Yellow Shields: do they stop people only?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leer, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Leer

    Are they intended to only stop people from crossing or are they supposed to stop bullets, missiles etc. I'm not around them often but decided to turtle during an amp station defense while getting my offline instructions for the weekend (yay painting). I was standing half way up the stairs to the back exit and a TR MAX with chainguns shot me through the yellow shield. There were no hits from small arms on the kill screen even though there were some TR LA or Medic firing as well. It could be a glitch or a hack however, thought I'd check before reporting somebody.

    Anyone know how the Yellow shield should function?
  2. Aghar30

    yes they only stop people, not bullets, you cannot hide behind them (the ones sheilding SCU are people only)
  3. Jac70

    Im pretty sure they used to stop bullets too - I know the ones at Eisa Tech Plant SCU did for me. Not sure if this is a bug or a usability change.
  4. Aghar30

    Back in beta and the beginning of release they stopped bullets, but they ninja changed it. Sometimes they will still stop bullets but they are not supposed to. The only shields that totally stop bullets are the vertical and horizontal shields in large stations, one way shields are on spawn rooms, and people only shields are always yellowish orange and usually protect the SCU.
  5. Compass

    They also stop vehicles. In case you wanted to drive a Flash in there. Don't. It is a solid wall.
  6. Aghar30

    do they stop friendly vehicles or enemy only?
  7. Compass

  8. Leer

    Thanks. Learn something new every day. Unfortunately I died for that info.
  9. Cl1mh4224rd

    The Rebel Alliance appreciates your sacrifice. The information will be immensely useful.
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  10. Lakora

    Many NC/TR/VS have died to bring us this information.
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  11. Takoita

    It sometimes blocks bullets (and missiles), but sometimes doesn't.
  12. Jac70

    Yeah, I was at Andvari Bio Dome today. I destabilised the SCU but then someone repaired the shield generator. A guy was inside so I started shooting at him, NOTHING - he turns and drops me in about .2 of a second. I know I have been killed through that very same shield before now as a defender via small arms fire!

    So which is it SOE? Do they stop bullets or not o_O
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