Would love to fly...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daemeon, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Daemeon

    Would love to fly but after this "hotfix" it is futile. Liberators are firing nerf guns at best, same as rocket pods from ESFs. The lockons are even MORE buggy than they were before with either no notifications or notifications a split second before you get hit. Since splash damage from just about every source is gone Burster Maxes and lock on missiles can acquire and fire with no risk.

    All this does is shut down Air from being able to fight... at all.


    Any ETA on fix?
  2. Badname707

  3. Pikachu

    I noticed I did not get any lock on sound when sitting in my harasser. Not sure when in vanguard.
  4. Tommyp2006

    Hmmm my needler and rotary work just fine.
  5. nooblet91698

    you should also worry about the proton PPA blinding gamma ray balls of energy that knock pilots out of the sky by employing seizures