Worn down: a player's story.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by K2k4, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Andy04

    I Play with my outfit and friends and even they have a hard time staying online with it also.
  2. Jbrain

    Hit detection was definitely wonky the last 3-4 days. They need to turn down the lag compensation a bit cause im sick of being punished for having a great connection. The lag compensator kicks in seemingly always giving poor connection the hits over my many hits right in enemy brain.
  3. I play by many names

    Game doesn't seem to be running that great.
    Hit detection issues, client and server performance issues are pretty bad right now combined with quite a few really annoying bugs. Pretty much everyone I know is playing less and less as well, getting frustrated with sony adding terrible content and not fixing whats been broken for ages.
  4. FBVanu

    Hear hear..
    the greatest improvement in my game is the fact that I play all 3 factions... one for testing stuff, NC, one for fun, Vanu, and one a bit more serious.. TR... my stats show it. Driving a Vanguard once in a while helps me to fight them when I'm in my TR Prowler....
    If it looks like a bad day, or the battles being too big.. switch to an alt..
    even just driving around in a Skyguard, Vanu, without the need to kill anything.. very relaxing, lots of fun (for me), and I still see and learn something new almost every day.
    Find something new in this game, there are tons of things you can do to mix it up. And it sharpens your skills at the same time.
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  5. K2k4

    The oddity is that the game 'feels' like it's running well but there are some wonky things going on with hit detection lately.

    Last I checked, a full health LA shouldn't get instant gibbed by base turrets, a single sunderer fury round, or (what registers as) a single shot from another player's SASR. Yet all three of these things occurred at some point last night. My guess is that it was a sizable lag between the first and second shot, causing both shots to register as one on my end.

    Anyways, I try not to post upset because it just ends up being a rant with little to no purpose. Thank you everyone who has replied and pointed out that maybe the problem is something technical and not necessarily my skill level. Good luck everyone!
  6. z1967

    Sometimes you have one of those days when people actually do look up or catch you while you were reloading. Happens to everyone.
  7. Alan Kalane

    This is the essence of my whole experience with this game
    1. Play in a team. You're stronger together.
    2. Adapt. I've seen countless players trying to force their favourite playstyle. Think. A max is better in a biolab than a sniper infi.
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  8. K2k4

    aye, this is probably it. I have been forcing myself to try and play with the trac5-s because i'm really close to finally auraxiuming it. unfortunately this is not the greatest gun for my playing style (aggressive close range play). To make matters worse I'm trying to nail down mid-long range play which is not aligned to my normal style at all.

    For the record I was grouped up with my outfit but I left the group because I was 1 and 10 and we weren't really succeeding at capping the point against a force of equal size because of defender advantage at the base we were capping (some small base on amerish which I have forgotten the name).
  9. TheKhopesh

    I totally, completely, entirely agree.
    K/D means nothing as to your skill.

    But, it is a fairly good indicator as to whether you're doing well or not if your goal is to auraxium a weapon.
    It lets you know how well you're doing with the setup you're playing, and if you need to improve how you're playing.

    Sadly, there are weapons that just are absolutely terrible for some people's play styles, and no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to use them correctly at all.
    (For example, myself and the Baron.)

    I hate the Baron.
    It doesn't feel accurate enough for it's low damage and low fire rate.
    If it got a smart choke, I'd be pleased as could be, but that's not likely to happen.

    And the worst part is, I have no alternative but to use it, as I'm going for the "Exceptional" directive's black camo reward.
    I have 3 of these "Exceptional" weapons auraxiumed, with only two primary "Exceptional" weapons available remaining. Those being the Baron AE and NS-15M AE, and I'm saving the NS-15M AE for last so it won't feel like the grind is dragging out the last little bit for the camo.
    So unless I wanna shoot for Auraxium on the Heartstrings Crossbow, the deepfreeze, or a flare gun:
    I'm stuck with the Baron that I hate so much.
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  10. RykerStruvian

    I wouldn't think too much about it. If you're getting at least 40fps, you should be fine. If you are and you had a bad night, thats all it was...just a bad night.

    If you ever get stuck in a rut, it might help switching factions. Some times it helps to see what things are like on the other side of the barrel :)
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  11. Scarn3

    The other day stomped everywhere I went. I couldn't get out of the spawn room and when I did it seemed everyone was so much quicker on the draw. They were quick and I was dead....again. So I went to Indar,...and died horribly there too.I couldn't even score points! I must have died a dozen + times and had a total of 83 pts for my troubles. I was getting worn down so I shut down and came back another day. It all depends, The day before I was getting 10k+ point runs before I croaked and got 2/3rds of the way thru to 41st level in about an hour.
  12. Targanwolf

    -Realize the game for what it is....partially done and not working that well.
    -stop fixating on K/D it will depress and anger you as long as you do
    -change your class and play style
    -really consider alternative games to this one.This game is going nowhere.Accept it for what it is or consider the above.
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  13. that_darn_lurker

    Yeah, the game is weird like this. I feel like I'm always playing in handicap mode, but come to accept it. Everyone seems to kill me in a fraction of a second regardless of the weapon, but I feel like I have to unload an entire carbine/AR/LMG/SMG mag to kill anyone. It doesn't matter even if I play an aggressive style. So I've switched over to shotguns as a result, to even the playing field. That has helped. I alternate between the baron and the pump-action.

    I main on Connery because I'm closer to it, but oddly enough I seem to do better on Mattherson where my ping is only just slightly higher than Mattherson. I also generally do better in primetime. Outside of prime time, it seems like only the hardcore are playing.
  14. Fatal_Finn

    Had my worst session ever today. Only proper fights were on Esamir and they were mostly stuck on huge icefields between two bases that neither side managed to cap. Think Esamir is the next map that needs fixing. Playing infantry there can be really painful.
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  15. Ghosty11

    When the completely random hit detection issues started to get more frequent, the Halloween event was announced, and the passive cert gain was removed I decided to take a little break from PS2. Over a month without PS2 and still don't feel the urge to come back, since nothing has really changed since I left other than the end of the horribad Halloween event. If they fixed the hit registration issues I'd start playing again, as there is nothing more frustrating than getting the drop on someone, and unloading a full magazine into their back, only to have them turn around and kill you in half a second.
  16. Morti



    take a break from ps2
  17. JDCollie=VX9=

    A headshot from an SAS-R is fatal, friend. As is a base turret shell to the face, if my own experiences are any example. The fury though, no clue there.
  18. K2k4

    I meant a semi automatic sniper rifle when i said sasr not the sas-r which is a fine weapon ;-)

    Things have improved and I think my bad session which caused me to start this post was probably a result of some bad learning pains of switching from a SMG play style over to carbines. That and some unfortunate battle choices I made that night.