You've Done it. Congratulations .

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arkenbrien, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Arkenbrien

    I would like to congratulate two players that killed me tonight.

    I won't mention names, but the first killed me a Vulcan Harasser when I was in my MBT, my beautiful Mag.

    The second killed me a little while later, when I was in my tank, with a block of C4 and a rocket launcher.

    Now, I'm not angry that I died. I die a lot. I know that the name of the game is to kill another player before he kills you. I'm not angry at the players, either.

    But I'm not congratulating those two players because they've killed me, either.

    I'm congratulating them because they have quantified my existence as a tank driver.

    I pride myself with being a better-than-avarage tank driver. I can take on any tank, Van, Prowler, or Lightning, and win most of the times. And believe me, I wasn't sitting on my *** looking at the map while they took their time killing me.

    Let me break it down for you into two parts: 1, what tanking should be, and 2, what tanking is.

    1 - Tanking should be a, at its core, a slug fest between other tanks. Tanks should be their to push the offensive against a fortified position, and pound the living daylights out of enemy armour positions (yes, I prefer the British spelling. When in doubt, the British way is right). I recall a heart pounding moment I had a few months ago. I spotted an enemy Van in one of those ditches that ran down the length of a hill. Using nothing more than the stock PPC, I out maneuvered, out shot, and won against that 2/2 shielded AP Van with my 1/2 Mag. At point blank range. Sure, I died to a single tankbuster bullet from a random Lib half a second later, but that didn't matter. That was a true-blue tank battle. That is what tanking should be.

    2 - Tanks now are nothing more than giant XP pinatas. Seriously. They either camp spawn rooms, hurling shells as often as they can, or generally blow up to any form of resistance. Currently, the Infiltrator is the only class not capable of instantly destroying an MBT, Harassers aside. It doesn't matter where you are. It doesn't matter what you are doing. A single infantry can instantly destroy an MBT with a couple bricks of C4, nanite-enhanced C4 or whatever. All classes can spawn a Harasser, slap a Haldberd, Vulcan, or other MBT secondary, and have more maneuverability than any vehicle in the game, more speed than any vehicle in the game other that (I think) the flash, and have more repairing ability than any other vehicle in the game. They can take on any vehicle, anytime, anywhere.

    The MBT is out maneuvered, out gunned, and utterly and ridiculously outclassed.

    I'll end what could be a long diatribe against the Harasser with this sentence:


    And so, without further ado, I hereby resign as being a dedicated tanker, until SOE will fix this farce.

    I'm not quitting the game, this is not a rage quit.

    But until SOE removes C4 and the harasser's rumble seat+MBT secondaries and/or triples or quadruples the MBT's health, I'm not getting into another MBT.

    I cannot last more than 5 minutes even if I'm lucky and ultra-conservative. I would much rather Mag-burn over the little hill in the warpgate than actually fight with my beautiful Mag.

    I'm done now.
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  2. UberBonisseur


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  3. HadesR

    Might have spotted your problem ..

    Running 2/2 allows a secondary gunner to help deal with harassers and to watch your back versus those pesky C4 people ..

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  4. huller

    My eyes.

    And nope.avi each shot from a tank main cannon instagibs infantry which gives enough reason for there to be an instgib anti tank weapon/explosive. Infantry are defenceless enough as it is without trippling the health of mbts wich would simply make them insta god mode. And just so you know, a 2/2 mbt has far more firepower than any harasser, any esf easily goes a hundred kph faster than a racer three harasser at stock.

    If anything should be nerfed in tank/AV ballance it is MBT's vs dumb fire launchers, boring noskill AV turrets and lock on launchers.

    C4 is fine as it is as long as Mbt's are this strong against infantry and especialy the dumb fire launchers
  5. TrainerS2

    Tank Trolls go play World of Tanks !!!!!
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  6. CrashB111

    Infantry trolls go play Cod!!!!

    I can do it too.
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  7. Ribero

    For those who can't be bothered,

    Minor Ego stroking and calls for Tank buffs.
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  8. blackboemmel

    ahh... - ok.
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  9. Madcat9

    You know what is a nightmare to see coming towards you? It's a dedicated tank push with infantry advancing just behind. One of the impressive things I have seen Mattherson NC do is a tank wall either standing defiant to attacks or slowly advancing. The Vanguards take the damage and dish it out while there are support crews repairing the Vanguards while the general infantry watch for any pesky C-4ers (like me). I know this doesn't make you feel any better, but tanks have their purpose even still in these (I guess) dark times for tankers.


    I hope you are not American because otherwise you would sorta sound like a hipster. >.<
  10. Xasapis

    Actually the opposite is more fearful. Infantry ahead with tank bombarding from the rear anything that may threaten the infantry. If tank is upfront, it must deal with both potential infantry and vehicle threts, plus own infantry runs the risk to get stomped by a retreating tank (especially true for the blind as bat magrider).
  11. Sen7rygun

    Cheers dude. I hadn't started reading yet. That color burns my retinas.
  12. ChipMHazard

    Just how powerful do you really think they can make MBTs, Arken? The F2P design choices in PS2 has made it so anyone can pull anything whenever they want to. No one has to cert into vehicles in order to deploy them. What do you think would happen if they buffed up the current MBTs too much?
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  13. Van Dax

    gotta love everyone missing the entire point eh?

    Yes tanks are sitting around camping spawn rooms, no thats not what we want. That is the single most boring thing in this game, firing at a shield continuously for 7-8 minutes is not fun. We don't want that, what we want is to be able to engage in meaningful armour battles, to have an impact on something other than spawn camping.

    but go ahead and tell me I'm a nub and need to get out of my vehicle and play the 'real' game it sure is mature and well thought out of you.
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  14. ChipMHazard

    What they need to add into the game is for something to do as a tanker, besides just camping a base/farming. Add in areas of the map that are designed for armored combat. Add objectives out in the open that can be taken by armour or add said objectives to the stages required in taking a facility. Think Unreal Tournament Assault maps. Of course air would put a serious dent in any massed armour fight.
    I guess they could add in missions to hunt down ANTs when they finally revamp the resource system and add in missions.

    *Obviously what I think they should have done in the first place is never having made it possible to pull a tank without certing into it. At first I liked the Battlefield approach, but there are reasons as to why it works in the BF series and not in PS2. Chief amongst those is scale. Had they made tanks something you had to cert into, along with limiting the amount of cert you can actually get, it would have been easier to make powerful tanks. But alas...
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  15. LordCreepy

    If you are camping spwans with your mbt - thats your problem.
    Equip ap/av secondary and crush vehicle zergs from a flanking position.
    Or hunt down ams.
    Its fun, more rewarding and from the playstyle totally unique on every faction mbt.

    2/2 mbt can stand their own perfectly fine. Air is still your biggest enemy.
    Inf zergs can be avoided.

    All but long range infantry av is quite balanced.
  16. Kid Gloves

    I would love to do this. I would.

    The problem is the Magrider is absolutely crap at this role. It is made of tissue compared to the Vanguard (even without accounting for shield) and its primary means of evasion is more likely to kill every nearby friendly engineer than it is to avoid incoming damage.

    So a big part of the problem from my perspective is there's role confusion for tanks. Either that, or one faction doesn't actually have a MBT and the Magrider is supposed to be a super-slow-motion flanker.

    TL;DR: The magrider's role used to be long range snipe-tank back before the Saron got turned into a spamgun and all tank ranged combat got buffed except the magrider. Now it's just confused and lost, and still killing friendly engineers and infantry with the temerity to think they should support the tank.
  17. Kociboss

    Why, thank you ^^
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  18. Kunavi

    Is this all written in jest? In terms of Infantry I agree, C4 needs tweaking and should be a special tool given to a single or at the most two classes, not all except PS2's black sheep.

    The Harasser is also quite OP at least in my opinion(And I use it pretty often according to my Stats).

    But don't pretend Mag-Riders being able to actually compete with Harassers in terms of speed and maneuverability isn't an issue(Unless of course you're sporting Racer on your Harasser), that's in most terrain types with no Mag-Burner too. And let's not even touch on those sperm like cyan plasma bolts that melt all they touch, on your precious MBT.

    Don't be greedy, fire from max range if possible, be 2/2. Don't look for 1 on 1 fair MBT fights, the rest of us are certainly not looking for 1 on 1 COD moments(Those who do, nice; You're only *#$& up the rest of us). Just do what MBTs do IRL if that's your thing, which, while I'm not an expert I have a fleeting suspicion is not attempting to openly duel with other MBTs. Not primarily, definitely.

    If that's not your thing, find your own use as you probably have(Dueling). Just don't have illusions about what happens when you're being kept busy by an MBT, or getting too close... *C4*... No matter how much I want it changed or arguing about LAs being able to carry C4, in such occasions it's your fault for getting blown up.
  19. Vidman

    The real bother is that with the over 14,000 + certs i put into my prowler to make it 80% complete in terms of certs and for some cheap 700 cert (c4) rarely happens or 1000 cert invested (lolpods) Happens not to often. I utterly decimate enemy armor if they are careless minus harassers as often. Though last night i encountered a lone vanguard unknown what was behind the rock but it ate 44 ap rounds from anchor 4 with a halberd gunner pounding it and it never even started smoking i had to back off as i was nearing 30% health what the hell was keeping that tank together, anyways when my tank is that certed into it does annoy me when a lesser certed option comes around and doesnt need nearly as many certs into it to give me a rough time see a harasser for example all it needs is turbo max composite max driver choice of performance slot and ammo/optics/reload for the gun of there choice halberd/saron/enforcer halberd harassers being the natural hardest fight. Now the average harasser is looking at 3500-4500 certs for being able to down any other tank with the more extreme options being at 9370 certs for a nearly maxxed harasser minus the top tier certs of pull time and ammo cap. Won't bother doing vangaurd/magrider cert calculations youall have calculators to add it up but thats the gist of it for all these certs into it still just a paper bag on treads with the grip of a bald tire on ice.
  20. Scudmungus