Notice: Marketplace on Windows XP and Vista

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Lionxoft Committed Player

    This is occurring on Windows 10 now. Was there an update that might have relegated the latest operating system in order to support the oldest compatible foperating system?
  2. JohnTMan Level 30

    I submitted a ticked on October 11, 2015 to claim my daybreak cash. Today (october 17) they finally respond--"they cannot issue/claim the daybreak cash. They also stated it's not guaranteed so if you can't claim it you don't get it. As a loyal customer since day one this is very disappointing. I'm so glad this is my last month of membership before i renew because i now understand daybreaks version of customer service. Too bad for people with windows xp and vista. you lose, your not important and we don't need you. the game plays great on my xp pc. as i've said i'm getting a new pc but not for a few months and after this type of service--i'm very disappointed. Mepps sorry but you were wrong--submitting a ticket for dbc DOES NOT get you DBC. If you can't claim it then you lose it. When sony was running the customer service they had live customer service reps that could help you. Also tickets were responded to within a day or two and resolved immediately. Now with daybreak in charge it's six days and they can't help. Daybreak also removed live customer service. I now see where this company is going and it's not good for poor people. this is a very sad day :(
  3. Samui Senshi New Player

    I need simple answer when you fix my marketplace?
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  4. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    The saddest part about all of this is that it was working prior to whichever patch broke it. Roll back the patch, problem solved. Then go back and figure out what you're figuring out now, and TEST IT this time. We've seen over and over again how poorly the game is tested. It's why every Game Update requires emergency fixes within the first day. Quality Control is not something SOE/Daybreak ever learned how to do.

    Yes, there will always be bugs in any piece of software. But doing simple smoke tests like "can I open each page of the UI" should really be part of an automated test suite. Running such a test on each supported OS should be standard before changes are even loaded to the test server, never mind put on production. It certainly should have been tested in this case, when the code changes directly involved the Marketplace.
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  5. h2kcapo New Player

    Should at least be a marketplace here on the website to prevent any lost.

    I'm missing all the holiday specials like holiday items and holiday sales.
    I'm even missing out on my monthly bonus while i'm paying memebership for full access while this error is in place.
    Getting the half access.

    Hopefully we get a gift or bonus due to this error.
    We're missing out on a lot.
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  6. CLJ New Player

    You don't get it do you? Your ignorant response does not help. This was not an intended change. Something of this magnitude would have been announced "DCUO will no longer support marketplace access for Vista/XP users". This was a mistake and they already stated it. So they can't use the excuse that you have an outdated OS. IT was patch that broke the access. Vista works fine with even the most modern software. Suddenly it mysteriously stops me from accessing the marketplace?

    How does one even buy from the Marketplace anymore even if you submit a ticket? Are we supposed to remember everything in the marketplace and the prices? They don't even have a solution for that. Am I supposed to remember the cost of recovery kits of legends characters etc? This is a real screw up. It has nothing to do that we are lucky that the game gods are looking upon us peasant XP and Vista users. They are legally obliged to.

    They are losing money right now because XP and Vista users can't access the marketplace. How many users are actually going to submit tickets, wait etc. What if they want to buy something and they don't know the cost? They have to submit a ticket and ask for the cost? then wait for a reply? You aren't thinking about this.
  7. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    A month has passed and still nothing.......
    I know at least 2 peeps that have walked away from this game in response to this. (Vista users)
    And you wonder why the games bleeding players.......because you guys do crap like this and then sit back and tell the customer it's on their end.
    It's unbelievable how Mepps is telling customers to upgrade to access the MP....tell your crack Dev team to stop breaking the game first Mepps....sounds like an easier solution no?

    This game needs a new team with real solutions and competent staff at the helm.....and less misinformation being posted by their existing staff.
  8. CLJ New Player

    I know for one thing, I am going to stop playing this game and paying for it. What are members supposed to do? Just simply remember all of the items available in the marketplace? We can't order what we don't see. So do we email moderators and ask them how much an item costs, then wait for a reply? then buy the item? That can take a day or more. People want to buy the items in game while they are playing.

    We basically have an entire batch of players who not only cannot access the marketplace, they can't see the menu or what is for sale anymore. How is that possibly fair to legendary players who pay for the game? I have literally been paying for this game since it first came out. Originally I started on the PS3 and still have the original disk, then I moved over to the PC version.

    I can say this, I am pretty disgusted at the lack of response. Asking players to upgrade their operating systems to cover a mistake that Daybreak made is repugnant. You broke a crucial access feature for a portion of members of this game, many if not all are paying members and you have done nothing about it.

    Last month it was tinkering with power levels AGAIN. I am pretty shocked that Daybreak would not tell it's customer base of such a major change. I guess they figured they would implement it and then apologize after? I don't see an apology even.
  9. JokerKnight New Player

    Ok first i like to say i get what you all are saying But um come on guys even i upgraded my system to win 7, and not for this game at all it was because Rift ran much smoother on Win 7 then on xp or vista.I would say the lag is a bigger problem with servers atm Though i am playing on a ps3 so don't yell at me saying i don't know how it is, Trust me i been playing MMO's since Dark Age which if any of you played you would know how bad servers were at most times and how bad there customer service is to today standers any how.
  10. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    All I've got to say is.. those on XP.. you're using an EOL product. Those on vista, your product will go EOL in April 2017.

    XP will sink further and further behind from now on. Especially in the area of security. It is a sensible choice to upgrade. Eventually will come a time where drivers won't even be obtainable for hardware for it.

    I know it is painful to upgrade, but to be honest.. for XP, that time was 18 months ago. For Vista, you should be roadmapping to upgrade now.. before the April cutoff. I get that it "works".. but hey.. so does 7. It's not as evil as you think. And you are going to have to eventually spend money anyway. What happens when your HD dies? Reinstall XP and go without updates? XP was supported for 12 years. That is a long time. It's time to let it go.
  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    It's especially inexcusable because these changes are supposed to be tested on the Test Servers before they go live. Losing access to the Marketplace is a MAJOR, GAME-BREAKING change. It should NEVER have been allowed to go live. The fact that it WAS allowed to go live is absolutely incompetence of the highest order. :mad:
  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player


    Sorry... *snicker*... I just couldn't help myself.
  13. Kurt hoffmann New Player

    With the marketplace not working, how can you redeem things that is redeemable for every character? they explain how to buy stuff but not to redeem.
  14. Drewster New Player

    I have asked for things from the marketplace without any issue. I admit, I do not shop there as often as some users, so the lack of immediacy is not an issue.

    I did miss one month of allotment for station cash, but when I asked for it the second month, along with some account items for a new character, everything was dropped on my character fairly quickly and without issue.

    I just asked for an actual purchase, so we shall see how it goes.

    XP is dead to Microsoft, so it sadly makes sense that Devs would leave it behind, but Vista is still supported (Yes? No?), so I do hope the fix it. I would take the system upgrade recommendation but I don't have the cash flow.
  15. Mind Weld New Player

    that's still 2 years away. When it's after April 2017 and the marketplace doesn't work, then upgrading is a valid answer. For Daybreak to make the mistake, admit it, say they will fix the problem, and then not do it. That is what will drive people away.
  16. tukuan Devoted Player

    I put in a support ticket to do this and they did help me out. That said if like me you have a lot of weapon packs, styles and themes try to be specific as to what you want as you'd likely not have enough inventory space until you can access your bank space, also assuming that is maxed out.

    I'm getting closer and closer to adding the client to my development machine so I can do marketplace stuff. I'm not super excited about that for a number of reasons, primarily I prefer to keep recreation and work as far apart as possible. I would rather hear from a green name if we can still expect an in-game solution anytime soon. I would suspect they are watching to see the cost:benefit of this and to honest I can't really blame them. Even as someone who's affected by this if it costs a lot more to fix than the revenue they are missing by affected then it's hard to justify the latter.
  17. dualbosszsl New Player

    I wanna purchase some thing but i cant ill just tell u what i want i purchased 2500 daybreak cash on friday btw
    • Daybreak Account Name: Fate1337
    • Character Name: Khanlz
    • Full name of the item you wish to purchase: Power Set Rage,Power Set Earth,Weapon Shield
    • Quantity of the items you wish to purchase:4
  18. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, I take it there's still no fix for this happy horsecrap? Absolutely inexcusable. The Devs are slacking. :mad:
  19. Veritech Loyal Player

    You need to submit a ticket at
    They are pretty quick in responding.

    An in-game fix would be nice though...
  20. dualbosszsl New Player

    This time when i tried 2 buy something in the marketplace it asked for my zip code i gave it my zip code and it still said error..devs gotta fix this
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