[Guide] ZOE: crippled until level 5

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrontTowardEnemy, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. theholeyone

    Biggest nerf to ZOE was ES harasser weapons for me. Can't get enough of that little buggy now :p

    Point is, they were overused when FOTM, they were also able to be used incorrectly, which is in direct fire situations, ZOE was never about a damage buff, its mobility with a bonus of damage buff you can use when not taking fire. Now they have been balanced so they can't be used incorrectly anymore, and are not FOTM anymore, I don't think they are being spammed much either (resource cost too).
  2. LivesInNameOnly

    ive certed it twice and its still miles better than lockdown or aegis at max