Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Paid their dues? This is a game. If you don’t actually enjoy the game and see it as something you must do to rush to end game than you have to ask yourself if even enjoy the game itself.

    As for being forced to grind with low levels. You can either build your own groups or do solos for source marks
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  2. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Oh so NOW it's a game. I thought it was a job or pro sports or something boot straps-y.
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  3. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    I can appreciate what you're saying. I'm sorry that this wasn't what you were hoping for. As far as being realistic? Viewpoints differ and that's ok. I look at it as making the game fun again. In my personal opinion, it's the steamrollers that have given us what we have now. There are a few who actually took the time out to see if anyone wanted them to hold back. The ones who asked, wanted to learn mechanics and actually enjoy the game. I've been in many...MANY instances where the super OP dps doesn't wait for anything and by the time you can say something, half the instance is done.

    In reality, it gives the newer players a chance to learn mechanics, etc.(you know, LEARN how to play) As I mentioned, viewpoints are where we all can't agree and we never will in some cases. One person says "hey, players can learn things AND I can be challenged." While others take their ball and go home. Like I said, I'm sorry you feel the way you do, I wish you well on your future endeavors.
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  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    25 PAGES! OP, regret it? I've made threads i regret making. Meanwhile....

    More after this....
  5. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Oh, so now you are saying people who put the time in and grinded to get to the top did not pay their dues? What other ridiculous thing are you going to argue next?
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  6. JSnaples Committed Player

    Lol I gave up reading what the discussions were like 21 pages ago I had no idea this thread was gonna go on this long. Nice to see it must be some somewhat constructive discussions occuring in this thread or else I would assume a dev would have locked this up by now if things were going south in here.
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

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  8. Proxystar #Perception

  9. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    It will take time to balance out and get going. Whenever CR relevancy was first introduced. It took about six months to see the total effect.
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  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I'll keep you posted. Try not to lose any sleep over it. :D
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  11. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    I understand where your coming from, but yes you do send the players to the showers if they dont understand or want to learn the fundamentals of teamwork.
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When did I or anyone say it was a job? Games are meant to be engaging and fun. If you want easy there are plenty of games that are meant to be easy. MMOs are a type of game that are meant to be more engaging and team oriented. Mass MULTIPLAYER Online. So you wanting to steamroll by yourself kinda goes against the genre.

    Yes you got the right to be stronger than other who didn’t. Which guess what you are. However nowhere does it is say you are meant to steamroll through content just cause you did the content before. You grind SP and artifacts which bleed through the clamp. So you are stronger than a new player who doesn’t have those things.

    Lol back pedaling? I said you didn’t test. You said you didn’t test. So no back pedaling. If that’s your idea of an intellectual response that arguing with you is a waste of time.
  13. Hamicrux Level 30

    Imagine how stoked he must feel knowing he has to run this 20 or 30 more times to get every Traces in Time style with similar results, a trial that could be overcome in 5 minutes at a time or less previously. At some point, Dimensional Ink is going to have to consider allowing players to outright buy Legacy feats with source marks gained through old content or this fresh wave of players is going to vanish once they catch a whiff of the Herculean ordeal laid before them.

    All those old soloable feats are now group content shuttering a path forward for the new players the devs are intending to invite. Cue the horde of responses promising some kind of cumbayah lovey-dovey movement bathing new players in feat accomplishments that will never happen because every man is out for himself and you know it. All those old feats were trivialized once people steamrolled them with overgearing so don't come at me with "they can earn them." You can CR skip, you can buy your way to 200 artifacts, you can open your wallet and max your your exobytes. It's just another avenue opening.

    What's it worth to you? Gatekeeping your SP or having a playerbase?
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Imagine thinking your hot stuff because you outgear something only to get reality checked by raid mechanic. I watched people drop out because they had no idea of what to do, thinking they could still faceroll Wave EO. Until we got a group of players who did have the mechanical skill to follow the mechanics. Then it wasnt much of a issue.

    I want you to understand that was being blind queued with 7 randoms, and people are acting like this raid is mission impossible with a competent group of players who know how the raid works.
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  15. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    Troll response.
    Anyways, there's not a lot of healers or tanks to go around, most people go with DPS when they start out the game, this is where the problem lies, there's 95% that you'll get with dps, and the rest another roles that knows what they are doing, this stat clamp really said a big f you to the people that has worked hard to get where they are at this point, just so that the underleveled could feel some sort of satisfaction.
    I don't know about you, but ADDS shouldn't have the ability to kill DPS or tanks that quickly, and guess what? they do, they kill off players so easily whilst we have to right now drink soda colas every 5 minutes and spam supply drops, where is the fun in that?
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Actually i quite had fun, and it separated the face-roller from the competent, it took alil bit but the competent pulled through where the face-rollers dropped out
  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    90 minutes??? I'm never pug grouping again good lord. We ran it in 5mins yesterday. Ignored everything except troll tried to get someone out of prison I think. Not sure, was too busy standing in one spot pewpewing while playing 1 handed eating dinner. Fos3 may be the quicker choice but 20 source combined doing those 2 raids in under 10mins isn't horrible. 90mins, nope. Not doing that.
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  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m trying to be open minded regarding the clamp, but what’s on live right now is just too much.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Thats fine, but im quite happy with the clamp, making playing engaging again. I had more fun sitting in the HoD talking to people for the last several years. Now playing it is engaging now too.
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  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Did it really tho? Maybe it comes down to build/ sp/ all that stuff added on top but nothing seemed any harder just slightly more time consuming. The fear of dying or of even having to block or really move at all just isn't there. People are going to be asking for it to be harder, I would if I had any interest in it. I don't so it doesn't matter but it isn't a challenge from what I've seen.
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