y they gotta kill galaxy gunships?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by kevin33598, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. kevin33598

    Man, what did the space whales ever do to DBG, this was literally the only way most emerald NC could fight against the TR/Vanu elitist air players, and now we will literally melt before we have a chance to fight back against our opponent.

    Literally all you have to do as an esf now is max range lock on 10 times and it's gg, with a buddy that's 5 times. Let's face it, they always have a buddy.

    Know what I'd like to see? A2A missiles for a ******* galaxy.

    We're not just trooper poopers, Gunship gal's are some of the most fun I've had in planetside 2, reminds me of the days of my Y-8 frigate in SWG, and it's really hard to kill a good esf player with a galaxy as is.

    My questions are:

    1:) is the valkyrie the new gunship? or will it be too squishy/offensively lacking?
    2:) is the era of space whales finally at an end?

    Because let's face it, between that and the air hammer nerf, NCAF on emerald are boned.
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  2. Sh4n4yn4y

    Oh no. 10 missiles, it'll be over in an instant! It's not like you can shoot back! Or you know might possible have an ESF escort (Kinda one of their roles).

    That being said, I can sympathise if it does kill the Galaxy role for you. I suffered that loss when PS2 was released.
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  3. kevin33598

    m8, it's 5 if you got a buddy, ESF's always have a buddy, all someone has to do to avoid a galaxy gunning them down is max range them, especially since the walker's velocity was nerfed.
  4. Sh4n4yn4y

    The lockon range on maxed Tomcats is 450m. Well within range of a galaxy. Also, once again, Galaxies are transports, they're supposed to have an ESF escort.

    In Planetside 1, I always had at least one mozzie or reaver with me when I was shuttling guys to the frontlines.
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  5. JKomm

    The Galaxy Gunship was quite possibly the strongest thing in the game, it could take out any target and have the health to survive massive amounts of retaliation. It was rare to see one of these things EVER get destroyed... so of course you'd complain that now you have a counter. Don't like Tomcats shooting you? Get some flares, that'll help, actively engage the ESF to at least make it turn away while you situate yourself and prepare for it to come back... that's how we deal with you, we can never take you out so we just make you leave for a period of time.
  6. kevin33598

    450m is required to lock on, after launching they can immediately back off and be quite safe doing this maneuver. Galaxies might be transports but to the NC on emerald, it's our only defense against the mosquito and scythe air-meta. Especially with the air hammer nerf.

    It's also hella fun to involve your friends in.
  7. guerrillaman

    No one was using flares. They had to make them useful again.
  8. kevin33598

    Galaxies did not have the survivability you mention, max range nose-gunning was a thing for quite some time, galaxies have no counter play to that. We also get destroyed by vortek/fracture maxes, lightnings, ANY mbt primary turret, and we only had anti-infantry and anti-light-armor capabilities with our weapons.

    sometimes you can go on streaks with a galaxy, but you can go on streaks far more often with an ESF. most gal pilots cannot even fight near amp stations, tech plants, or 70% of esamir due to the amount of flak around and their limited cover available.
  9. FeralBoy

    Hahaha don't get me started on flying in SWG, a game where joysticks actually worked and I was actually a better than average pilot.
    An experienced A-wing pilot could wreck a fully manned Y-8 by the way. ;)

    I have little air time overall and haven't even flown a Gal yet so I have no useful input either way about the new changes.

    I just wanted to chime in on also missing SWG flight where I was actually good lol.... :p
    Go SOCOM Kuari Server!!!
    I kid you not, when SOCOM took the skies on Tuesday 'flight night' the whole damn Empire/server went to ground lol... I am not making this up...
    I have never seen anything like it, before or since...
  10. Scr1nRusher


    Someone who abuses galaxies is mad & is throwing a fit.
  11. kevin33598

    Yah man, but multi manned ships are the bomb
  12. kevin33598

    Someone is being a troll and is incapable of a discussion without attempting to flame another person.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    "We killed full platoons on our own because we abused the galaxy"
  14. Scr1nRusher

    I'm calling your **** & stupidity out.

    You made 2 threads about it.
  15. kevin33598

    I made a thread linking to a petition and a thread to discuss the change. you are attempting to troll me in both of these. Stupid is as stupid does.

    Only an idiot would be unable to notice the massive nerf to the few NC air force pilots that emerald (and potentially other servers) have had from this patch.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    Galaxies are NS BTW

    Also........ I know you abuse the battle galaxy, its clear.
  17. kevin33598

    Galaxies are NS, that is true!

    but we have to deal with the Mosquito & Scythe as our opposed ESF's, both of which have received buffs, and both of which were already strong contenders for the #1 esf in the game (some reaver pilots make it work) The air hammer was a vital component to our dogfighter, and while the vortex is good, it doesnt have anything on the arsenal the other factions have.

    This is not bias towards ESFs, this is a time-told observation since the PC beta, the reaver has always had the short end of the stick in terms of weaponry.

    Which is why I'm pissed about the next best air vehicle we own.
  18. Devilllike

    you know what i want to see?BIG ******* GUNSHIPS LIKE MOTHER ******* TITANS
  19. kevin33598

    I chucked at a pic of a galaxy with the bulldogs replaced with phalanx turrets. the gal's really due for a new weapon.
  20. Devilllike

    idk but since i started this game i wanted titans like in battlefield 2142