[Suggestion] Y U NO Vehicle Banner

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nhar, May 17, 2015.

  1. Nhar

    Why aren't there any MBTs, ESFs or flashes banners like there are to SMGs, LMGs and rocket launchers? It would be a nice lil addition for your brothers in - combined - arms.
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  2. Shiaari

    Make it so.
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  3. TheKhopesh

    There should be a banner for the Exceptional weapon Directive as well.
    (That one's a whole hell of a lot harder to get than most.)
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  4. LodeTria

    Can't you just buy the B and G variants of SMG and LMG?
  5. Nhar

    Well, at least if you have the gun, it still shines on the death screen of the other teams where if you're a badass tank driver, you really have nothing to show off with regard to that particular skill of yours, especially if that's all you do.

    We're talking earning something. Bs and Gs show you've got the cash (and style mabye) but directives weapons show skill and dedication.
  6. TheKhopesh

    Gold and Black variants don't count toward the Exceptional directive.
    Only seasonal/promotional weapons.
    (See the auraxed Black and Gold variants of the NS-11A in my sig? Those give credit to the AR directive, not the Exceptional Directive. But the Phoenix AE and NS-11P in my sig do give credit to the Exceptional directive.)

    I've actually completed the Exceptional directive, and one thing that bothers me is that now that I've done it, I have to avoid the weapons that count toward it like the plague, as they won't give me credit for any directives.
    So if they release any new Exceptional directive weapons in the future (something that is guaranteed to happen), I have to avoid them if I want directive credit.

    This is an issue, as once someone's finished with it, they have zero reason to get these weapons.
    (And the Exceptional directive weapons are limited time releases, which means they absolutely never go on sale, so they often represent a significant investment on the part of the player, and a significant income for DBG. The bundle my Phoenix AE came in was $40 US alone, so in the future, if I won't be getting directive credit for the AE weapons in the coming November 2015 bundle, why would I get it? The main selling point is the weapons, and I won't have any use for a weapon if I won't be able to use it as I work on my directives.)
    That in mind, they could pull in more cash in the future if they made Exceptional directive weapons give credit to both the Exceptional directive and the directive of the weapon type.
    So right now, an Exceptional weapon gives credit to the Exceptional directive only.
    But if Exceptional weapons gives credit to the Exceptional directive as well as to the type that weapon is, they would not only increase in value for those who don't have the directive done, but they'd also still be valuable to the players who have finished the Exceptional directive.
    For example.
    Everyone knows the sidearm directive is a massive pain.
    So if I aurax the Platinum Commissioner, I would get 1 auraxiumed weapon's credit to both the Exceptional directive and the Sidearm directive for it.

    This also solves the dilemma for players working toward the Exceptional directive.
    Right now, you have to ask yourself: "Do I grind out 1,160 kills on my NS-44P/BaronAE/NS-15AE/etc. for the Exceptional directive, or do I use a normal NS-44/Baron/NS-15/etc. to get my Sidearm/Shotgun/LMG/etc. directive?"
    But if the NS-44P/BaronAE/NS-15AE/etc. counted for both the Exceptional directive and the Sidearm/Shotgun/LMG/etc. directive, the exceptional weapon would of course be the logical choice (and when purchasing them, it would be the logical choice of weapon to buy so long as you were willing to spend the money on it).
    Suddenly, they become far more valuable purchases, and even once you've finished your Exceptional directive, they're still just as valuable as any other weapon you've got.
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  7. TheKhopesh

    The Exceptional directive doesn't give a gun.
    It's the black camo reward.

    (I think it'd be awesome to have a banner with a black shimmering background and something in the central focus like a skull, the word "Exceptional", "Blackness", or what-have-you smack dab in the middle of it.)
  8. FieldMarshall

    I agree.

    Would even settle for just a plain black banner.
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  9. Leftconsin

    Because the devs actually prefer infantryside and vehicles are a marketing gimmick to bring people in.

    It is why infantry is vastly stronger than vehicles now.
  10. Nhar

    Yea I confused them with something else, still, that's definitely an issue and as far as I know it can't be hard to fix. All it needs a teeny tiny bit of attention.
  11. Haquim

    When I read the title I thought more along the lines of flags you can mount on your vehicle - including a 4m flagpole ofc.

    In my head I saw myself driving over the deserts of Indar in my Prowler, the glorious heraldry of our outfit fluttering in the harsh, dry desert wind.
    And then I saw myself sneaking up on an enemy, using every little dune and hill for cover, ... mysteriously they always knew when I approached...
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  12. Kristan

    I want the trollface banner. Just to piss off people.

  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    totally agree! i just want a picture of a magrider, how hard is it to make damnit?! if they dont have artists for it, let the player studio people submit some
  14. Nhar

    just lol XD

    I KNOW, RIGHT?!!!