Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Old content rewards high cr players with marks and gear compatible with CR. So if you do low or high cr instance, doesn't matter, you will be rewarded anyway.
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Spent a hour and a half with a blind queue group in Paradox Wave, helped a guy get Epic Oddessy. Felt good seeing him get the feat
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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    So maybe we should send all the wannabe QBs to the showers and let the rest of the team who knows how to play the game and understands everyone on the field better, make the plays and calls.

    But I mean, sure, kill roleless buffs and let's make sure everyone knows it disappeared because of players like you who want everyone to struggle when they play as much as you do.

    It's almost like this was all predictable. ANd this is just the first few hours. Imagine how it'll be after a few weeks.



    If only how you felt made any difference for all the players playing that aren't you -- are you willing to pay everyone else's subs?
  4. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  5. Controller Devoted Player

    My friend I tell you there was a time in my life I wanted to be Larry


    and I'm a Black dude lol.

    He was THAT GOOD. He breathed Teamwork.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What you thought it be 5 minutes when players are dropping in and out because they cant strong-arm anymore?
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Omnibus Wave EO run (3rd queue)
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  8. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    It's funny that you think an hour in a 7year old instance was fun, while almost everyone else in there probably thought it was torture. And if they didn't, they will after a few weeks of this when they're forced to keep repeating it with people of varying degrees of ability.

    But hey, you do you boo. And remember, I prefer keylime pie for when it's time for me to eat that "humble pie".
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Why would they need their membership paid for? Membership doesn’t unlock content
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  10. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I'm still waiting for you to quote me back where I said I "didn't test the content". How's that going?
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You didnt test it very well, then.
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  12. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Give it a rest.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Why dont you look in the mirror?
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  14. Apollonia Dedicated Player

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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I did. You told someone that open world bosses wouldn’t be solo-able even thou you yourself said you didn’t test that.
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  16. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    My question was adequately answered by both Apollina and Proxy. Open world bounties that were intended to be group activities are now scaled for groups. As for soloing them, it's possible depending on player skill, role and leveled perks. If I can't solo them and Proxy can does that make him wrong? Feedback comes from a bunch of people and first hand information is not a requirement, particularly on the test server.
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  17. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    I said would reserve final judgement until it rolled out. Yeah, I'm done. It was nice while it lasted. Now it has turned into make everyone equal and pass out participation trophies. Truly sad what has happened. I feel I grinded this game to be the best I could be for absolutely nothing. Wasted hours of playtime.
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  18. Swamarian Committed Player

    It looks like the max gear level is 280. Nothing I got helped my CR, other than by trashing it and raising my augments. On the other hand, I did pick up some missing styles.
    All 3 of my alerts and the single raid I did had 1-2 people drop out, according to the scoreboard. We were still able to finish without much difficulty. (I had a party wipe once. After that we rallied and finished the mission.)
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Everyone gets participation trophies now? Would that have been before when people could just steamroll? Now players actually have to follow mechanics instead of ignoring them
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  20. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    No. Actually people who already paid their dues and grinded and worked are forced back to a low level status to grind with people who do not know how to play the game. Can we be the least bit realistic?
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