Wow, this is why you don't call hacks immediately

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Apr 19, 2013.

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  1. McDonaldsMaster

    My RAMS is currently 82%.
  2. McDonaldsMaster

    INTERESTING!!!!! Well. What's the ultimate? How does it work? All the devs have to do is check to see if I'm clean or not then BAM?

    Well, I thought of those ideas becuase I hate to be wrongfully accused. I don't want to get banned or anything, I love this game. I spent like $200+ on this bad boy, too! I wouldn't hack and I don't wat to get banned!
    It would also be a interesting vid too. I think I've see some tutorial videos of a guy filming his keyboard/mouse while piloting his jet.

    And I don't think that's "desperate", maybe just passionate. Thing is, I'm a person who's active. You know? I like making stuff. I have a "you gotta do what you gotta do" mentality. And making a vid like that = "why not?"
  3. McDonaldsMaster

    Hahhaha!!! Lol what???
    That's something you would say? Really?

    I'm not afraid to speak my mind. All I did was try to inspire or open peoples minds! Is there something I'm not seeing?
    Was I too cocky in that statement? Pretentious? What?!
  4. Goodkat

    I just have to say your signature picture is the best in the forum. :)
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  5. InfamousOrnio

    Wow seriously guys, stop calling McDonaldsMaster a hacker, I've seen his videos and it's true what he does is unbelieveable but it's because he has played the Infiltrator for so long. it's very hard to find good Infiltrators in this game but he is one of the pros. Look at his Killnoard, he's jot a hacker just a very skilled player.

    BTW Are you a TR on Waterson, because if you are we could play together sometime!
  6. ViXeN

    Yeah basically telling people that the only person holding you back from being a better player is yourself. You have to think you can do something and believe it. If you think a person needs hacks to make a certain shot or accomplish something hard and that its impossible without them then you have the wrong mentality.

    Cocky? I wouldn't know anything about that. I'm one the most humble people around and I'm sure the community would agree. LOL Right?

    *listens to the silence except for the sound of a few crickets chirping*
  7. McDonaldsMaster

    Thanks for getting my back. The thing is though, dude.

    There is footage in my montage:

    Someone pointed out 1:50 and 1:57.
    IT FREAKIN LOOKS LIKE I HACKED! I'm pissed. Youtube lagged it up, my computer lagged (this is not a gaming computer), or Adobe Premeiere did something strange. One of those. Or maybe it was half that and half my twitch reflexes.

    Anyway, ultimately, I am not worried because I am not hacking. I just hope the justice system here is legitimate. And I hope that they have the ability to catch all hackers. Like, guarantee one "drug test" and the gamer is either marked a hacker or marked clean because I would love to take that test.

    I'm on Connery as McDonaldsMaster and made SuperSizedFries for Waterson just today! TR for both!
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  8. McDonaldsMaster

    LOOOOOOOOOOL! HAHAHAHAHAHHA!! So we totally think a like in that regard. So far I've reacted humbly in all my PS2 relations.
  9. McDonaldsMaster

    Sounds exciting, what class were you?
  10. Phrygen

  11. McDonaldsMaster

    Which part is confusing?
  12. ViXeN

    If you mean the comment about being humble, I was being sarcastic. ;O)
  13. InfamousOrnio

    Cool, maybe we can play sometime :D I'll send you a friend request
  14. Setyri

    When they discover a hacker, they don't just ban him from a single server...lmao. What the hell good would that do?
  15. McDonaldsMaster

  16. Entomorph

    How on earth is it possible for somebody else to be better than me? Mommy said I was special my whole life. You must be a hacker!

    I hate to break this to some of you. Your mother lied.

    McDonaldsMaster, keep being awesome. Glad to have you as a TR on Connery. Maybe your skills will somehow help make up for the total lack of my own. ;)
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  17. Revel

    Impressive. Mine is getting better every day. I've been practicing by going for running targets lately instead of waiting patiently for the guys who have a habit of going still.
  18. Kociboss

  19. RobotNinja

    Nothing against you and I'm not here to argue that you're not a hacker or you are a hacker...but I would DEFINITELY NOT try to make your case by stating how great the devs are so great at catching cheaters in PS2.
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  20. McDonaldsMaster

    Haha, thanks man.

    EXACTLY! That's what you call real fun! And you see? It's a muscle that you can practice!

    Well, maybe I am just ignorant. I have no idea how to hack or how hackers hack, or how they do it and all that. And I have no idea how the devs are able to catch them. I guess the ultimate truth is to go to a live event. XD
    I would totally bring my own mouse though, keyboard, and mousepad. USB mice are the best!
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