ZoE Max OP? Please, tell me how every other NC/TR MAX weapon isn't OP..

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Gundem, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Gundem

    :EDIT: Changing title and location, my thread evolved into something greater during my sleep deprivation.
  2. Alarox


    The reason a MAX is balanced is because they are slow. This means they can't chase down and slaughter infantry and they're at risk for putting themselves into situations that they can be killed in. Being slow means the counters of a rocket launcher and C4 work.

    The ZOE MAX bypasses these limitations entirely. You create a new sub-class with the power and survival of a MAX with the mobility of infantry. Essentially, it becomes the ULTIMATE infantry unit. In addition, the supposed compensation is increased damage taken, except the ZOE MAX avoids more damage than it takes additionally.
    • Up x 3
  3. Gundem

    Please visit my new thread in the Gameplay forums, I also admit that ZOE is OP, as it does what you say it does.
  4. Hawkerased

    The ZOE needs only one thing, increase it's damage by 15%, increase how much damage it takes by 15%, that's it. Nobody else gets anything spectacular, why would you.

    There are two counters to Maxes, Deci's and C-4. It's is near impossible to hit a ZOE max while it's moving, you have to hit it point blank or near it. This is really difficult because they are running around spinning in circles instagibbing anything that isn't a max, and they can do this out to 30m.

    The only real way to take down a ZOE is to hit it with small arms fire, and to be really spread out so he doesn't just knock down waves of people. Or if you catch em off guard you might get him with C-4.

    So in summary, something needs to be done. What they did to nerf the ZOE was for the lack of a better word piss poor.
  5. deggy

    Can you hit infantry? Yes?

    Then you can hit a ZOE MAX. They move at the same speed.

    It is so painfully obvious that you have never used a ZOE that you really have no right to make statements like this.
  6. Hawkerased

    Say anything to keep your zoe. Difference is, ZOE kills you before you can fire half the time, normal infantry can't. I can pop my shield the second I take damage against normal infantry, buys me enough time to shoot back. THERE IS NO SHOOTING BACK AT A ZOE THAT IS SHOOTING AT YOU.

    Play NC for a day on Mattherson, and do me a favor do it during off hours so you are 4-1 on every hex you try to keep or take over.
  7. deggy

    Look at my time as a MAX. See just how much time I spend as a ZOE.
  8. Nobalification

    NC/TR weapons or abilities? VS have op ZOE technology wich TR have it in PS1 . . . cuz **** logic everyone stael our technology. . . NC/TR dont have op abilities. Weapons? NC better damage in CQB, TR medium range but you know ZOE MAX with laser technology can do more in CQB, Medium range and can snipe you on long range because lasers dont lose damage . . . **** LOGIC really
  9. Naithe

    To be fair I'm extrmely sure thats still longer, then most TR max users, ever spend using lockdown. =)

    Tbh I think ZOE is fine, as is. Its more the other abilities that need a look at now. (pretty sure the incomming TR max buff will be a change in lockdown, but hey I'm no oracle I might be entirely wrong).
  10. Pikachu

    I think... NC MAX should get pump shotguns. *BAM* dead *BAM* another dead *pump*
  11. Naithe

    Talk about overkill, and I bet it would cause more frustration then now, imagine 2 dudes rushing you with c4, and before you finish the "pump", after overkilling one, you are dead. =P
  12. Pikachu

    Come on lets try it. :D