[ZOE NEEDS A BUFF] The Kamikaze squad (3 people) versus [IPT] Indestructible Phoenix Team

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkelfdruid_LOL, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Xasapis

    This is such a beaten up horse that I this point I almost don't care enough to comment. Almost.

    I only bothered to check the first video. A 2:20 really lucky or zero health hack? I find it hard to believe that this guy couldn't put a single bullet at you for 4+ seconds. Beyond that I didn't see anything out of the ordinary beyond people coming in single file and getting slaughtered.

    Helipad base defense, nothing special there either, nothing you wouldn't be able to do without ZOE. The only noticeable thing was those two NC MAXes doing nothing. Just one of them could almost insta-kill you while you had ZOE on.

    What I'm saying is that, if and when they nerf ZOE to oblivion, don't expect much to change beyond things becoming actually worse, since VS MAXes won't be as squishy to kill as they are now.
  2. treeHamster

    Dude in that video, ZOE wasn't that GOOD, the players were that BAD. Two of the three TR MAX's didn't even fire (there were no muzzle flashes) and the 3rd one wasn't even pointing his guns AT the ZOE most of the time.

    That's not because ZOE is that fast but rather because the players were THAT TERRIBAD. I get hit by rockets ALL the time in my ZOE and if I'm not careful I get gunned down by MAX's very easily. I'm not the most AMAZING player but I'm not some crappy noob either. Most of the time the SECOND I'm under half health, I'm turning tail to run so I can run to a safe zone. I also get up close so I can ring in on headshots when fighting another MAX (because most of them will shoot INTO your body instead of at your head so my headshots will take them down first due to double damage).

    Heck there was a NC HA with a rocket launcher that was just strafing back and forth. I see HA's with rockets ALL the time and I almost piss myself when I see one looking at me because they don't hold it like it's a lapdog, they SHOOT it at me, usually ending my life.
  3. Kaesarr

    I find those TR guys gameplay not too good, but it could be situational.

    But ZOE maxes I think everybody knows now that they are OP due to the movement bonus.

    And MAXES in general are OP, ZOE is on top of NC and TR MAX.

    Maybe this problem could be solved bu changing the spawning of this beast to 500 resources and removing the ressing ability. When you die you die.

    And now is the time to start the timer from the moment you die. At least only for MAXES. And I say all MAXES not only ZOE ones.

    The real problem is movement bonus of ZOE, that MAXES can RUN (stupid thing imho) and that they cost only 350 resources.

    I remember when they costed 100 resources.

    Complete out of mind.:eek:
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  4. treeHamster

    You could remove the rezing ability OR make them cost more, but you can't do both or nobody would EVER pull them because they'd be too expensive for how easy they are to kill.

    I forgot to mention that if you don't rez the body within 30 seconds, the body disappears. So you have a TIME limit for rezing someone already.
  5. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Strikers are overpowered.
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  6. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Zero life hack! Learn to hack and be MLG
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  7. Xasapis

    MLG is overrated.
  8. treeHamster

    MLG is for little kids who had parents who refused to care about them and didn't put them in little league or peewee football.
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  9. MajiinBuu

    Another misnamed thread
  10. TheFamilyGhost

    I like ZOE. Its scary, and challenging. Games need more of that.
  11. TommyXXL

    the tr players were bad or the vanu players were good? ****** fqqrtx **** **** ***** :mad:
    the problem is the zoe max needs no skill, if someone with a little skill plays as zoe max then he can take out entire platoons of enemies.
    750 infantry cost and no res for the zoe max will fix the problem.
  12. Xasapis

    Why don't you come out and straight up request the removal of that ability, instead of "suggesting" non-solutions?

    Let me think, what will I do ... pull three MAXes that can be rezzed without ZOE or one that can't be rezzed with?
  13. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Hahahahha man I got some screens from him with you :D
  14. TommyXXL

    yes, good it's not with voice :D if i will fight him a few more times i will have to buy a new mouse and keyboard and even LCD :eek:

    maybe removal would be the best thing, tr max has no special ability so that would be fair.
    how many times you die with a zoe max anyway? you just activate the ability and run before even a harraser can get you from behind...
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  15. Xasapis

    I would have liked to see some actual stats regarding MAX performance in general. In small outpost fights, ZOE is a huge advantage. In bigger fights (pretty much the majority of fights vs TR on my server) it's actually a detriment.

    Btw, that announcement regarding MAX ability changes was rather vague. One thing is certain, Lockdown needs to be reworked. Which might be just it as far as MAX changes are concerned (unlikely though, since a good portion of changes are dictated by forum complaints).