Soda Colas Changes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deepeess, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Alekimsior New Player

    You know what? I guess Soda Cola limes are kinda irrelevant seeing how people were selling the Ultras, but I can't help to laugh at the thought I got Lime Plans about 3 days ago. Of course, I only crafted for personal use, or to stock up the LH bank. Now, all of these matters no more.
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  2. quirkers Well-Known Player

    I am not sure how I feel about it. But the twenty soders they have at the vendor and soder mission drops gets annoying.

    I finished my crafting feat a few months back, but ouch for others, but I guess you do save on Type VI soder enhancers. Though there are people that make a little in game money selling soders and soder plans, hmmm they might not be happy about that.

    Have they mentioned if they were increasing the price on the soder extremes and/or will they stack more than 12?
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  3. IGotYA New Player

    I think it will work like the ones in legends/pvp, you can use as much as you want, just gotta wait for the cooldown,
    I might be wrong tho.

    Edit: I was wrong, same old Soda cola extreme, stacks up to 12 only and here are the numbers:

    On use, this item will apply these effects:
    +45 to 80% of Max Health
    +50 to 90% of Max Power.

    Cash Value 150 cash
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  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'm guessing the mark purchased soders, like Turbo, are going away, as well. That's a lot of soders being eliminated.
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  5. IGotYA New Player

    Only sodas left on the vendor are:
    Soder Cola Extreme - level 30
    Soder Cola Supreme - Level 23
    Soder Cola Plus - Level 16
    Soder Cola Classic - level 9
    Soder Cola
    Soder Cola Infinite- Level 10- Pvp

    Only % Colas are Soder Cola Extreme and Infinite tho
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  6. quirkers Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

    Though it might not have been bad if it were PVP style. But then that might free up inventory space *wry grin*

    Makes me curious, if they can do it for over level 30, why isn't it viable to make a pre-level 30 soder something like Soder Starter ;) that will match your CR.
  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    To be fair I don't know why we don't just have an infinite co,a for pve... That wouldn't be game breaking ...
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  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Exactly. Just leave the buff soders.
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Dang now there are no more soders to craft. Now being Legendary is becoming more and more unrewarding.
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  10. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I am pretty sure that the prices will not plummet, at first. People will work on the assumption that not everyone reads forums or notes. Those people will pay millions still... sadly. :( As for me, I spent millions on Ultra... sigh.
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  11. GodNema Well-Known Player

    I hope this change doesn't go through, since many players spent mills on the ultra cola plan for it to be absolutely worthless and useless to even have because of extremes healing the same as a cola that costs about 13k/stack to make.
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  12. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Buff soders should be crafted still I agree...

    Or may make buff soders give a little more juice in terms of he's,th and power...

    This would encourage all players to farm bits... Or buy them on the market....

    This would increase the price of bits/bytes again

    And it would break the taboo of a dps using a buff Soder

    Otherwise there is the slightly less good version that's infinite it could give back like 85% or 75% of your bar at max
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  13. Alekimsior New Player

    Bit prices are already too high.
  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    They aren't too high... It's fair to charge for your time in farming... Whether someone wants to fork out the dough or take their own time to craft us on them
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  15. Alekimsior New Player

    Well, I'm grateful then for the few people that tend to undercut the broker. I used to be one of them, offering bit stacks at 100k when it wasn't as common place.
  16. rival exe New Player

    not a fan of this...
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Why? How is this a bad thing? I mean if the make them cost 1,999 for 6 ok yeah I can see this being bad... But I don't see why eliminating the clutter of all these soders is a bad thing...

    I hope bosses and ads drop soders again like they used to ... As an additional drop not in place of a drop
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  18. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    i thought you were a fellow premium. this change is great for us, we can't even craft ultras or limes without help.
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  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I'm... I dunno, I think I like this; Soders costing 1800 / 12 pack instead of 13K, no more needing to find a crafter first or buy a plan for 9 million; this seems like a simplification of process that is actually 'functional' as opposed to 'deliberately dumbing things down'.
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  20. Omega Boy Committed Player

    I don't see a downside on this. Cheaper (& equal) colas for all.
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