Worst buy that you ever made

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Jur270

    Well i waste my only 170 sc in a 1 hour x2 xp and i only and buy a bunch of scopes for my lmg with a total cost of 330 certs also give you best buy
  2. HannaDest

    Battle rifle. 1000 certs O.O what was I thinking ?
  3. illgot

    underglow for my tanks. Did not know you needed to have the bright head lights on :)
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  4. Gurra

    second pounder (before the price drop) do i need to say more?
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  5. metrotw

    Vulcan, hands down. Biggest piece of **** gun ever (including it's reworked state on the test server)
  6. IamDH

    Why on earth did you buy another pounder lol
  7. tenzenator

    cosmos ZOE
  8. Gurra

    i dont even know......
  9. Dingus148

    Shield capacitor 5. Sigh.

    I honestly thought I could find a way to make it work. It's just...so....useless....
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  10. RasFW

    I've started using a battle rifle on my engy and HA. And I have to say, I really like it.
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  11. Watz

    Annihilator. Completely broken from Gu4 - Gu10. Because of how fast stuff gets broken or nerfed shortly after beeing introduced, I haven't spent any SC for a while now. I don't like the feeling of getting ripped off.
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  12. Hosp

    NC Digital Camo before the previews were out. It is neither very Digital or Camo Like and glows in the dark.
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  13. blessedpatrick

    Any item before waiting a week for nerfs to come into play; Namely the first SMG, tiny mag with a better one released a week later, felt screwed there. Oh, and the annihilator, same story,
  14. HannaDest

    The must be some cognitive dissonance at work. J/K
    Glad you like it
  15. Roxputin


    Lmao. I did not know this.

    A question on the same topic as lumifiber and underglow for vehicles. Why would anyone put this on your vehicle when it assists in letting the enemy target you? I will never understand this.
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  16. haldolium

    Annihilator I think. Corvus maybe, but I haven't tested it that much. And soon it probably will be ZOE.

    Huh really? I didn't knew that either until now... they really make it hard on themselves to get my money.
  17. RasFW

    Don't you use big words and confuse me! :mad:
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  18. Stride

    The nyx scout rifle for infiltrator. The thing is complete garbage.

    Btw, this thread totally should have been best thing and worst thing. Maybe there is still time to change it!
  19. illgot

    it is decent on targets that do not have any nano weave and stand still... which means it was perfect in the VR :) I bought it because of that, then used it in actual game play and found it completely lacking.
  20. Vixxing

    Lancer no doubt... and bulldog for lib in main gun slot (got Dalton now so...) and Annihilator... (and prolly 2750cr worth of ZoE soon)