Yay / Nay: EMP gernade?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orpheus66, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Orpheus66

    Does anyone use it religiously? Or are its uses limited?

    From the description and a few videos I've seen online it looks decent, enemy's lose their HUD and shield and are slightly dazed; plus the radius is actually pretty large. I think sensor darting a control point then using the grenade seems very deadly.

    Any thoughts? At the moment I don't want to waste certs in a class I play from time to time.
  2. Notih8Darian

    It's only average as of right now, hopefully it'll be buffed for infiltrator update.
    I'd say to stay with the frag grenade for now.
  3. VSDerp

    to me the uses are limited. i just stick with frag.
  4. Worxe

    I always use it on my infil.

    Nothing like stripping the shields + sapping energy off everyone in a room/sundy sprawl then quick bursts at each head with a cyclone or blitz.

    Alternatively no shields = 1 hit knife, just run around knifing everybody.

    I kinda wish it affected vehicles though.. i mean, its an EMP.
  5. Ash87

    It's pretty good, I'd say yes.
  6. [HH]Mered4

    Me like. Bad guys don't.
    +1 to EMPs.

    amazing for quickscope bodyshots. Throw EMP around corner, pause, jump out and kill one enemy every second. (with BASR)
  7. VanuSovereignty

    It's better than frags. It's a guaranteed loss in 50% effective HP for players not using nanoweave if the enemy is in the radius. Frags have are very likely to bounce back and kill friendlies.
  8. FreezeX

    well depends on how you play its useful for close quarter sniping with the bolt action iron sight one or with any of the scout rifles.
    best used against groups of people and you can use it to regenerate your shield as long as you throw behind cover or something that will instantly deplete and regenerate your shield. grenades could actually be more effective but then again lots of people panic when they get hit by an emp because its a rare for someone to use them. I personally liked them very well simply because of the cool animation and when your enemies are confused you either quickly dispatch them or run while tapping f like a madman being chased by kangaroo's who's pissed of at you for stealing their baby kangaroos. you can always die that's also an option.