy mode). This would not be an issue.
    I could have said get guud but no. I offered legitimate advise.
    Its called working as a team and figuring out what needs to be done in order to win. In that case, it would mean running roles.
  5. JSnaples Committed Player

    So are you saying you have just been logging in to type to people and not even been playing content but you're happy about the update? LOL Thats funny..This updates absolutely terrible and I was right it's ruined dcuo.. just look at all the stat clamp threads that have been made in the past few days and how its being discussed constantly in the chats. This update was not a good idea at all
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    For something that was a awful idea its pretty quiet outside of a few of us keeping these stat clamp threads open. There are 3 threads at the top speaking on the stat clamp and ive been responding back and fourth with people keeping it at the top of the page
  7. JSnaples Committed Player

    Yeah notice people are making a bunch of threads about the stat clamp and they got a bunch of people going back and forth? Look at this one for example, its got 26 pages of people arguing about the stat clamp. Its a very controversial update to say the least not to mention in the actual game people are still discussing it
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