Square Enix Is Making The Avengers And More Marvel Games

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by DCUO Post, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Source: http://kotaku.com/marvel-comics-and-square-enix-launch-new-partnership-wi-1791651439


    Marvel’s move back into console gaming takes a huge step today, as the comic book company announces a multi-year, multi-game partnership with Square Enix, beginning with The Avengers Project.
    Developed by Crystal Dynamics in collaboration with Eidos Montreal, The Avengers Project is the working title for the first game to come from the newly-announced partnership. Details are scant, and the description provided is pretty vague.
    The announcement was accompanied by a trailer, which is also rather vague.

    We’ll have plenty of time to speculate about exactly what The Avengers Project is, as more details on the game and additional games being developed under the partnership are expected in 2018.
    The partnership is another indication, alongside the Spider-Man game being made for PlayStation 4, that Marvel is shifting its gaming focus from mobile back around to consoles and PC.
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  2. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Wow. I didn't see this coming at all. I already can't wait!
  3. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Watch, as soon as the players get wind of this, the DCUO chat is going to go rampant 'The DCUO killer' :rolleyes:
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  4. vladspally Well-Known Player

    Seen articles mention a "Marvel Universe" with reference to this game. Could be more likely an mmo from the looks of it, but who knows. I wish Daybreak would just bite the bullet and make DCUO 2 already.
  5. Emoney Dedicated Player

    If it is a MMO......I would be gone from DCUO.....flatout.....Square Enix cares about the quality of their titles far more than Daybreak.
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  6. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    I don't think it will be an mmo per say because so far what we know is the development team involved did the Tomb Raider and Deus Ex games and it's a Multi game deal. Some are saying it's Marvel / Disney's answer to the Batman Arkham games, not a Final Fantasy Online within the Avengers universe. Still, who knows. We'll have to wait and see.
  7. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    If they do make an MMO, I would jump ship. Even tho I'm not into Marvel lore, but hey another Superhero theme MMO in the market. And made by Square Enix, a company that understands MMO market.
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  8. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    I'm more interested in the amount of belts and zippers Square Enix will give the Avengers.
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  9. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Hopefully not an MMO. Marvel hasn't really released a proper AAA game and if they do, I hope it's not another Spider Man game. I think people has had enough of multiple Spider Man franchise both film and videogames.
  10. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    I'm expecting that game to be max a MOBA. Marvel has no history with allowing players actual character creation. Still, a well done MOBA can be entertaining; story-wise however a single player game is much more likely. I don't expect anything more than a MOBA from this, but I do hope for a single player/limited multi-player game with depths like the Arkham game series.
  11. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    At this point yes Spider Man games should kind of stop, they haven't really "improved" what you could do in awhile and I do think if you're going to have multiple franchise video games they should feel either improved or different... and most of the story dialogue in all of them has practically been boring.
  12. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Could say the same thing about Splat-Man

    So many theories and possible routes for this game:
    will it be an MMO like DCUO? personally doubt it
    will it be like "Marvel Heroes"? more likely
    will it be like the older single player "Marvel: Ultimate Alliance"? waayyy more likely
  13. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    I can be an X Person or Avenger as well as I can be a fifth rate JLA member...the better game gets my money and time..considering this games state I am surprised it took Marvel this long to do something...half this games pop is itching to jump multiverses for a better game
  14. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    the only reason for Marvel to ignore MMOs is foolishness...it is time they made one
  15. DCUO Post Loyal Player


    Crystal Dynamics' upcoming Avengers game will feature "social", "shared" online play, and will - at least in combat sections - resemble a "3rd person cover based action adventure game".

    Back in January, Marvel announced that it was entering into a multi-year, multi-game partnership with Square Enix - the first product of which was announced as an upcoming Avengers game; very few details were announced at the time and the game has remained quietly in development ever since, but now it seems that we might have our first idea of the direction in which the game is headed.

    Thanks to NeoGAF user Nirolak, we have a couple of job postings from Square-Enix subsidiary Crystal Dynamics for the upcoming game, which is currently referred to as "The Avengers Project".

    One posting asks for applicants for a "Lead Level Designer" position, focusing on level development. The posting specifically refers to "fun and unique online experiences" and also asks for an understanding of "the social implicatons of shared gameplay", as well as referencing "various game modes and campaigns".

    The other posting is looking for an experienced Combat Designer, who will work with the rest of the team to "plan, prototype and build combat systems that directly apply to a 3rd person cover based action adventure game."

    Looking at these two postings together, we can start to get an idea of the sort of game that's in development. It certainly seems as though the game will be online, perhaps hinting at an MMO, particularly considering the emphasis in the job description of shared gameplay and a variety of modes and campaigns; could we be seeing a variation of Destiny's fireteam-style setup, but with superheroes rather than Guardians?

    How this will mesh with the larger-than-life superheroics of the Avengers - particularly the more epic characters such as Thor or the Hulk - is already a topic of hot discussion on the NeoGAF thread.

    It's possible, of course, that these job postings are for different aspects of the game; Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider proved able to forge a successful story mode alongside a stand-alone multiplayer experience, and perhaps that's the direction the studio is leaning. With no further details, it's all speculation for now; the requirement for the Combat Designer to "plan [and] build" combat systems implies that the game is still a way off complete.

    No release date or platform has been announced, but "The Avengers Project", whatever it becomes, is expected to arrive sometime in 2018.

    Source: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/09/...will-be-an-online-3rd-person-action-adventure
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  16. AlienNomad Well-Known Player

  17. Wallachia Devoted Player

    What's the difference between action adventure and MMO?
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

  19. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    MMO just means it's multiplayer, action adventure is a genre itself.
  20. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    "Technical Adviser"...