ZOE nerf live in PTS!!

Discussion in 'MAX' started by TorigomaSET, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Mhak

    Just don't come complaining to me when your shield doesn't seem to stop any damage when you need it most, or turns you into a blazing, bright beacon of "C4 ME!" in night battles. You still might get better use out of it than NC though, with your reloads that don't take an entire weekend to complete meaning your shield still has some energy/health left when you're done.

    Grinders with extended mags + 15 seconds of increased damage? Welcome back to the days of "Oh a it's an NC MAX, everybody get outside or we're ******."
  2. Desann

    On my NC max, I have found a use to the quite lame Aegis shield. First let me say, I wish it was like in PS1, were it was an overshield, but that's an argument that sees little light with this dev team. Anyway, I love facing an enemy max 1v1. I basically hit my shield, let them empty their clips, then as soon as I feel they have expended enough ammo, I drop shield and blast them with my grinder and scattercannon. I have wasted several TR maxes, and a few VS maxes using this technique. Also, when I see HA tuck back to get their decimator, I pull out the shield, go towards the corner, let them pop out and fire the rocket, block with the shield, then chase them down as they reload for a quick kill.

    It doesn't ALWAYS work, especially when multiple HA's are firing decimators at you, but its fun when it does!
  3. Tykune

    I am glad that ZOE Maxs are getting nerfed. Honestly, I dont believe zoe players should have their certs back with how broken it was, but that is just me (and a whole outfit's) opinion.
  4. Tenebrae Aeterna

    You need to stop harboring hatred for a faction using something that the developers had given them, this is common nature of a gaming community. There is no honor amongst gamers in that sense, if something is overpowered...they won't neglect using it out of principal...and all factions abroad have proven this. With that said...we need, as a community, to stop with this silly hatred towards factions who used what they were given and seek true balance...not the eradication of unique game aspects when the development team overcompensates for the initial mistake made.
  5. Suiradezza

    I think this looks like a good change. It lines ZoE closer up to charge and could force thoughtful usage(somewhat like the vanguard shield but I'm not saying what you want to think I'm saying, so just be quiet and go away).

    Aegis can migitate some of the damage instead of just delaying the inevitable and charge could actually let you get away because there's not an eternal speedbot chasing you. Lockdown, honestly I don't think will ever work satisfyingly because of the movement sacrifice. Having the TR max go at reduced speed is possible, but could end up being a boring mirror to the aegis(and probably overpowered, somehow)
  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I agree with your statements regarding the TR...

    I've never enjoyed the entire Lockdown concept as a whole, which is one of the reasons I didn't choose TR right from the start. I've always been back and forth on which faction I actually want to go with when I get a new computer, switch servers, and actually put money into the game. Thus far, the mobility of the Magrider, Proximity Mines, and the overall aesthetics of the VS in general have kept me here. I believe the Infiltrator looks the most eldritch amongst the three.

    With that said, the more I argue against the new incarnation of ZOE...the more I realize just how situational and lackluster everyone's alternative abilities are. I've been theory crafting potential replacements that I doubt will be considered...but it occupies my time. With that said, I agree with the thoughts towards the TR floating around that grant them a reduction in movement speed, increased rate of fire, and belt fed ammunition. Lockdown is just a terrible concept...sounds cool initially, but ugh.
  7. Snoozzzer

    This sounds like a distinct and premature overreaction to me. Whatever the change, it's no final and on live and players have not had time to develop strategies to utilize this new, still up in the air change.

    Would everyone please, calm down, enjoy your vice of choice and focus on what's important in life. (Such as food and getting opposing factions to send you Q_Q tells in game after you destroy them)
  8. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I will not calm my **** until we have an actual VS ability that hasn't been hybridized with obviously NC traits! :p
  9. Taemien

    I did ask in a few threads about buffing charge or nerfing ZOE to be inline with Charge. Only one VS guy responded, but didn't really answer which he wanted. It wasn't ever about making ZOE inline with Aegis or Lockdown, but the fact was it made Charge obsolete. Now it seems Charge isn't and like Aegis and Lockdown, ZOE is not a situational ability.

    For the VS that do not like this change, I ask this question. Why didn't you all support a buff to Charge? It could have been possible to advocate for a change to charge that would have made it not so obsolete to ZOE. And had it gone through, you would have kept ZOE, got a charge ability to use in cases where you think it'd be better than ZOE. And never lost the toys you liked so much.
  10. DeadliestMoon

    Stop saying this. You still have the damage boost, but only in CQC and the speed needed to be toned down, MAXs should not be able to run faster than infantry but with the changed ZOE you can still out run regular MAXs. Also the duration and cooldown was the #1 thing people wanted, I guess this is one of those "be careful what you wish for" situations.
  11. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Again, for probably the hundredth time, no one cared about the damage boost before they nurfed it...let alone when they did and then made it the center focus of the entire ability. WE didn't wish for a duration, a cooldown was suggested by many as a means to prevent flickering the ability on and off to avoid incoming damage.

    I was going to edit and try to simplify this for you...but there's really nothing I can provide to sum it up for you better than I already have in the past.
    1. I am not saying ZOE is not overpowered, it is.
    2. I am not saying that the mobility advantages awarded were not overpowered, they are.
    3. I am saying that the only thing anyone cared about were those mobility advantages.
    4. I am saying that no one cares about the damage boost, we didn't before and we won't now that it's been nurfed then converted into a NC flavored trait.
  12. Ceskaz

    I know you're trying to have a reasonable argument, but your "VS doesn't care of damage boost" is refuted by statistics : https://twitter.com/mhigby/status/410509231305928705/photo/1/large : 25% of VS max use ZOE lvl 5, so I think that VS MAX player do actually care of the damage boost.
    Let's see how it goes after next update. I personnaly don't like the limited duration and cooldown. I would have prefered a heating bar (match the overdrive idea) and an activation/desactivation delay, like other factions specific abilities along with actual speed and damage nerf.
  13. RealityWarrior

    That is more caused by the fact that A: You gotta spend certs on SOMETHING at level 100 and B: Might as well. You already have all the negatives may as well get as much out of it as possible.
  14. Koldorn

    Just did a 47 - 1 against the NC running charge 3, flak 2, blueshift left, nebula right.
    Had to mind my corners a little more since I couldn't freely dance around it. But having that, "Get out of the bad, NOW." move saved my armored hide several times.

    If the left hand Nebula goes on sale over the special event; I'll encourage everyone to buy it, and you'll only see more maxes.
  15. Ceskaz

    25% of VS player are level 100 ? These stats are based on players with more than 100 hours of play, not that are BR 100. And the idea is to compare to the other empire.
    Of course, you want the benefice, but one of the argument of Tenebrae Aeterna is that ZOE users are mostly interessed in the speed boost. If so, why so many spent their cert to level 5 (which is pretty expensive) ?

    My point was to put Tenebrae Aeterna argument in place : this is his opinion, not the opinion of most ZOE users (according to the chart linked, among ZOE users, 37.04% of have level 5, 15.22% have level 4, 11.03% have level 3, 17.37% have level 2 and 19.34% have level 1).
  16. Tenebrae Aeterna


    The sheer volume of VS wasn't due to the damage boost, haven't you been reading the forums? The only reason we liked it was because it gave us a watered down but constant variant of Charge. While weaker than Charge, you could sustain it indefinitely if you so wished...at the cost of some increased incoming damage that you could better avoid now that you were faster. The damage buff was incing on the cake that most of us would have cast aside in a heartbeat to keep that mobility. I say most only because I seen one person on the forums say they wanted the damage buff and cared about it..........................I haven't seen a single other person.

    No, it was all about the mobility. You could have removed the damage buff and kept the ability the same, you wouldn't have heard a single peep out of the entire VS communal collective save for, maybe, that single individual I mentioned.

    It's the duration and cooldown that effectively ruins the ability for the majority of us. That aside, your concept would have been much better than what we have now I think. Granted, I'd need to test it out...but what we have now isn't anything compared to Charge. We only liked our ability for the mobility, not the damage boost.

    As for the numbers of level...

    If you're going to use ZOE all the time, you might as well upgrade it for the incing on the cake.
  17. Ceskaz

    I don't think Forumside reflect the actual player base. Stats above are extracted from the game.
  18. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Those who are upset about a change normally complain, those who complain come to Forumside, those who come to Forumside express that they only care about the mobility. Like I said, if you're going to use ZOE all the time...you might as well maximize its efficiency even if your interest isn't in anything but the mobility.

    The mobility was far more important than the damage.
    1. You could keep up with friend and foe alike.
    2. You could traverse open terrain between bases and actually get to the next base before the fight ended.
    3. You could get to your sunderer before it peeled off into the sunset because you couldn't get off the tower in time.
    It was all about the mobility man. Even in combat oriented situations, the mobility...

    I won't say the damage didn't help, it did...but I would have gladly tossed it aside to keep that.
  19. Evregade

    They also may have bought it like myself back when ZoE's higher ranks lessened the DR reduction. Thus rank 5 made you less susceptable to damage than rank 1. Now it doesn't make much sense to bother with anything past rank 1, but not everyone bought ZoE after the initial changes when it went live.
    • Up x 1
  20. RealityWarrior

    I can speak for myself and that was I bought it to level 4 Day 1 before we knew anything about it really.

    In actual combat at close range you have to shut it off as it increases the damage you take more than it increases the damage you deal. Leaving it on is dumb (and yes I know people still do it) Damage wise it is great for bursters... well WAS with the reduction at range it becomes not only worthless for AA but detrimental as you are NOT going to outrun an ESF or a Lib.

    I agree 100% with him. The damage aspect isn't great or really worth it. The mobility was everything. Personally I am going with Charge from now on as I still get mobility but also don't get the extra incoming damage.