Wow, Lattice is BORING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, May 23, 2013.

  1. queue

    I love how anyone against the lattice is a ghost capper. If you get ghost capped it is YOUR fault. YOUR lack of a balanced battle front, YOUR lack of preparing a base before leaving, YOUR lack of attention to detail, and YOUR lack of communication with fellow squads/outfits.

    SOE left ghost capping in all this time to try to get YOU to THINK. It would have taken them about 5 minutes to remove ghost capping from the game. It probably was as simple as changing a single variable.

    The lack of thinking is why you can't see how this new system is more restrictive than the hex system.
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  2. EvilPhd

    It's not much about missing the small fights as it was having the battle line defined by the players rather than the limitations and dictations of the FIGHT HERE lines.

    There's an opening over here. I know it's right next door. Why can't we take it and help the other platoon two hexes down so we can regroup with the main force for taking this larger base together with a better position? Oh lattice FU that's why.
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  3. LT_Latency

    Zerg is good.

    Cod, Battle field or counter strike all do small scale combat much much better. There is no point in playing planetside except for massive battles.
  4. r1stormrider

    so you would have people stand around in empty bases defending it against 1 or 2 d-bags who just want to ghost cap? great argument there. we might as well rename planetside 2 to guard dutyside 2. nobody wants to sit in an empty base waiting for an invisible ghoster to pop up and try to take it. people want to fight (well a large portion anyway, the rest not so much i dont know why...) and have fun. waiting in an empty base hearing the crickets is not. LOL.
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  5. MurderBunneh

    Thinking is running to an empty base to cap it while there is a big battle going on? Wow you sir are a genius.

    Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

    "Sir there is a big battle going isn't this game about big battles? What? No you silly noob it's about flying around to the empty ones watching the color change then flying off before anyone shows up!"
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  6. MurderBunneh

    This is exactly what they think they think people should hang out at bases on the off chance that it is the 1 in 10 base that the ghost capper chooses.

    I used to be the guy that would hunt down ghost cappers on Amerish and Esimir and make their life hell and it was fun for a while.
    My PC was kinda old and it couldn't handle big battles so I made myself useful.

    Then I upgraded my PC and that style of play was soon forgotten because it gets boring and really changing the color of some under populated map is not the point of the game. The point of the game ATM is good fights plain and simple.
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  7. zukhov

    Leave 2 guys at every base you cap, problem solved, ghost cappers won't even bother if the see enemy activity on the map.

    Everyone knows this, its not rocket science.

    But for some reason people don't like to hang around empty bases on the off chance that a lone hacker might cap it. Its pretty restrictive.
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  8. r1stormrider

    yeah no kidding or the off chance a battle actually occurs. when they do happen and they finish, people just immediately disperse both from the attacker side and the defenders. sometimes a zerg will stay together and just swarm to the next base, but the ones defending it are most likely severely few in number to even stand up to it. meanwhile you see where your zerg is at and guess what? they're off in bumfuhked egypt taking a base with "enemies detected" far across the map. the zergs avoided eachother in the process actively with hex. FUN. so you either

    A) farm
    B) get farmed
    C) wander aimlessly for a frontline with a great battle.
    D) go tactical elite and ghost cap
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  9. siiix

    the ONLY difference between this and most other shooters is what you find boring

    for me i rater play this then ancient deathmatch type game play ... i rater shoot my self in the food then play deathmatch

    so my point is why dont you go play something that fits more in to what you looking for ? this game is obviously not for you
  10. Zar

    thank you sir you get it not game problem its the meat behind the keyboard traped in a room? redeploy get tanks WRECK THEM got like 10 freaking mins.
  11. Zar

    i was kinda worried that no one in this game wanted to fight which was kinda scary but with a last few posts give me hope and i get the other people now. People don't want to lose and fighting in big battles mean you might die or get wrecked even number no **** that you need 20 to 1 odds and ghost capping. tactics to these people mean fighting with more numbers as it stands now most fights i have seen in the last two days have been even numbers zergy mind you but even so im ok with that. cause my members are worth 20 of every zergling and flanking is not hard people just think it is. its not the game it is you i do fine i flank hack terms in bases behind them roll sundies and attack from behind "flanking" lol you don't have to sit behind a rock with 50 friends you choose to. Lead the charge Hell you might die but **** the 49 guys behind you will wreck them.
    TR WAY you may kill me but 2 more will take my place. ..>.> i still think the tr are Russia >.>.
  12. Fortress

    There are a few lattice links that are a bit odd, but over all the lattice is great.
  13. TommyXXL

    anyone knows if they will also destroy esamir and amerish with the lattice system? any official news?.. i think everyone who does not like the new system should knew something about this so we won't waste our time anymore and let those 100 ps 1 veterans enjoy their classic.
  14. Kevorkian

    The only people complaining about the Lattice system are ghost cappers who enjoyed farming certs without jeopardizing their stats. The #1 reason to play Planetside, is to experience large battles you can't find in other shooters, not even BF3.
  15. queue

    it is called an educated guess. After playing games for 20 years, one starts to be able to get a feel for how changes might affect the game.

    But what do I know, I'm just a ghost capper apparently.
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  16. queue

    They don't get it. They are the players who always join a squad and never lead. They probably don't even know what the map key is or have never selected a filter.

    See lattice lovers, I can generalize too!
  17. Phrygen

    lattice is amazing
  18. queue

    completely wrong. Sorry, try again.
  19. queue

    If it gives you a strategic advantage, then yes, send a guy to start a cap. Again, the ability to ghost cap is the fault of the defending factions inability to form a well defined battle front and lack of communication.

    What is worse for the game is sending 100 people to an empty base. On a full server that means you are short 100 people on the rest of the front. But hey, at least I will get XP and some accolades!
  20. queue

    Oh god, do you all really think the only way to defend against a ghost cap is to sit and wait.

    See this is why you can't see why lattice stinks and is entirely the reason why ghost capping was so easy.

    What you also fail to realize is there is a lot of middle ground between the 5v5 and 100v100 fights and they were all different. So while I do enjoy a 5 on 5 tactical battle, I also like 20v20, 40v40, and 100v100. The point is that it wasn't THE SAME DAMN FIGHT EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    You have all spent way too many certs on thick skulls.
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