Your "Look at me" camo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Vertabrae

    Hey all. I'm a bit curious. What is your standout camo? You know, that camo you where when you want to standout. Not your "hey I need to blend into the trees on Hossin, or be able to hide among the rocks on Indar" camo.

    No, I wanna know what is your " Hey all you ugly MF'ers, I'm here to kick a** and chew bugglegum and I don't care" camo.

    Post a pic and the name of the camo if you can.
  2. FieldMarshall


    Loyal Hearts (TR)
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  3. Taleroth

    Circuit Lumifiber on my Harasser. The Cell camo is pretty hard to see at night, so I like to think I can appear and disappear like a ghost while running through the enemy lines.

    I'm sure I'm deluding myself, but that's half the fun.
  4. Liewec123

    obviously the good ole Circuitboard ;)
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  5. Call-Me-Kenneth

    i use the white Esamir one. on esamir its a great camo, but outside is a "shoot me" sign that i sometimes enjoy running around in.

    it also makes for a GREAT Galaxy camo, looks cool with the NC yellow stripes.
  6. Citizen H

    TR's Shard camo.

    Shiny. So very shiny.
  7. Leftconsin

    Hades on TR
    Shatter on NC
    Tech on VS
    Thats the aurax armor on my TR. The other two have the 2nd AE armor.
    Helmets are Judicator on TR. The other two have Analyst.
    Weapons are Shuriken, Merc with Esamir Snow, and Baron AE with no camo.
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  8. Elkybam

    No camo, cause most of the players already spent 500 Daybreak Cash for a camo anyway. Plus, I could use no camo as a psychological method of my enemies perceiving me as a weak player that refuses to spend cash, where I grind their cerebrums while stating cash does not dictate experience.
  9. 0fly0

  10. Iridar51

    War Embers. I'd like it more if it was matte and not glance, though.

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  11. Thardus

    Tech Camo on everything. I want to look like I've been wrapped in tin foil.
  12. Cyropaedia

    No Limit Camo ($100/$50 Bills) and Wildcard Camo (Coins) is win.
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  13. ezaroo

    Tech camo, auraxium armour and shuriken or bighorn on my infiltrator. Just about as shiny as I can be.
  14. Pikachu

    I want the coin camo. ;_;

    My vibrant color camos:
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  15. TheFlamingLemon

    Free player so I have to use white camo
  16. Meeka

    I like my Black Flames camo; or if I'm feeling particularly show offy, Hard Light armor. :p