Your most Heroic moment.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadoiex, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Shadoiex

    Simple. Name a moment in PS2 that made you feel like a GDI commando straight outta Command and Conquer 3.

    Mine isnt really that great, but here goes.
    I was running down a hillside on Indar to a massive fight, when I saw 10 Vanu gang up on 2 NC. I was just out of range to be useful. By the time I got there, both were dead. Luckily, this fight took place near a rock. I shot one down, ran behind the rock, gunned another down, jetpacked to the end of the rock, shot a third to the death, hid in a crevice to reload, and was attacked by a fourth. Whipped out my underboss and mutually assured death followed.
    I killed four, died to reloads.
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  2. DatVanuMan

    Was VS with my Flare at Esamir Munitions Corp, and there were lots of TR in the lower level. Was with a bunch of my Azure squad mates, didn't eat breakfast because of Ramadan, and was REALLY pissed. Went down to that hell hole, and decimated 27 TR after running around the tower, shooting anything that didn't have the blue dorrito above it:p Was definitely one of the highlights of my career, although I've had much more:p
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  3. Ownasaurusrex

    Hopefully my most heroic moment will be when I come back to planetside tomorrow..... after a month long break.
    Gonna have a change of pants ready of course.
  4. -Synapse-

    There's not many glorious combat moments I remember, but one time I helped a nublet figure out how to join a squad and use voice chat. Made me feel all warm and mushy. . . or maybe that was just because I'd been playing too long with no bathroom break.
  5. Shadoiex

    You better. NC tank column heading your way. ;)
    Moment #2 Kept a single ammo sundy alive for an hour and a half until death by weapons lock. Infantry need to learn road rules :L
  6. Maphreal

    I put tank mines in front of a vehicle spawn once.
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  7. Shadoiex

    OK, now go remove all enemy spawns in less than a minute with tank mines. ;)
  8. Ownasaurusrex

    I have some vids on YouTube I never wanted to process or edit due to laziness:

  9. QQlazors

    Stuck in spawn room. Everyone scared to go out because of their "precious KDR".
    Took drifters, 2 bricks of C4
    12 NC and 2 MAXes behind a rock.
    Took the elevator inside spawn room, drifted above them. Drop a brick. *Boop*.
    2 survivors, took them out with a second brick.
    Lobbed smoke nades at other concentrations for cover, which made all the spawn room heroes do what they were supposed to and run for the point.

    And that, my friends, is the famous 7/5/14 defense of Auraxicom Substation.(Yes, I wrote down the date :p)
  10. RenegadeHelios

    A few months ago:

    Heavy fight inside an Esamir biolab, armed with only my stalker cloak and my silenced rebel. Three EMP grenades, two proxy mines. I was leading a single squad of seven other guys. Small UN1T squad, back in the day.

    All was lost, only a few moments before the biolab was about to be lost to the VS, which would give them just enough to win the alert that was finishing up in five minutes. I was nearby Alpha. I called to the rest of the guys to prepare for a heavy bull-rush towards A (they had been fighting to keep the SCU up), and screamed an Apache war cry over proxy before barreling in, flinging down an EMP nade, dropping the two proxies on the stairs, tossing another EMP grenade, charging off to jump on the rails of the second story, outside of the blast zone, as nearly eight or nine people, all camping the entrance, were blown up by the proxy mines. I whipped out my Rebel and started firing into the crowd, netting two kills before cloaking and jumping off the stairway to quickly evade some fire that was thrown my way. I sprinted around the back of the capture point, tossing my final EMP grenade as I ran up behind the three remaining VS, blasting the first two to pieces with the remaining magazine in my Rebel, and flinch-knifing the third as I quickly jumped back to capture the point, stopping the cap with only twelve seconds remaining, with a meager three shots left in my rebel, and a fourth of a health bar.

    I shouted 'Go! Go! Go!' into the mic as the other seven guys in the squad charged in, the three heavies proceeding to Deccie the three MAXes trying to bull-rush the point as two of the LA's finished them off with C4.

    Saved the cap, won the alert by one base.

    Still remember it like it was yesterday. Legitimately the most heart-pounding moment of gaming I've ever had.
  11. wereling

    My best moment in Planetside 2 had to be my second time piloting a lightning tank. I would not be able to repeat it if I tried, I was in a lightning tank with two other lightnings we were fighting across a bridge against three other lightnings we managed to take them out with no losses as soon as we crossed the bridge the tank to my right blew up due to a vanguard me and the other lighting managed to blow him up. Me and the other lightning went down the road encountered another vanguard in the battle the other lighting blew up but I took the vanguard down. another vanguard approached and i used hit in run which every time he turned a corner he was hit by an entire salvo by my tank, eventually he went down. I was running low on ammo at this point, when the final vanguard came he targeted the sunderer on the side of the bridge which I was on ( I was really sucked into the battle at this point due to my killing spree) I saw he was attacking the sunderer and in a desprite attempt to stop him, rammed him full speed unloading into him, he blew up due to the combined firepower of the infantry and me. then i heard a click click click and realized i used up the rest of my ammo to take that last vanguard down. For the two mins of the battle I watched the ridge and prayed that another would not come. I was lucky.
  12. Verviedi

    There was an AFK skylimit trooper pooper Skywhale at Howling Pass.
    I grabbed a Scythe and switched to HA.
    Flew up there, landed on top of the gal. C4ed it, then dumbfired it twice. After the second dumbfire, it tilted, shaking me off.
    I vainly fired a dumbfire at it while I fell to my death.
  13. KenDelta

    NC Woodman(before the merge) > Fight on an esamir small base with 90vs90(there were A LOT of enemies and friendlies) > Outfitie throws flashbang into a room randomly > I rush in with my godsaw(gauss saw) > hipfire 20 enemies > hide in the corner while reloading > peak and throw a concussion > kill another 20 > survive till the enemy is pushed back.

    Harasser driving > trying to farm some infantry > jump from a cliff > land around 9 magriders > still not noticed > bail > engage in an epic chase > live to till about it.
  14. King Feraligatr

    As some of you know, I don't play PS2 anymore. But my best moment while playing was sometime in February (I think). We NC where defending the (nerfed) Crown against both the TR and VS at various times. Where I came in was my Sundy deployed in the garage acting as a spawn point while I was acting as an Engi supporting my team (esp. since I was doing worse than usual that day). My bus lasted quite a long time (I guess around an hour) and provided many spawns. It didn't last the entire battle, but I'm sure it was one of the reasons why where able to hold out for as long as we did. Eventually we beat the enemy back and started attacking TR territories (I think we continued to hold the Crown as well during the rest of that session).

    That was my best moment in PS2, but since I play PS1 every couple days (at the moment), I want to say my best moment from there as well (because it's more relevant). I believe it was sometime in May (this year, I only started PS1 this year during F2P) and the battle of the day was on Esamir. We had been fighting on Es for several days and we NC where close to wrapping it up on Es with only one last base to take (Vanu controlled). Later on during the battle for the base, I was ferrying troops over the base in Gal so that they could drop down. Eventually, one of the people in my squad was able to beat past the Vanu and drop the gen, letting us mop them up (Yeah, yeah, I know what what you're thinking: gen dropping is bad, but it wasn't me and I felt awesome afterwards). I had other good moments supporting, Gal driving, and tanking, but that was my best.

    In general, my best moments are not through my direct actions - they are related to me doing something that indirectly helps us win. I have no real intention to be the guy who is a "front lines hero" (because I suck among other reasons). I am perfectly fine letting others handle the front line duty while I stay back and support (I prefer it actually, I suck in combat and thus dislike it, except maybe if I'm in a vehicle, esp. tanks.). I get to stay back and feel awesome knowing that I helped indirectly getting us a win. No one may notice, but I don't care that much --- I do not like being in the limelight.
  15. Daemeon

    WAAAAAAAY back just after launch....

    Use squad beacon to join my outfit squad. As I am dropping in I see a Galaxy hovering overhead. I land directly on it and somehow DON'T die instantly (as was normal back then) AND do a bunch of damage to it. I quickly throw my two bricks of C4 (as I landed as a LA) and jump off and glide down towards my squad taking cover in a building across from the Galaxy.

    I land... pull out detonator... and click it. BOOM. Galaxy explodes and rains debris all over the ground as I walk (not run) up to my squad. What made my day was what a squad mate said just after, "Dude! You looked like an action hero! You didn't even look back as it exploded!"

    To this day that moment still brings a smile to my face.
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  16. DrPapaPenguin

    Simply put, my 40+ killstreak on a MAX, never revived, never repaired, and it was a close tower fight.
  17. TheShrapnelKing

    I saved a biolab single handedly from two squads once.Think I already posted that once though.

    That's about it. I'm never able to pull off the occassional badassery that even players that are worse than me pull off on occassion. For some reason I'm way too consistent - I kill a few people, die, kill a few people, die, and nothing terribly out of the ordinary breaks that cycle. No epic 30+ killstreaks, no multi-vehicle ambushes, and I can never manage to kill groups of people with C4, I end up hitting nothing and then getting killed.
  18. SJAC

    I am nowhere near top pro players here but my most heroic moment was when i fought on Indar Tech plant (center south one), and NC had supprior numbers. I deployed Sundy, repaired/saved it huge amount of times, being lone sundy there and spawning alot of friendlies, and saved it alot of times from death, then switched to max, killed few HA attempting to blow it, switched to engie due absence of engies at same very moment, repaired it again, healed myself with medic, switched to infie and then sticked to tail of some organized NC squad of 6-7 people running in one row into direction of main building, like train, and killed them all from back with headshots from one single Sirius clip. Then died to some LA who sniped me from vantage point.
    Then we won that Techplant with lessers numbers and lone sundy.
  19. JobiWan

    My most heroic moment was when I was being charged down by a Flash that was trying to roadkill me. My primary was out of ammo with no time to reload, so all I had was my Repeater. Every time he charged me I jumped over him, pumping pistol rounds into him as he came at me. This went on for about 40 seconds, he kept trying to run me over, I kept jumping over the Flash.

    Took about 6 rounds of him trying to flatten me and me jumping over every time, but I finally killed the Flash with just my pistol and some pretty mean gymnastics.
  20. Bonom Denej

    The most memorable thing I did for me is successfully managing to kill as a VS HA, all alone, two NC Maxes. It was quite a long time ago but I still remember it.

    Holy concussive grenade, I love you.