You dont have the right to tell me or anyone elsehow to play the game with in the rules regarding KD

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Tasogie

    you n me both mate. I've been invited to several clans, both on NC an VS, an all I hear is randoms this, an nubs that an pubbies this..... arrogant little sods who think they are something. Solo for life :D
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  2. NexAnima

    As been stated many times, kdr mentality hurts teamwork. If a player goes solo, then it is also true it doesn't effect anyone else, it still effect objective efforts if if they are lighting up the minimap, but not as bad as having a score scared squadmate. Both sides of the argument are both valid and will always be apart of the game, the trick is about finding a medium, perhaps make squad support exp more attractive, more rewarding then just kills.
  3. SKYeXile

    K/D is so meaningless, thats why every thread about KD is easily +10 pages :p
  4. Cl1mh4224rd

    Uhh... /suicide counts as a death.
  5. Cl1mh4224rd

    K/D is a red herring, a scapegoat. The fact is that it's more rewarding to kill the enemy for XP than it is to play the objective for XP. Everybody knows that, outside of any C4-in-a-crowd runs, the more time you spend dead, the less time you spend gaining XP (and, by extension, CP).
  6. NexAnima

    is why it should be more rewarding to take those risks, The padders get their kdr and squads are more appealing.
  7. Cl1mh4224rd

    I agree. All this arguing about removing K/D or how utterly destructive a "K/D wipe" item will be to the game is complete nonsense and a major distraction from any real issues.
  8. HadesR

    If a player is stat padding then he's helping by killing the opposition .. and helping a lot more than he would be if he logged off because he was forced to play how other's want .

    And he's helping a lot more than the lemming who's dead 4 minutes out of every 5
  9. Jagdwyre

    I've never really seen any occasion where people were putting others down because of low KDRs in this game. So I really don't understand the whole animosity toward the statistic itself.
    I should remind people that you don't need to read posts on this forum in order to play an enjoy the game.
  10. Pruto

    Elite tactical basement dwellers complaining about K/D again, what a surprise.
  11. NexAnima

    Way to contribute to the conversation...
  12. Warlyik

    If your KDR is lower than mine, you suck.

    If your KDR is higher than mine, you're a stat padder abusing lolpod spam or liberators and also suck.

  13. Rustler

    I rather take the person with 5 k/d ratio who would destroy the enemy and didn't depend on camping places that don't matter.
  14. Rustler

    They suck at shooting....They might be good at reviving people but to be honest, reviving people isn't really skillful, anybody can do that.

    But still I give your friend credit.

    But a person with good k/d ratio who actually plays by pushing forward, is way better than ur medic.
  15. Tasogie

    Here we have the prime example of the kdr farmer, arrogant an abusive/belittling towards anyone because he feels a silly mindless internet number makes him a "warrior" lol I mean seriously, who dares wins? ....really??.....

    kdr does not reflect anything other than the single worst community in fps history. I hate to say it, but with the insta kill nature of fps games today largely brought about by the cod generation, there are no "good" players, there is just spamming farmers, all using shotguns. These guys say that repairing an healing makes you a joke, because all they know is run an gun, they dont understand that gaming is not about that. So they dont understand hos to play properly.

    I assume this person refuses to ever be healed by anyone or repaired or ressed, since he has such contempt about players who play as a yeah right....
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  16. netsky4life

    Fine as long as those zergy kd people dont suggest stupid ideas on the forums that ruin the core strategy off the game, like they have beeing trying to do, until then those guys will be hated by the majority off the organized outfits.
  17. netsky4life

    And there are idiots who don't understand the game, have a kdr off whatever and think there good players because there kdr is high, the hardly capture bases, some aint even in outfits they just stat pad whit the ZERG, the ZERG goes to big facilities to fight the enemy zerg and statpad that's the zerg.
    Kdr mean jack ****, all off the stats mean nothing,but if there''s one that means a bit is it the caputre/defending base stat cause that discribes your value for the faction.
  18. Vyss

    KDR as a stat is meaningless as to what quality of a player you are to an large extent in this game. A 5:1 KDR sniper than never goes close to the objective you are trying to take is far less useful to the faction as a 1:1 KDR player than isn't scared of dying and will help push.

    I think the issue here is that too many people worry about dying so they hold back and don't help win the fight. When I run into the base and see 20 assaulting and 30 sitting on the hill it kind of sucks. Knowing that half your team is a team based game doesn't give a damn about the team is frustrating. There are other games based around deathmatch that they can go play. Good players are constantly in your face pushing the lines while subpar players just care about finding a spot and shooting the enemy where it's safe.

    I rarely meet a player that has the "Screw the team, I want to do X even if it doesn't help" mentality and want to play with them again. I get far more enjoyment knowing that the guy next to me wants to be helpful to the cause and that we can work together to achieve victory.

    TLDR: Give me a pusher over a camper any day. If it's all about you TR is a great faction! Or NC!
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  19. netsky4life

    Bah some if not most off these zergy kdr farmers don't join a platoon/outfit because they know there unwanted, the crown/biolab and other big zerg fights are there one and only home.
    The good players just have to keep doing what there doing and keep these kdr farmers at pointless battles while the good players cap a continent and get **** done.
    I personally dont give a rats *** about any kdr, but if kdr minded people start opening there mouth and putting ******** on the forum that it really gets on my nerves.
  20. netsky4life

    Ow do the farmers realize that if they die, you can almost always respawn close by at a sundy or spawn base? and waste almost no time spawning pushing back to the objective?
    I really don't understand what these farmers try to accomplish