ZOE Rank 1, First run

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Ztiller, May 22, 2013.

  1. Ztiller

    Just showing off some effectiveness against enemies on Rank 1. The Strafing speed is what makes it good.

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  2. Ribero

  3. Vadimir

    Nice vid :). Although I'm afraid I couldn't help but laugh when you started shooting at the distortion the ZOE causes thinking it was an infiltrator ;).
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  4. PaperPlanes

    This thing is actually well designed and is a valid competitive options.

    As such, it will be nerfed into the ground before the end of June and then be neglected by SOE for over a year.
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  5. Ztiller

    Yeah, that small pause afterwards was me thinking "Fu*k, i'm stupid." :oops:
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  6. Naithe

    Honestly I thought it was a cloaker too. the funny part was when you stood still for a moment. then I was like oh ****, I think I'm thinking the same thing you are. =)
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  7. Kireles

    I liked the chipmunk voice part the best...
  8. Gomezie

    lmao.. 0:28 in the video where the random ran out the door way and got toasted....he must be maaaaad
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  9. Purg

    I have mine on level 4. Gives a decent speed boost and I doubt I'll get returns on spending another 1000 certs. Want to try it out with Vortex to see if it does noticeably more damage to vehicles.
  10. acksbox

    I'm still doing this after three hours and 70 something kills with the new ability...
  11. Jkar

    I'm constantly seeing infiltrators myself with it.. god it's annoying. But ZOE is so much fun to use. I wouldn't have cared if they left the extra damage out of it and just given us the speed boost. At least we're back to being the flamboyant faction now with our high heeled, pink glowing, fairy wing (if you got composite armor) MAX units. ;)
  12. Purg

    I find it hampers AA duties. Did shoot down 3 pilots and maybe it's worse at night but the tracers are pink glowing things which can mask the aircraft making it difficult to determine what direction they plan to travel.
  13. that_darn_lurker

  14. Ripshaft

    I'd lol'd and facepalmed as you practically ran through the tr la who droppodded to c4 your sundy - and did so successfully... if only someone had shot him =p

    Though yeah, will be nice once someone calculates the current weapon damage mod values per weapon.
  15. Ztiller

    Dual Cosmos with extended mags
    Kinetic armor 5
  16. YoXn

    I have mine maxed out, and I can tell you it is ******* broken. Range shotguns.
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  17. that_darn_lurker

    Is that a typical build for you.? Kin 5 is a good choice considering the defense penalty, but I'm curious why you would use cosmos.
  18. Ztiller

    Yep. My standard one. I use the Cosmos because i bought them back when they were best.

    IIRC from the PTS, they got a Accuracy buff in GU9 aswell making them more useful. But in combination with the ZOE, when you can easily close in on the enemy, they are perfectly viable.

    I have been thinking of getting dual Nebulas though.
  19. Xasapis

    The speed boost doesn't change from tier 1. It used to be upgradable as well, but they left only one tier of mobility on live. Any subsequent tier is merely a damage boost, for whatever is worth.
  20. Xasapis

    The problem with nebulas is that they're already too fast. Maybe you're better off with blueshifts + extended magazines.