Won't Login to cobalt

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by azm0dan1, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. azm0dan1

    just tried to login - won't login, client crashes after a wait of 5 minutes

    could you at least do the update not before the weekend ?!
  2. Vetenari

    Currently got the same problem. There should be a series of sub-forums for each server to post one's login woes following patch/hotfix the way things are!

    See the latest post from Luperza:

  3. degasior

    Tried to log in on Cobalt. Login successful after ~5 min. After 5 min playtime disconnect from server... 3 times in a row...
    SOE what the **** is going on????
  4. Smit80

    I haven't been able to login for days now. Still the same, hangs on Logging In.
  5. boothegoo

    Cant log in also,
  6. NickVolkers

    Same problem.
  7. IDC_

    game crashed during the alert. trying to login. listening the faction music 4 times then the game crashes again. and again ....
  8. Smegburt

    The fact that the forums even have a "Cobalt: UP" section telling you the server status is a bit WTF. Some people pay subscriptions to play this game, yet all I ever see is people complaining that they can't log in.
  9. NickVolkers

    I think my uninstall button is heating up...
  10. IDC_

    best thing:
    it's right, today was only hotfix day :cool: