ZOE MAX is not the problem.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Boof, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Boof

    It's not always easy to see light assaults camping spots right above you. The only thing that C4 does is piss more people off. Rolling out a MAX suit, leaving the spawn, and then dying instantly to C4 is not a smart way to keep customers. In my honest opinion, C4 was an incredibly poor addition to the game and I'd love to see it replaced by something more useful and less obviously broken *cough cough* Combat Engineer *cough cough*
  2. Evil Monkey

    Of course. The Ps2 stats are famous for their inaccuracy anyway. Sadly, since Cupboy quit, all I can find are broken links.
    Planetside Universe has some API hunting tips but I'm not that skilled. Maybe exLupo, as I said, might be kind enough to hunt some up.
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  3. Blackinvictus

    I dont play VS, but will say there are many ways to counter them.

    Such as an AV grenade, c4, or a decimator round to the face. Problem solved
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  4. Boof

    If you get lucky enough to hit them with any of that, that is.
  5. Richard Nixon

    Funny, I recall making a character that specialized in Reavers/Mosquitoes (Wasp wasn't out yet) and MAXes back in PS1. Maybe I was hallucinating. Again, people will play what they want to play. I don't play infantry. I don't want to play infantry. But I don't go to their class forums and complain how there are too many people playing their favorite class. Get over yourself.
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  6. Stormlight666

    I never really die to c4 outside a spawn, then again if im heading outside a spawn during an attack i'm probably using charge to get some distance. But yeah C4 is a pretty crap way to die as a MAX but not as annoying as being taken down by pistol fire.
  7. Stormlight666

    Man i hated BFR's. Could launcher rockets at it all day and not take it out. That, I think, might be the one thing SOE could get okay in PS2. It's a pipedream which I don't want to see any time soon but a heartfelt guess.

    Now all I want is a fricking ZOOM button for my MAX, so I can soom in a bit while trying to aim for small infantry specks behind rocks. Like in PS1.
  8. Vortok

    So, anybody else read the title and hear "You are not the problem" in their head sounding something like this?

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  9. Jonny

    Well i've always mained VS Max and i'll agree the ZOE is basically an upgrade over the charge for me...great fun! I love the mobility, as it's the VS thing I don't think they should alter it. However, when I first certed it i was really suprised I could toggle it willy nilly.

    If they change anything, take away the damage buff, add a small cooldown to the toggle... but don't make the speed useless or remove it..it's fun!
  10. Boof

    Well, you just said you specialized in more than one aspect of the game. So I guess my point is corroborated.
  11. Boof

  12. Boof

    I could completely live with that kind of change. Being able to just have it on indefinitely is a bit broken lol
  13. Chibi Yui

    I'm all for a MAX nerf, it's one thing to have a class that's fun to play, it's quite another to have a single class that completely outperforms all the others.

    Maxes already have many of the benefits of vehicles, they're as or more durable than most and take 80+% reduced damage from all other infantry classes. (unless there's a weapon that can *actually* do full damage to a MAX, in which case please let me know. Honestly, I'd love to know).

    Unlike vehicles, Maxes can't be countered by infantry tactics (simply outnumbering them isn't something that you can count on.) It's far more difficult to get close enough to C4 a Max than a Tank, they aren't killed by infantry mines, and they don't trigger tank mines. You can't run for cover or hide in a building from Maxes, they can go anywhere you can. And you can't hide at range and lock on with rockets to wither them down. Also, unlike vehicles which must be repaired in the open, Maxes can go back inside of their buildings or spawns to be repaired, allowing the engi's to stay safe-ish.

    I really love the idea of making them non-ressurectable (and compensating the medic for exp somehow). This is *not* the same as making vehicles un-repairable, since you can still repair maxes as long as they're not dead.

    I'm definitely in favor of making the cooldown start upon death, that actually seems reasonable for everything with a cooldown (the reward for killing one is that you have X minutes before it can **** you and your loved ones to death again.)

    Costing infantry resources is fine, but they're too cheap, up their cost to 750. If you're going to 'specialize' in a MAX, as so many of you seem to love, than you shouldn't be left with over half of your resources to spend elsewhere.

    Also, infantry should have access to anti-max weapons, designed to mitigate their ridiculous damage reduction.
  14. Snoozzzer

    MAXes die...so quickly when overwhelmed with numbers, have frag and concussion grenades thrown at them, getting C4 dropped from above and rockets to the chest. They're infantry, so can be revived, by mechs, so also require engineers (don't even try mentioning nanites - they work incredibly slowly). That's two other players you're relying on - it's hard enough to get a medic when your heavy assault or whatever gets killed, now halve that chance at teamwork in with a MAX suit.

    ZOE maxes are fine (save for their comets..) but TR and NC maxes need a buff against them, each other, and for the NC, infantry more than 7 meters away.
  15. Chibi Yui

    I *did* say that you can't rely on having numbers, I think you need to have some way to counteract Maxes in an equal fight, or even a fighting chance against them when you're outnumbered.
  16. Snoozzzer

    If it takes 450 resources to pull a regular infantry, that'd be fair enough (this in reference to "normal" players. Really good ones take on maxes 1v1 and win )
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  17. Chibi Yui

    Not at all, it doesn't take resources to pull regular infantry because they're just that, regular (although many of their abilities *do* require resources) Maxes are abnormal/irregular (and only cost 350). It's not that regular infantry should be *more* powerful than a Max, it's that they deserve something more than an ice cube's chance in hell against a Max.
  18. XQueen_ChrysalisX

    Well, if infantry will have those abilities, weapons or whatever designed to take out MAXes... then why go MAX? Knowing that winning against infantry on a one-on-one fight have been reduced to almost nothing? I guess the term "unrivaled firepower" won't apply to us MAX Operators anymore, when those weapons will be given to you regular infantry classes.
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  19. Deschain

    I'm not sure what the problem is here, killing max units is simple enough with 1 C4 on a non flak armoured Max, 1 Rocket and a few riffle rounds, or 2 C4/ 2 rockets on a flak armoured max.
  20. DeadliestMoon

    Wait you could've zoomed in while dual wielding weapons in PS1? Well that's broken as hell.