Yo Daily Reminder of Waterson's Problem

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ItsJustDash, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. joe smo

    VS, because they don't dessert to the "enemy" fraction in droves and are much better organized. I also admire them because their population some how remains unchanged through out an alert sometimes.
  2. Booface

    Waterson is fun, there are so many TR. You can shoot a Decimator in any random direction out of your Warpgate, and it'll kill a Mossie, and the wreckage from that Mossie will fall and kill another Mossie, which will fall and kill 5 infantry and a MAX. TR, TR everywhere.
  3. CaligoIllioneus

    This last alert for some reason the VS had more population than the NC..what happened?
  4. Swoo

    Seems like it's been that way the last few times I've logged into my alt there. Hell, I believe the OP's picture had VS with a 6-7% edge over NC.
  5. Nepau

    2. Happens on every server, every faction trust me.
    3. Vs honestly get as annoyed by the TR as you do, many times its not so much looking for an easy target, but a fun fight.
    6. Believe they have been saying that the lack is more due to lack of submissions more then just favoritism.

    10. Something I was thinking about as an idea, What would happen if the Phoenix auto reloaded after it was fired ( still in Camera Guidance). Idea is simply to normalize its fire rate in the way that if you firing it at targets at max range, once the missile misses or detonates you don't have the reload time to add to it, while at shorter ranges it still slows down the fire rate to be smiler to other missiles.