WTF US East Vanu populations

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StrikerSix, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. StrikerSix

    Waterson needs more vanu, especially vanu from matherson!!

    It would be nice if there was some more balance in populations between Matherson and Waterson. Hpnestly I enjoy being vanu on Waterson much more than matherson regardless of having the smaller population, and anyway It doesn't seem very fun to be part of an excess population like the vanu on matherson.

    I took these screenshots a minute or so apart. This should show the unbalance clearly, but the Waterson vanu population is not always this small.
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  2. sindz

    Well seeing Cert reset is coming in october, I think its fair to assume that server transfer is coming in november. November 2015 that is.
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  3. Nyscha

    That's a bit optimistic.... More like..... 2016.
  4. IamDH

    After PS2 merges EU and US servers
  5. Arquin

    After they merge western and eastern hemisphere servers. Yay for all the chinese and russians with their legit skills!
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  6. IamDH

    A zerg will be known as a massive 4v4 fight
    By then, they might notice they lost a few players and decide to improve gameplay
  7. NeverWas

    like a daily routine for us VS in waterson.
  8. chrisbeebops

    The longer population imbalance exists, the more it feeds on itself and the larger it becomes. When one faction has a large advantage, many front runners will switch to it so they can claim a false victory for themselves. Additionally, many players on the smaller faction get fed up with the imbalance and switch factions, switch servers, or leave the game entirely.

    This can be seen pretty easily from the populations of the two USEast servers. If a player wishes to play VS on USEast, why would they want to join Waterson? Sure some people may like a challenge, but far more than that would prefer to play a game where they are not forever outnumbered by their opponents anywhere between 50% (typical primetime) and 200% (typical offhours). Many of the Waterson VS I know who regularly play during offhours are considering moving to other servers or have already moved. Since there is only one other USEast server it comes as no surprise that many of them have switched to Mattherson, creating further imbalance on that server, too.
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  9. Daibar

    i know of some who played VS on waterson who switched to the TR side, because it was more fun.
    eventually waterson is going to die and hopefully the devs will do something before that happens.
  10. Drex

    I'm really hoping that Sony is going to address these population issues as well. I just logged off a few min ago and have never been more disgusted with this game bugs aside and all. Vanu on Mattherson had 51-71% population on ALL continents during an alert even. I understand the occasional nice exp boost to run around and fight a bit bigger force once in a while, but this isn't a bit bigger, it's totally oppressive and unmanagable. A game is meant to be fun and entertainment, and while I can find fun and entertainment in small operations against a big force in some occasions, this isn't remotely fun it's just getting crushed by 10:1 everywhere you go.
  11. Tommyp2006

    All you have to do is wait a few more months. The population will be so low that they'll merge both servers.
  12. Hingle

    Yeah, Mattherson is silly these days. This is the distribution right now:

    Continent: VS/TR/NC
    Indar: 40/50/10
    Esamir: 82/9/9
    Amerish: 78/10/12

    Something needs to be done in general to level balance. Some ideas...

    - Pro-rate resource gain across the population. If you have an overwhelming pop advantage, scale back individual resource. Have a set faction level that is proportional to pop and divide it among the active pop. Overall the faction will be gaining resources, but since it is divided by pop each person will get less.

    - Scale the success criteria of an alert to pop. TR has 80% pop? Then you have to cap 80% of the continent to "win"

    - Queue continent changes based on faction

    Just some basic rules to future-proof the game from flavor of the month imbalances on any server for any faction would be nice.
  13. Pat Cleburne

    I've played TR since day 1 on SolTech now Mattherson and have played with a population disadvantage the majority of the time on both servers.
    I've complained about it for months and it has fallen on deaf ears.

    If server transfer tokens come I wouldn't be surprised if a large amount of TR on Mattherson move to a more balanced server.
  14. Eugenitor

    Clearly, this will fix the problem.

    (Not saying you're *wrong* at all- they *will* move, and that'll do just what you'd expect)
  15. Pat Cleburne

    It won't fix the problem. It will make Mattherson more imbalanced. And possibly make the TR overpopulated on another server. Wouldn't surprise me if it happened though
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  16. Eugenitor

    Sarcasm doesn't translate well on the intertubes.

    Maybe there just needs to be a way to tie the two servers together. Unlimited server transfers between them, and have cont lock on one affect the other. Maybe even a synergistic buff. If VS have Indar lock on both Waterson and Mattherson, they get a 30% discount, for example.
  17. vincent-

  18. Nocturnal7x

    4th faction ftw. Just wait for zoe nerf. Pops will go back to normal.
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  19. Daibar

    well i just read that the warpgate rotation is coming in today, yay we get the canyons, yay, we're going to lose 50% of the pop now.

    thank you SOE, you sure got your zh1t together there, looks like it's time to go face 80-89% pop again.
    going to be interesting.

    for the love of vanu, how hard can it be to compare numbers from each faction on 2 different servers.
    we keep hearing about matherson being overpoped with vanu and underpopped with TR and NC
    and how waterson is being overpopped by TR and NC, wouldnt a merger between those two kind of fix the issue if it is as bad as everyone says?
  20. Eugenitor

    Only if you like people not being able to get in the game at all during primetime.
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