[ZOE] Buff is insane, 8 Seconds is still too long.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalNoob, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Dvine

    So you're saying, that because VS got ONE decent Max ability in 8 months its suddenly fine that the game director insults the whole faction?

  2. Tar

  3. treeHamster

    Because he's a complete idiot. Isn't that obvious given what he said about the VS to a player that has had his account suspended for starting a civil war (of which I miss).
  4. Nuggetman

    You don't balance a game by nerfing the factions you want less players on. Go to a game with autoscramble if you want balanced factions.
  5. Nargot

    Sry, this thread isnt about Aegis Shield!
  6. TheHelios

    You want to solo a MAX (based on your entire clip statement)? No. Under no circumstance should you be able to take down any MAX with a full clip of anything. Now, if we're talking C4, then that's a whole different argument.

    8 seconds is perfectly fine. The entire problem was VS MAXs running around non-stop, dealing 50% damage anywhere. This will cut down on VS MAXs with ZOE firing comets from 100m+ or running around bases mowing down people non-stop.

    Just remember, the ZOE MAX will have to keep track on their timer at all times when activated. If they rush into a room and then their ZOE is shut off, they're now just a slow as hell MAX being fired at with a room full of enemy.
  7. SgtScum

    Sometimes I think these forums run off misinformation.:oops:
  8. AtroposZero

    50% damage bonus? Did you mean 18-20%, i.e., the actual numbers at ZOE L5?

    Every experienced player turns ZOE off when in actual firefights. The incoming damage penalty is not worth a slight boost to TTK. That penalty, for those that aren't mathematically inclined, is currently 25-32% depending on which armor you're slotting. If the changes on test go live, that'll be "bumped" to appx 40% less survivability. Rockets will one shot. Two enemy infantry will be able to kill you with small arms fire without having to reload (or a single HA can lulz all over your face.)

    At that point, I might as well just play HA instead of pulling a MAX suit. Oh wait, that's what Vanu did for the first six months of this game...

    The problem here is that the developers don't seem to understand the inherent value of ZOE and how it's actually used in game. Aegis and Lockdown are pretty self-explanatory and have great situational tactical impact.

    So, here's what's going to happen:
    1. The changes on test are going to go live.
    2. Vanu are quickly going to realize that the double-nerfed ZOE (first change was merited, no argument there, buggy netcode is no fun for anyone) is a steaming pile of wasted certs and are either going to go back to Charge (I'll be doing this) or they'll stop pulling MAX suits and play another kit.
    3. Developers are going to look at the stats in two months and realize that they shouldn't have listened to this massive, uninformed forum whinefest.
    4. Some minor tweak will be made to ZOE to make it marginally useful again.
    5. A small, but statistically relevant segment of Vanu will start trying ZOE again.
    6. Having to once again face a Vanu MAX suit on a regular basis, NC and TR are going to re-ignite their uncontrollable whinefest Forumside campaign. There will be no basis in reality for their calls for nerfs.
    7. There will be another nerf to ZOE, putting the nail in that coffin forever.
    I'm prognosticating here; let's all check back in in 3 months and see how closely this timeline played out...
  9. Rhaeyn


    You're all posting in a troll thread. You can tell by the fact, that the OP just created the thread, but didn't even bother to partake in the following discussion.
  10. Posse

    5/10, you made me laugh but the math error (it's actually 23% damage mitigation not 30%) gets a point deduction

    Nope, you did it backwards, if without ZOE you receive 100 dmg, with ZOE you would receive 30% more, so 130dmg, now if you go from ZOE activated to deactivated it would be (100-130) / 130 = -0,23, so it's a 23% damage mitigation

    ROFL, you seriously fail
  11. TheHelios

    Fail indeed. Please excuse my false claim of 50%.

    Either way, the damage wasn't even that much of a problem. For me, my main problem was very fast MAXs running around. Even in its current state on the Live server, I'm fine with the ZOE MAX where it doesn't have the timer. Adding the timer, it just helps me kill y'all more. ;)
  12. Kazune

    *Looks at Magrider's past* Notice a trend here?
  13. Ash87

    Hey guy's playtime is over, Higby already posted that the ZOE changes wont go on live.
  14. Posse

    No, you didn't understand, it was a fail because the OP was a troll, he was being sarcastic.
  15. Phazaar

    Point is proven. VS expect their ability to be a straight upgrade over Charge... Sidegrade means nothing to these guys.
  16. Phazaar

    There's a lot more WIP on the test server... He's also implied -a nerf- will go live, he's just not sure which one(s) ;)
  17. Kevorkian

    This troll apparently won. Look at all the suckers he baited.
  18. Shinrah

    Ahem....did I miss the part where they turned the "Armor resistance decreased by 30%" into "Armor resistance increased by 30%"?
    Or are we back to making random stuff up?
  19. Ash87

    So it's good to get everyone good and worked up over something that wont happen, so that they'll be ready for something that will happen?

    This nerf wont go live... So it's probably best to wait until the details on the real nerf come through to start slaughtering small animals to the dark gods to save everyone's ZOE.
  20. Compass

    No, I didn't do it backwards. By un-ZOEing, the unit gains 43% damage mitigation. Just because it loses it doesn't mean it can't gain it back.