Discussion in 'Engineer' started by MasterD, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. MasterD

    I just recently got my first big Sunderer kill with a couple tank mines! 11/12! Enough kills to propel me into BR 32 it was fantastic!
    • Up x 1
  2. RobinTheRude

    That might've just been embarrassing enough for the driver to convince him to invest those measly 80 certs into Mine Guard. Wait, no, asking for mines to be nerfed is free.

    Recently got into using Tank Mines myself. Haven't gotten so lucky with my Sunderer kills yet, of course, since most people seem to prefer pulling a second Sunderer in the vain hope of being the first to deploy their AMS for some quick certs.
  3. footjam

    During double xp weekend, I got a 10/12 Sundy that granted me nearly 8500xp. I got 4 max kills, a couple of kill streak ends and my own kill streak. I want ps1 style mines where I can put 20 of them out and create a huge kill box.
  4. Bill Hicks

    I was thinking about picking up mines are they worth it? and where do you like using them?
  5. Grimfeather

    Yes, they are worth it. Since they dont despawn unless you place others down, you can put them almost anywhere. On Amerish, the roads are the best place. I like to place them at a crossroad on Amerish since sooner or later, someone will hit them. They always do. I have left mines on a road and forgot about them. I got a 2/10 sundy kill an hour later. I had to think back to how I might have killed it. Also, you can place tank mines and switch to bettys. You can place both sets of mines at the same time.
  6. Bill Hicks

    How many max, can you lay? and will one mine take out a tank?
  7. Calahagus

    From my (limited) experience, one mine does a lot of damage to an MBT or Sudnerer, will nearly destroy a Lightning, and completely wreck a Flash. You can lay 2 at maximum with the first level of cert, I think. Don't know about higher ranks.
  8. Snarkyfoo

    Absolutely right about that one. Often the slight amount of damage a vehicle takes while traveling (bumps, skirmishes.) will put them within killing levels.
    I'll often pull a dickish move and place them right in front of the garage of air towers. One on either end. At the very least, I make a traffic jam and keep the zerg at bay for a few seconds, which is quite a lot of influence for one player IMO.
  9. Calahagus

    Oooh, good idea. I should try that :3
  10. Linedan

    The first tank mine cert gives you 2, the second gives you one more for 3. The first AP mine or C4 cert gives you one, the second adds another for a total of 2. So without certing into Utility Pouch (which keeps you from wearing Nanoweave or Flak Armor), you can carry 3 tank mines, 2 AP mines, or 2 CR maximum. You can only carry one type of mine at a time, but you can lay down one type and switch to another and lay those down, and both types will stay.

    One AP mine will generally kill somebody who's not wearing Flak Armor (MAXes, or HAs with their shields up, excepted). Two tank mines will kill any ground vehicle except if they have certed into Mine Guard. One tank mine will kill a Flash, almost kill a Lightning, and take about half the health off a Sunderer or a heavy tank.
  11. SkepticJerry

    I hardly ever get hit my mines, but when I do, I was stupid enough to not be driving with IR and I was on the road.

    Stay off the roads....