You outdid your self in this patch... amazing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Danagaming, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Danagaming

    Logged in to experience new patch, found out that its worst patch since last time I played.

    1. Instant action during alert will teleport you to another continent and give you big middle finger if you are free player. Wait in queue!

    2. Holding C4 in hand and throwing it rapidly, the third c4 will clip though world. Say bye bye to that C4 (mainly engineer)
    2.5. IF somehow that C4 does not clip but goes invisible to you but is visible to ally and he/she shoots it, you will die. No matter where you are.
    Best case scenario:
    placed c4 on enemy prowler, (which slided off when it moved [AWESOME bug btw] After that my C4 was left on ground. I switch location to another hexagon and I spawned a vehicle, ally shoots my C4 and kills me and my vehicle from 1000meters away. Ask later HOW did he kill me, get reply: "I just shot a C4 on ground, thinking it was enemy's" -.-

    3. Cloaked Flash crashes a game if you have C4 on your suicide Flash or if your ally is in passenger seat and is holding a C4 when you cloak.

    4. New Pistol default optical shakes after shot, forcing you to buy scope so that this magical extra shake would not appear in ADS

    5. Cloak on infiltrator is seen from 100+ meters like he/she is not cloaked, if ADS (have gotten a tell saying HACKER!) (also has happened to me)

    6. AV turrets do not show where they are aiming, they just shoot.
    best case scenario: trying to be sneeky sneek with wrath flash, watching carefully for AV turrent which is aiming 90degrees away from me, suddenly BAM! (turns out enemy was aiming at me whole time, waiting for me to get in cone of fire.

    These are just to name a few past 2-3 days.
    Are these bug causing unplayable feeling, some of them do, some of them don't, but SURE are annoying!

    Please STOP fixing stuff if it causes a ton of new problems. Stop digging a hole for yourself and others.
    Oh btw, this was not occurring to me before this 4.9. patch!