lol seriously what is up with Sorcerys Fury?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by sliphazard, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. sliphazard Active Player

    I know it got buffed but was it supposed to be to such an extreme? lol seriously the thing makes Alerts and Duos just not enjoyable. It pretty much one shots everything. And it's not like they even really have to do anything, they can just stand there, cast one thing to give their fury power and *poof* bad guys gone o_O Meanwhile us poor Nature users need to switch between 2 forms (or more) casting around 8 powers (or more) while clipping attacks just to stay competitive :(

    In Duos and Alerts or rather anything that isn't a boss, I might as well be twiddling my thumbs because there's not really much for me to do.

    And before you call me a whiner or "butt hurt". I mainly prefer to play support and Heal but we all know how much those are needed in Alerts or Duos :rolleyes: Now tho I can't even DPS if there's a Sorc and if there's more then one then hell best thing for me to do is just stand at the start of the instance and wait for them to finish. I'm not calling outrage here bashing the devs, just wanted to share my opinion and thought on the matter.
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  2. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Let sorc have its fun and besides who gives a crap about your damage in duos and alerts. Raids are where it really matters.
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  3. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    The pets have always hit hard in duos and alerts, this was true before update 51. It's just the nature of the AM, it's very bursty. Some powers shine in different types of content, the pet powers specialty is smaller content. DoT powers shine in boss fights. Now they look better since the update improved their damage for larger content. You will encounter this issue of things dying too quick with most powers since most AMs are burst based, the DoT powers don't really shine in this area but you can at least try WM>power crits (non-AM) to put up some meaningful damage on the board. You can't expect and set up DoTs to kill the adds in elaborate time, that certain scenario requires burst powers.

    I think you should definitely try healing and/or support play during smaller content. Damage isn't the only to contribute to a duo and alert. You can counter enemies, rotate group shields, buff your teammate, heal him, or control enemies with your powers. My leaguemates run duos as healers and trolls and we have no issues with this. Our alerts usually require at least one healer to get through the content. The next episode coming up with definitely require your healing services.
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  4. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Tanking a raid with 3 earth dps is the worst thing imaginable
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  5. sliphazard Active Player

    Oh I don't care about my damage or output, it's more about that with all the burst dmg from pets atm there's literally almost nothing for me to do. Either everythings dead before I can even cast a WM or everything dead so fast that no one needs healing. :(

    lol I'd like to but even in Fatal all there really is to do is throw out 2 or 3 HoT's and you're done.
  6. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Try out battle healing. Just to help out a bit with damage and give yourself something else to do while you're healing.
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  7. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    What if I told you... you can Battle Heal... especially when you dont need whole ungodly amount of resto
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  8. SnowStar Committed Player

    No leave it be, I have been ice tank since the beginning and only dps for duos, and was in a duo with a sorcery toon and he was just CRUSHING stuff. It was hilarious and made it a cballenge for me to get a shot in before eveything was ko'd. It was hilarious
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  9. Sore Steadfast Player

    I assume the strength of pets bursting over mobs in duos isn't too different from the strength of pets bursting over mobs in raids. Sure, the mob fights in raids last a little longer but not much. I'm surprised this isn't resulting in big "scoreboard" numbers for Sorcery and Earth given their ability to front load mobs so heavily.
  10. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Because that killer burst isn't sustainable past the first 3 seconds where they unlOad 4 times. After that terri drop to 2 every 9 seconds
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yes to this except one point. score board doesn't mater in any content in PVE its all coop instances
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  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    same issue with mental and gadgets and practically ice most powers melt things in duos and alerts
  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    NO WAY!!!! that just not possible its straight heal or nothing LMAO :D
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  14. Castrato Well-Known Player

    It's possible if you're Celestial, sorry it's the only heal power I've been that you COULD battle heal. You only need so much resto and then you can heal anything in game, currently. The rest of your skill points could be spent on getting more precision/might to do more damage
  15. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I'll leave the instance if you try to battle heal
  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    i was being sarcastic but technically you can battle heal with any healer class in content especially if you run the proper two healers as the game was designed with each having different strengths and weaknesses
  17. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    It's possible with sorcery too
  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    and will be replaced just as fast, its not up to others to dictate how others play. build the groups your self and your able to set it up to fit your pleasure
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  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Sorcery battle healing dots were nerfed recently. Sorcery battle healing does more damage than celestial battle healing
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  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Pets burst is front end heavy, that's why the despawn glitch did so much damage, and why the pet am is way better than the other powers in the tunso test
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