Worst faction to fight?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IberianHusky, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. TheKhopesh

    NC have always been easiest to kill.
    And it's not due to lack of skill either.

    Our stuff just has a higher skill cap.
    If you're up in the top 10% of highly skilled players, you'll do as good as the TR and VS at the top 20% and up.
    If you're not very good, you're at a disadvantage.

    VS weapons are relatively easy to handle, and are far more forgiving on lower skilled players.
    TR weapons are relatively easy to kill with thanks to the simple dynamic of spray and prey, generally chucking out more bullets and faster than anyone else.

    ++++Notice: The below portion of my post is more of a humorous statement than anything else. Please regard it as such! :p:D++++

    NC weapons fire full auto with the kick of 12 gauge slugs.
    They do more damage, but even our top guys barely manage to land three fourths as many shots as the VS' or TR's decent players will.
    And at ranges where one can hit the enemy with full auto shot for shot, your target can hit the same number of rounds to your head.

    The NC tutorial should lead with a statement akin to this:

    "Welcome to the hardmode faction.
    We'll either break you, or turn you into a monstrous murder machine built of skill and freedom.
    We've got some shotguns and NS weapons for you to fall back on if your not in the top 10 percent of all our applicants."
  2. lothbrook

    Its obviously going to be unanimous that the VS are the most despised, magriders are damn near impossible to kill if the guy driving has a clue, PPA is the only AI weapon in the game that works, and for whatever reason they're camo is extremely dark making them stupid to fight in the dark.

    Meanwhile the TR basically just have faster rates of fire and DPS which isn't all that hard to deal with if you get the first shot. NC just hit slightly harder which again isn't that hard to deal with, and both factions tanks have sit pretty still to engage at long range meaning you have 1 factions tanks moving in all directions and darting rapidly at times, while the other factions just sit there hoping to hit them, but they're easy to get hit from return fire, which is made even easier by a no drop AV secondary.
  3. Pacster3

    Yeah...magrider OP...who are you trying to fool with that kind of statement? =)

    Magrider need to run to survive any type of tank engagement. So essentially they are not good at what they should be good at. Vanguard and Prowler on the other hand can stand there and wreck the magrider. The thing is: They don't have to...they can move as well...it's just that most TR/NC drivers don't do it cause they are used to do it the easy way by just aiming and shooting with their much superior main cannons. Drivers that actually noticed what the tracks on their tanks are good for, beat magriders easily at any distance.
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  4. Kalivix

    I find it to be the opposite, VS are always overpopped with kids who want to fly around in scythes shoot lasers and use hover tanks, and as such they are Op as hell and full of kids screaming about mums non stop and saying they are pros for winning fights where they had 80% pop.

    NC tends to get the adult players with a more easy going outlook on the game, and TR gets the cowards who want to focus NC and avoid ever fighting the VS (on old woodman anyway =p)

    I hate fighting VS myself , all the most powerful gear as their faction is based around accuracy which is THE most important thing in a shooter, PPA spam which is 100x worse now they can spam vehicles all day long, and aye their normal camo lets them blend into dark areas VERY easily making them especially annoying to fight at night as they just blend into everything even when you turn brightness way up.
  5. Pacster3

    Accuracy only matters when all guns are equal strong. If you are skilled then you can make up for accuracy easily and then it only matters who packs the biggest punch(which is NC). If you are not skilled and as a result have accuracy problems then it matters who has the most bullets to spray and pray(which is TR). On top of that the higher accuracy of VS is mostly a myth....just like no bullet drop. The weapon statistics show that and most fight a CQC where accuracy gets even less important.

    The night thing may be subjective as well. At night all cats are grey as they say. I at least don't see much difference between TR and NC there. As long as they stay in the shadows I can only separate them by shape....not by colors.
  6. Kalivix

    That would be true except for the TTK of all the guns is the same when you hit every shot, so actually the VS are the most powerful because they'll do that way more than any other faction

    And all cats are gray.. except black cats which are invisible, same applies here, NC and TR are gray VS are just ninjas until they start shooting you.
  7. lothbrook

    You sound like you haven't played this game at all, and the fact that you got magrider OP from that alludes to you being a moron.
  8. Pacster3

    So the TTK on guns is the same...on all classes and all levels of armor/shields. Yeah...whatever you say...really...

    If everything is black then black shows less than grey...that is true. To my experience the surrounding isn't black at night tho. Guess I should check my NC/TR toons especially for that but I don't think that VS are really much less visible than the almost invisible TR/NC.
  9. Pacster3

    Yes; I sometimes have the feeling that I didn't play the game at all(despite my BR99) given what kind of fantasy stories I read on these forums at times...;-)
  10. ajma

    Look mom, everyone hates me.
  11. Negator

    ignorance is bliss.
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  12. Kalivix

    From faction to faction yes the TTK is pretty much the same, obviously a infs guns have much higher TTK than other peoples but a VS LA and a NC LA have pretty much the same TTK, the VS will just hit more so win fights where its equally skilled people shooting at the same time

    People just tend not to notice as its very unlikely you'll end up in a fight where you both notice each other at the same time with the same type of weapon and are of the same skill level.
  13. Lamat

    Emerald VS is a mixed bag. Some of their outfits are amazing and make me up my game a lot. But then you run into large pockets of their really bad players and suddenly you are cutting through them like butter. Yesterday I killed so many magriders with an AP Lightning it felt dirty.

    Emerald TR have their good players too, although I don't really recogize any outfits that stand out. They need NUC back, I miss fighting those guys.

    Teamwork makes all the difference though. Not enough players are communicating and operating as a cohesive unit. It's phenomenal what a group of even 5-10 players can do sticking together compared to 10-20 independently trickling in from spawn to the capture point.
  14. ShadowyN

    The VS.
    Sniping Vortexes and lancers, dodging magriders, inherent nighttime camo, low-profile esf and, as someone accustomed to NC weapons, almost non-existent recoil and reload time.
  15. DatVanuMan

    Emerald TR are so annoying to the point where I must kill as many as I can before yelling,"TR git SHREKT." I really hate the TR in general, they are complete jerks. As for the NC, they are WAY too nice and actually put up a good fight.
  16. TheShrapnelKing

    **** the Emerald VS.

    Seriously, **** you guys.

    I don't know why all the best players on the server decided to join the VS in addition to cheesy zergfits and outfits made entirely for the purpose of farming, but they did, which means the VS can pretty much do whatever they want and no one can stop them because they have a top-tier skill monopoly.

    Plus they are so goddamn full of themselves, acting like each one of them is a superior being because all the MLG pros carry them through fights they'd normally lose.

    On Waterson I used to mostly fight TR. Now I mostly fight VS. The TR aren't worthy of my wrath, I must direct my attention toward the VS, I must kill as many as I can. They can walk over my team but GODDAMMIT YOU WILL NOT WALK OVER ME.
  17. DJPenguin

    Given the choice on my NC main I'm avoiding VS. I'm content fighting either faction on my VS alt obviously.
  18. Lamat

    The VS characters look like smug little space nerds too, hate seeing them on the death screen.
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  19. IberianHusky

    The VS definitely has their share of bad players. If you get lucky enough to run into a platoon of DAPP they become crazy farmable.

    As for the TR, we keep losing our good outfits. We need our good outfits back. Nothing was ever able to fill the void left by TE, and with NUC mostly dead we have no MLGfits, and apparently VG just left, so we just lost one of our core medium sized outfits. The Emerald TR does not have a bright future in store for it.
  20. Prudentia

    for every PPA Swagrider there is a 1/2 Prowler and a Pounder MAX
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