WTF is up with the Heavy Shield!?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by KnightCole, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. KnightCole

    So, yeah, IDK why, but I reinstalled PS2 and played for a little bit. I turned on the heavy shield and What in the name of freedom, burgers, vanguards and Guass SAWs is with the Shield ENGULFING the gun and completely and utterly BLINDING us!?

    Who in the good god damn thought THAT was a good idea!? I know people wanted the Heavy nerfed but really? really!? ***** really!? Like that? Really!? I was absolutely floored when I saw that. Of all the ways to nerf the Heavy shield, just make it unuseable? Yeah, so Daybreak Games. They are named appropriately....."Break Games".....
  2. Mirta00

    It's a new NC immersion feature.

    It forces NC heavies to think more carefully about target acquisition lol (thus reducing heavy occurrences of TK) whilst at the same time representing for us, the general blind, gung-ho, nature and recklessness that everyone else see's us as having.

    If the usual NC player shoots everything in sight, like hes essentially blind (and cant seemingly tell the difference between red/blue and purple) - why not make it a feature! :confused:
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  3. FIN Faravid

    They really should just make TR and VS look like friendlies to NC and make NC look like hostiles. That would fix NC!

    Also have NC already gotten objectives to kill friendlies?
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  4. Mirta00

    Not a bad idea for a directive lol. Almost every NC player would have it completed in a few days (except moi ofcourse :D), and you probably wouldn't even need a directive award to encourage them to complete it either - so wont cost DBG a penny to implement. Success!
  5. Naaahhhhh

    Imo there is the same problem with the medic shield bubble on PS4. Everytime I step in one, my gun starts to glowing and I cant see in it hardly. Also the vision is blured and darkened if I try to see through one.
    A simple solution would be the possibility to turn it off in the video options. But on PS4 there are no real video options.
  6. GoblinRum

    can't turn them off, that's why its annoying. it makes me feel the NC has been purposely nerfed even further...
  7. Eternaloptimist

    I believe it is sorted now after a hotfix. Although I thought NCs always started shooting when they saw blue anyway ;)
  8. Mirta00

    Can confirm. I went through a teleporter and as soon as I appeared I was shot to death by about 8 or so members of my own platoon lol.

    Didn't even get a bonus cheque :(
  9. Crayv

    This reminds me of the time a bit after release when all the tank cannons wouldn't fire. You would just see an explosive effect at the end of the barrel but no projectile. Except for the VS tanks.