Would it be a good idea to remove crosshair?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killer1003, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Killer1003

    I think removing the aiming crosshair for Planetside 2 would be a great idea. For those who don't know what I'm talking about:

    Obviously, the image below shows a guy with an mp44 in Red orchestra 2. Notice that in the center of the screen, there is no cross hair so it's harder to be more accurate while firing from the hip. Therefor, aiming down the sights will be necessary for accuracy. I think adding this to Planetside 2 will have many benefits. For example, it will make lazer sights actually useful and not just there to make the crosshair smaller. Also, it makes aiming down the sights more useful and balanced.

    Aiming down the sights obviously make you slower but more accurate while restriction line of sight.
    Not aiming down the sights without lazer sights will be drastically less accurate, as it should. Also, lazer sighting should cost more certs to boot.
  2. Pikachu

    You have no idea how game changing this would be do you? That this is a decision you make before the first line of code has been written?
  3. Matt879

    PS2 is trying to be a sci fi shooter, not a simulator. It fits in with red orchestra because that's more realistic (perhaps not entirely, but definitely more than most FPS), but in PS2 it'd feel out of place imo. There are no problems with the crosshair in the game, so why remove it? Also, if they did get rid of it people would get 3rd party crosshair overlays which would give them an unfair advantage, and keep in mind that the laser sight (at least from my experience) doesn't show the center of your screen, so that's no solution either.

    I'm sure that it depends on the engine whether it's such a game changing decision or not. There are plenty of games where turning off the crosshair is an option or included in a gamemode. Unless you mean the gameplay changing aspects of the removal, in which case you're correct, e.g. SMG's would have to be rebalanced.
  4. DrPapaPenguin

    Nope, because I have a red dot on my screen which acts as crosshairs.
  5. t31os

    Won't ever happen, players have already pushed the devs into fixing scope dots to stay central instead of having slight sway. Some players will stick dots on their screen, some will seek out apps to create a central point. This is opposite to what competitive or serious FPS players want, and i'd tend to agree with them, i don't want to be guessing where the center is(that's not fun), whilst any competitive player who has a dot drawn or stuck on his screen can immediately line up shots to my face, thanks but no thanks.
    • Up x 1
  6. Pikachu

    The term game changing is obviousf**kingly about gamplay. The graphical change would be to constantly rotate the weapon model so it points to the right spot in the world. Normally guns and laser sights just aim at a point at a fixed distance front of the player. Beam weapons are always faked, the beam doesn't reach into the world.
  7. Matt879

    Would the removal of the entire HUD not be considered a game changer? No need to get upset because I interpreted your sentence in a way that you didn't mean it.

    People would just use crosshair overlays instead to compensate for the loss. Some already do because it's considered legit and more accurate than the in game crosshairs. This would give peeps with said overlays a rather big advantage over anyone who doesn't use them which'd be mostly the newbies of course. If the crosshairs bother you so much or if you want a more sim-esque experience you can just turn off the UI and be done with it.
  9. Killer1003

    I don't see how it's that much of a game changer. In fact, wouldn't it be more balanced? (ignoring the 3rd party dots firstly). Smgs would still come out on top while sniper rifles would still get chewed in cqc. The only thing that this would do is make ironsights more useful (assuming they fix accuracy problem.) Right now, ironsights aren't as useful as they should be because a good 85% of the time is spend aiming with the crosshair. How does changing the cross-hair change the fundamentics of planetside 2 apart from making some people unused to the system?

    For the sight accuracy issue, SOE could fix it no big deal. While I have not noticed the sights being slightly off, how much resources could it possibility take to correct it? If people adding 3rd party crosshairs in the red orchestra series would cause no problems, how much could it possibily cause in this game? Hell, arguably, 3rd party crosshairs matter more in the red orchestra series due to it's fast pace insta death than in planetside 2.

    If all else fails, why not add it in as an april fools joke in 2015? Not a bad way to watch the feedback. :)
  10. Matt879

    It would actually make it more difficult for the SMG user, their crosshair (that they can't see) is really small so they have to be pretty accurate, which is more difficult because they have to guess where the center of their screen is. Meanwhile the sniper just has to aim in the general direction of the enemy and hope for the best, they wouldn't be off worse than they are now because of the huge spread. Not to say that this would cause any issues, just pointing out that snipers wouldn't notice a thing while hipfire-reliant weaponry would be more challenging to use.
  11. Frostiken

    Actually the issue there was the dots were misaligned completely.

    That's why you use the superior 'floating reticule' method, where your aim doesn't change your view within a small window, but instead aims the gun freely. So your reticule is never in the center of your screen. This also has the added benefit of making it extremely hard to '360 noscope lololol' enemies, as twitch aiming is much harder.

    Nobody cares what competitive FPS players want. Competitive FPS players are incredibly shallow tryhards who 'want' every game to basically be Quake reskinned. And they aren't the people who would care about Planetside 2 anyway. Listening to what competitive players want is the surest way to make a dull, lifeless, ****** game that nobody wants to play six months after it comes out.
  12. CNR4806

    Lasers are already useful on hipfire-oriented guns like SMGs, stop talking as if they're worthless pieces of trash, beecause they're not.

    More importantly, I don't see how this is any different from "COD has this so let's add this" except with COD swapped with Red Orchestra/Project Reality. There are no inherent problems identified within the current PS2 mechanics and you're just asking for this because you saw it in another game and think it's "cool".