You have no right to teamkill Medics and Engineers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by P4NJ, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. AdennTM

    Gladly TKing idiots since beta, and will continue to do so.
  2. P4NJ

    You must use /suicide a lot then.
    Not saying that I don't use my abilities... but why should I, other than the XP? Who are you to tell me how to play?
    If my primary reason to play engi is to use an UBGL with unlimited ammo, why should I prioritize killing some guy over healing the noob MAX who overextended?
  3. ent|ty

    yet strangely enough, when I go to play medic, and actually support my team with heals and revives... on the front line... I cant get any because SURPRISE SURPRISE THERE ARE ALREADY 15 MEDICS DOING IT

    Murphy's Law is cruel. I get pissed off cause I cant get any heals when I need them, then think "oh there must be a shortage; I could take a break from killing tanks, lay back a little and play support and heal"... never works.
  4. Koldorn

    Oooor, do that all at the same time!

    *throw down ammo pack*
    *throw down AV turret*
    *pull out repair gun*

    :D I'm helping!
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  5. TheBillOf3D

    Is anyone this tedious to talk to without being a troll? I didn't tell you how to play. In fact I specifically said your play style helps my certs. Being the one useful engie on the battlefield gives me buckets of certs. It hurts my bottom line if you were competent.
  6. Crowne

    Yup, don't you love when people run away from the help they were looking for? People have gotten better about it though! Most of the time people actually stop and wait a minute now. Even better are the max units who get behind shelter for me to repair so I don't get butchered trying to do my job :D.

    Oh, and yes, it is my job. If I'm an engineer, my job is as follows, in no particular order:
    • Keep ammo packs down, away from other ammo packs, and near HA's, Burster Max's especially. Infils deploying sensors as well.
    • Leroy Jenkins my way into the generator room and get the thing as repaired as I can.
    • The sunderer must live!
    • Theirs must die!
    • Those tanks, repair them, or their tanks will do bad things to you.
    • Mine the open lanes.
    • Deploy an infantry turret as a makeshift shield in a doorway.
    • etc.
    As a Medic, my job is a bit more linear. Heal as much and as often as I can. I always wind up healing way more than shooting. That's my job. That's why I exist as a medic.
    • Revive your squad leader, always, he/she is a spawn point for your mates.
    • Revive the MAX units. They're expensive, and they're useful.
    • Toss revive grenades judiciously.
    • Don't revive the dude in the doorway that is going to get shot as soon as he gets up.
    • If needed, clear first, then revive.
    To the OP...
    If everyone went into it with the mentality you're advocating here, nothing would ever get done. If everyone went into it with the mentality I am advocating here... you could play light assault, have the same weapon as your engineer, and never worry about ammo, because I'm doing my job.

    If you're truly lone wolfing, and I mean by yourself behind enemy lines, you need to be an infiltrator. Then, you can hack any terminal and get whatever you need.

    United we stand. Divided we live in a van down by the river!
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  7. rocket1615

    Often they are AFK, yet im referring to circumstances where these medics/engis are actively walking around aimlessly/typing yet not bothering to help during the lull. Also, does it hurt to spend 30 seconds typing: "My ammo pack is elsewhere" or hurt to be vulnerable for 10 seconds while healing a guy?
  8. VanuSovereignty

    You do realize calling a MAX a noob just because they took damage is not the correct response... right?
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  9. P4NJ

    You called me incompetent for playing the way I want to... essentially you said that my playstyle is bad.
    It's still not my responsibility to do any of what you said. You can call it a job but this is a free game that I play for fun. If there is something better to do than staring at a MAX, yes I will do it.

    If they're running around, then they're just hurting their XP gain. You should still have ammo and healing secured for you by your squadmates.

    I'm calling him a noob because he overextended, not because he took damage.
  10. ent|ty

    Same thing applies to engies.. No ammo or repair to be found anywhere, begging non stop for repairs...

    Go engie.. Engies everywhere.. FFS.

    It's engies like this, who dont repair MAX's standing right in front of them, is why I went Nanite Regen. Sure I'm weaker, but I'm tired of begging.
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  11. HerpTheDerp

    All classes in the game other than HA are support classes. Should I start TKing infiltrators who don't hack consoles or LAs who don't do suicide C4 runs as well?
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  12. Nhilys

    All I got from the OP was: "I'm a strong independent engineer and don't need no MAXes to tell me how to play."
    Well the forum could have done fine without it. Go play however you want, we didn't need to know about it.
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  13. VanuSovereignty

    And you can magically tell which MAX overextended and which didn't?
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  14. Crowne

    Geesh, of course it's not your responsibility. Lighten up Francis. Even if it was a paid game, still wouldn't be a responsibility.

    You can absolutely do whatever you want! You're under no obligation, at all, to do anything they want you to do! Healing, repairing, spotting, not your problem!

    I wouldn't seek you out to teamkill you or anything. I also wouldn't bother to stop shooting if you ran in front of me. I'd bomb your location if I thought an enemy was there without a second thought, or any regard as to your safety. If I can't trust the guy(or girl) next to me to have my back, then (s)he's pretty much just a liability. If someone wants to pre-emptively dispose of a liability, I really can't blame them.
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  15. KenDelta

    Pfft Engineers are nothing more than repair-slaves and medics are nothing more than healing-slaves like priests/clerics in MMORPGs. /sarcasm
  16. Tr0jan

    I only kill medics myself... I hate those guys who refuse to heal you even tho you spam the chat begging them to heal you,and yet they completely ignore you, but once you die they immediately feel like "being nice" and res you to get the exp. so i press ok and shot them. but that's just me.
  17. AdennTM

    Nah man, need to conserve K/D. Delete ftw over here.
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  18. TheBillOf3D

    So? You are the one soliciting opinions and you got them. If you only want praise for being a passive aggressive hipster 'support' class, then you should have said so.
  19. P4NJ

    Not sure how you could have missed my points, they are in bold... it's those people who don't think I others should play however they want that are the problem.

    Yes, I'm not the engi who stands in a spawn room and waits for people to come in... I see him run down the stairs into friendly fire, walk out and then charge back in with 20 HP left, with a bunch of enemies rushing in behind him. Repairing him won't be my priority.
    If this was a team deathmatch with a limited amount of players, what you said would make sense. But I'm not a liability if I don't rush to someone's aid trough enemy fire.

    Teamkilling them is still no fine. Perhaps he didn't hear you, perhaps he's doing something else.

    To all of you who don't see the point of the topic, it's that everyone has the right to play however he wants and that you have no right to shoot at him, and that it is your own responsibility to ensure that you have repairs and healing by being in a platoon. The reason for me to post this topic was several people who teamkilled me while I was medic and shooting at someone else and not healing them before I finished that guy off. Then they sent me /tells that Medics are supposed to jump to their desires and that their only purpose is to help the pro Heavy assaults and MAXes.

    read the above
  20. TheBillOf3D

    Ok P4NJ, you've convinced me. TKing engies and medics may be perfectly acceptable in some cases.
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