Soda Colas Changes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deepeess, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Deepeess New Player

    I didn't saw this coming, well I kind of did, with stats clamping and all.
    With synthetics modes and now this, seems like they are trying to get rid of
    crafting system, sodas and mods are the only 2 things worth crafting,
    one you can bypass easily with Synth mods and the other is now gone.

    • Long Live Soder Cola Extreme!
    o All colas with an item level of 30 or more now heal a percentage of the player’s maximum Health and Power, rather than a flat amount that doesn't scale.
     This means that starting at level 30 the only cola needed for healing Health and Power is the Soder Cola Extreme. Higher level healing colas and cola recipes will no longer drop and no longer be sold on vendors.
     Pre-existing item level 30+ cola items, such as Soder Cola Lime and Soder Cola Ultra, will heal the same ratio of Health and Power as a Soder Cola Extreme.
     Please note that specialized "buffing" cola recipes, such as Nitro Soder Cola or All-Natural Soder still drop as they did and still buff as they always have. However the healing component of these colas will again be the same as a Soder Cola Extreme.

    So what you will craft to get the crafting feat now?
  2. nohealhere New Player

    this will make me quit dc
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  3. SkullGang Devoted Player

    HAHAHA oh my lmao holy shitt.
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    opps nope read that wrong.... it sucks:eek:
  5. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    Convert one color exobit into another.
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  6. Davis New Player

    I have sneaky suspicion this is how they found that "extra" memory for the new powers. If you recall at soe live they said they found more memory to implement the new powers. Lets be honest the ps3 is to blame for this but oh well so it goes.
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  7. Deepeess New Player

    This means that starting at level 30 the only cola needed for healing Health and Power is the Soder Cola Extreme. Higher level healing colas and cola recipes will no longer drop and no longer be sold on vendors.
     Pre-existing item level 30+ cola items, such as Soder Cola Lime and Soder Cola Ultra, will heal the same ratio of Health and Power as a Soder Cola Extreme.
  8. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I think this is an excellent change.
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  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    yeah, yeah I got that.... after I posted
  10. Sbel Devoted Player

    Will be good for Fire tanks I guess.
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  11. Deepeess New Player

    Not what I meant tho, obviouslly theres still way to craft things to get the feat,
    but sodas were the "normal" way, lets say the no grind way, since you would
    craft new sodas everyday day or so, or a bunch at once to distribute to your alts/leaguemates/friends.
  12. Little Sister New Player

    I think it's a great change, but I didn't even think about players that don't have the crafting feats yet. Better get them now !!
    • Like x 6
  13. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I edited my post as soon as I thought about it. Yeah, I'm not sure what you can craft that won't require drops or bits. Maybe I'll finish my crafting feats this week.
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    Good think I've never cared about the crafting feats.
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  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    Can still craft alpha mods and use alpa recovery kits for the feats.
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  16. Deepeess New Player

    Well thats the thing, I didn't either, I thought "Hey I'll have to craft things, eventually I'll get it",
    and sodas were like 90% of items I crafted lol, since most comsumables are useless now,
    and mods only for highest gear the rest I use synthetic mods.

    Meh If I want the feat I'll get it, not really worried, just made the thread to see what
    others would do once crafting sodas are no longer possible, and since the feat
    is no longer attainable through reasonable time during normal game play,
    I mean without you having to take time and focus on crafting useless stuff
    just to get it .
  17. Alekimsior New Player

    I hate these changes.... on the one hand, because I think the crafting system of this game is pretty poor and basic, so it is like they are nerfing the crafting system instead of making it better. For isntance, proficiencies should be included, the more you craft stuff the more stong your items can be, and some players have low HP so they can benefit from a higher soda. I, for instance, with my current HP points (9155) still found Soda Cola Next did a pretty good job at replenishing stuff.

    I guess I'll miss being able to craft stuff. Hopefully, next time, devs will find ways to expand and imrpvoe the crafting system. Maybe even crafting proficiencies could increase the amount of exobits found on nodes.

    So long, Soda Cola Next, i was a fan..... :(
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  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    This just in: Soder Cola plan prices plummet!
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  19. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    About time this happened!! There was never a need for multiple colas!!
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  20. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    This sucks.
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