Wouldn't it be awesome if using a MAX suit changed your voice?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by SinerAthin, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. SinerAthin

    It's always bothered me how you can dress up in a giant, weaponized exo-skeleton war suit bristling with power armor and heavy weapons, yet your voice will still be as squeaky and unimpressive as it normally is.

    (And I mean your character's voice, not your RL/Mic voice)

    The worst example of course being when you hear *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* as a giant, 1 tonne heavy NC MAX with giant shotguns for arms come stomping up the stairs; only to be followed by the annoying and squeamish girl voice of the underage NC child soldier from within, screaming out:


    It really ruins the sense of badassry and awesome that should surround a giant mech suit!

    Why can't our voices morph into something like this when inside a MAX suit?

    A metal filter alone may not make you a badass, but it should help to make you sound less like a pansy! :p

    (Not to mention it would make MAXes presence more known on the battlefield, make engineers know where their MAXes are, and the fact that simply modifying existing voices isn't that hard!)
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  2. Corvus Corax

    same question on EC forums. my answer here is same as well; our microphones are of such ****** quality in general that this would just make the problem worse. plus, termies =/= maxes, maxes are like centurions for humans.
  3. Wobberjockey

    need metal bucket fiter.

    i am tired of running away from ScatMAXes that sound like Alphonse Elric
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  4. Takoita

    Personally, I prefer the Terminators' metal bucket filter from the first DoW; VA in the second one really sucked.
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  5. Xocolatl

    While I agree, I can't see why a normal person speaking into one radio is different from another. It'll also be pretty dang difficult to understand.

    But yeah, it'd be awesome.
  6. Llaf

    Yes, yes, and ummmm, YES!
  7. Ganjis

  8. BuzKild

    It would be awesome, but what would be even more awesome is a client that doesn't crash while you're in a MAX suit.
  9. Pathogenic

    Voice amplification and modulation could have been added to MAXes as an additional intimidation factor. A simple way to add it would just be to modify the quick comm stuff, but yeah they need to upgrade their in game voice before they put it on proximity chat. I wouldn't want it at all for squad, since why would you wanna DMX at your teammates?
  10. lawn gnome

    add in a creepy little girl with a syringe that follows you around and you have my vote!
  11. Pikachu

    Yes! Cool robot voice modifier for maxes. Also vehicles could use some chabge so it sounds line they are talking through radio. Btw dow1 voices are all better than those of dow2. -.-
  12. Ransurian

    Hey, it'd be great if radio static were added to character voices while inside vehicles. It'd go a long ways toward adding immersion to the game. Kind of silly how I sound just like I do out in the open while piloting a tank.

    *Pshk* Enemy gunship in the area! *Pshk*

    Metal bucket filters for MAX suits would also be pretty cool.
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  13. Dhabu

    A kickass vocal filter, even MAX only, (I like the descriptive "metal bucket" monicker btw) is one of the few things I would pay real money for in PS2.
  14. GlueHead

  15. RaidsRUs

    They really were. MAXes really are terminator-esque and I would love it if this could be a thing. I have a strict "I won't pay to play a game that I can't afford to sink money into on a regular basis" policy, but I would absolutely throw money at a feature that made MAX voices sound like them.
  16. DK22

    Ah, I just seen an item in the store that does something like this. 200ish SC.
  17. SArais

    I always imagined MAX units to be the Planetside equivilent of Dreadnaughts. Not exactly a shortage of dieing soldiers, is there? Also works with what the VS would do.

    And yeah, a vocoder filter for these would be badass.

    Sort of what they did with HL2

    Heck, just the "start mic noise, end mic noise" sounds would be a nice touch

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  18. Chris Bingley

    I'd happily spend money on a MAX only voice pack.
  19. RaidsRUs

    Well, technically the Terminator designation is the shorthand nickname for "Tactical Dreadnaught armor," and was designed specifically for engagements in cramped areas like the corridors of a space hulk where you couldn't possibly fit a fully bulked-out dread.

    But, if we're comparing voice clips from the first Dawn of War (and its various expansions), I maintain the there's just something a little more menacing about the Terminator voices than the full Dreads. Menacing and awesome.
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  20. TacticalButterknife

    Quite frankly, I'd throw money at SOE just to have Grey Knight voices for the TR.

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