Hi guys, Just wanted to post a little vid of 60 seconds of gameplay on Emerald tonight (4/25, ~8:50pm central) -- ran into someone named BaconSniper -- I'm assuming I can use that name, since I'm not accusing him of hacking - actually, it's the other way around. He accused me, I guess - I got a 'Reported!' Tell after out-infiltratorin' him at the Crown. You be the judge. If it's hacking, please report away. But make sure you watch the minimap.
Just a salty infil who got outplayed. He could be clearly seen running to that location at 00:33, long before you caught up to him. He was also showing on the mini map, and at the point you caught up to him and killed him, he wasn't even crouching in deep cloak. What BR is he - could he be a newbie who is under the false impression, cloak = invisible in CQC?
Cloak is visible from a surprising distance if you know what to look for, if they're moving it's even easier. That is not an impression limited to newbies. Or infil players.
Luckily, I'm not shaming anyone, just posting what happened. I'm not interested in being banned without having something posted with my side of the story.
"I'm not shaming anyone! I'm just telling you what happened to this guy who **** himself in public when threatened!" The content of what you tell that happened can be naming and shaming. Since you present yourself as not a cheater and show off someone who is so surprised by events he thinks you are, you are shaming him. I dont know why that needs to be explained.