Woodman - Server lag issues

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by WaiZen, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. WaiZen

    I don't know if it's only for Woodman but the server is having quite an amount of lag. Health packs aren't working, healing takes 2 min, delayed damage, auto resupply not working etc... There was also a large scale crash yesterday, I don't know if It's related to this.
    It's getting pretty annoying. Fix it Please SOE !
  2. IamDH

    Rather odd. I've had lag all the time but not recently

    The opposite has seemed to happen to everyone except me. I can confirm you are not alone because i have heard many other TR saying they're lagging
  3. WaiZen

    ^ Took the footage just about 2 min ago. The medic pack not healing, isn't a visual bug either. :eek:
  4. IamDH

    Ok i just finished playing and im lagging heavily
  5. soo1ner

    Ive been lagging on waterson as well
  6. Lazaruz

    During the Indar alert a few hours ago, I just gave up trying... Saurva was a complete mess, health kits not working, abilities working with a 5-10 second delay, shield not recharging fully, seemingly infinite cloak timer, repair/heal xp coming in chunks, and the list goes on.

    Fun was not had.
  7. BeanSidhe

    Same on Connery. I bailed out of an aircraft and drift jetted to the ground. I thought I still hit a little hard, though there was no indication. A good 30-60 seconds later I took the damage.

    Not only is the lag an annoyance, I've also suffered a few "suicides" as I'm just standing there minding my own business.
  8. Naelyan

    That'd be great if the game was planetside ready before being mlg/*insert_random_PR_event* ready but that whole OMFG thing not talking about those server issues makes me have some serious doubt about it.
    In the past it used to happen only with xp*2 or when trying to remove/get Indar continent bonus. now it pretty much happens during every facility alert and screws the server for hours because a couple genius thought it was a good idea to tell a whole continent "Hey ! every single player should go to this base right now ! nothing can go wrong with that !".

    But do not worry gentlemen, MLG_Nexus is coming ! "random combat on an instanced scale"
  9. shd

    I've played an alert on Miller with crapload of people and it wasn't nearly as bad as on Woodman. Also, this char load time is about 3 times as long as any other i have. Something is not right on woodman.
  10. WaiZen

    It's still happening right now, SOE fix woodman !
  11. Atmoburn

    Also noticed super lag, ammo packs not working, was there for the massive crash yesterday and today I'm being destroyed in the spawn area before even having a chance to get out, what is going on?

    Do I report the players killing me thru spawn room shields or is this a known bug?
  12. ironeddie

    Yeah I noticed in my play today woodman wasn't working right. It's not god awful though, though perhaps it was mitigated by the fact I was playing off peak.

    Something is broke.
  13. soo1ner

    unfortunately it appears to be a minority of players so i dont see it getting attention unfortunately
  14. WaiZen

    Been playing on Ceres with no-much issues but Woodman and Cobalt were pretty laggy to me. Playing in this condition really isn't fun... We're also getting random Zone Restarts here and there on Woodman.
  15. IamDH

    LordBlast's tank was unrepairable

    Every time you repair it the health just goes back down

    I havent been suffering that hard recently