without perma stealth itll never ever work

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by albeido, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Here is my biggest problem. Nobody else has an ability that only works 90% of the time. When a heavy pops a shield it doesn't have a chance to just not activate. When a medic uses his AOE heal it doesn't have a chance to just not heal, etc etc. I have no problem with having to crouch and move methodically when infiltrating but if we have to crouch and move in such a manner then we need more time to do it.

    It's a Fact that we are the worst class in an actual fight and I'm fine with that as long as our main ability works properly. My simple solution would be to add 2.5 sec of time onto each tier of hunter cloak along with the recharge rate and give us a 10% speed increase since we are shorted 10% health. That wouldn't make us overpowered in the slightest but would at least give us time to crouch and sneak as needed.

    As for other stuff like EMP nade changes and stuff like that, every class needs little tweaks in that regard and I have faith will come in the class overhaul.

    Not that I'm asking for perma stealth but every other game with perma stealth typically has 100% stealth as well. What good is perma stealth or any degree of stealth at all when everyone can see you.
  2. Ztiller

    No, but it is not guaranteed to save his life either. It adds extra protection, yes. But he can still die. The infiltrator gets extra "undetection", but he can still die.

    Once again, he can heal, but it might nto be enough to save someones life in a firefight.

    The Light Assault can Fly, but not always fast enoug hto dodge bullets, or high enough to scale the walls.

    The MAX can sprint to cover, but he doesn't always make it.

    Just because you activate your power, doesnt mean you succeed with it. That goes for the infiltrator and every other class in the game. You WILL be cloaked, yes. The HA WILL be shielded, and the medic WILL heal. However, it is not a guarantee that you will remain undetected/survive the encounter.
  3. DrankTHEKoolaid

    I knew you would say that but it's not the same. A heavies shield is 100% guarenteed to do what it does, same with all the other abilities you mentioned. Dying it has nothing to do with it. They simply do what they are supposed to do, they don't have different degrees of usage. A heavies shield doesn't stop working depending on if someone is paying attention. It doesn't stop doesn't work less depending on how fast they are moving, and it certainly doesn't work less depending on if someone is running at low or high settings.The cloak is very dependent on the intelligence level and awareness of the opposing team. The other ones do not.
  4. VoidC

    I agree on that. Many users post about noise, but to me longer duration is higher from priority of possible tweaks. Extended tweak could be variable energy consumption. Movement depending power drain would help a lot to use it more in tactical and creative way.
    (qualitative sneaking with long duration but long movement / fast running with short cloak duration and average quality)
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  5. McDonaldsMaster

    I am sorry, I disagree. Here is a video of me infiltrating the enemy base while grabbing a 23 kill streak.
    I have done this a billion times.

    Being the best at a class means you make the most out of your abilities, tools, and surroundings.
    When I play infiltrator, I use more than just the things SOE gave me. I use marksmanship, creativity/wits, the environment, predictions, guts, the enemy's very own vehicles, and most of all, experience.. You get the point. MIND GAMES.

    I can give you some pro tips right now (Infiltrator is my main class).

    Marksmanship: You have a sniper rifle that can shoot long range for a reason. If you can take out enemies that are far away, do you think it will be easier to infiltrate? If you ever get caught, can you take him out?

    Creativity / Wits: Juking. Simple jukes. You stealth, run left behind a tree and they will think you went left, but once you after you go behind the tree, you go back out the same way you came in and you run toward your enemy. And guess what? His back/side is facing toward you and he is aiming his gun where he thinks you are.
    You can see this being done in this video I uploaded. Go to the 1:00 mark.

    The Environment: Take off your stealth when you feel it is safe. If you're behind a wall, hill or tree, take off that stealth! Or go inside a bush and let your stealth fully recharge! This gives you an "infinite" amount of stealth.

    Predictions: This is similar to "Creativity/Wits". Juking. You have to predict what kinds of personalities they have. Will they turn left or turn right? If I think they will go right, then I will go left. Take it one step further, if your prediction is correct, then you can be UNSTEALTHED while being chased/ running away. Or if you see some enemies to the side you can also predict that they won't shoot you because they aren't expecting you. The key is to only use your stealth when you have to. Again, this gives you "infinite" stealth.

    Guts: It takes a lot of it to pull off these stunts. Can be really scary. You'll need faith that it will work out. That's guts.

    The Enemey's Very Own Vehicles: They make great walls. Here is a video I've uploaded. Go to the 1:23 mark. You will see I am hiding under a sunderer. Then seconds later, I will hide behind an enemy tank as a wall! In that entire video I have infiltrated them many times. 1 v many many many many soldiers, check it out.

    Experience: It is VITAL to know WHEN and WHERE to stealth or unstealth! I unstealth during "dangerous" times many times to let my cloak charge, but I predict it will be safe and most of the times I am correct, because of experience. Not just that, but if an enemy ever catches me while I am letting my cloak charge, I am confident I can outsmart him and juke my way out. Record yourself playing infiltrator. Try to infiltrate the enemy base. Go back and watch your footage and try to spot out the moments where you could have been unstealthed. Again, this will give you "infinite" stealth.

    Conclusion: I have an extremely easy time infiltrating. I just click with this class. It is the main class I play. Is it yours? Maybe the infiltrator class is simply the hardest class to play.
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  6. McDonaldsMaster

    Forgot another thing! Being an infiltrator means you must be good at deceiving people.
    That's what your stealth is for.
  7. Ztiller

    I have been tryign to tell people this. However a lot of people just dismiss it as the players being bad/stupid, and that i am just lucky.
  8. McDonaldsMaster

    Sometimes good plays can humiliate people. Humiliated players can appear as being unskilled.

    Do you think those 3 men who fell are bad players? There's a high probably that they're not terrible players.

    But I agree that there are silly players. There's no way to tell. All I know is that my tactics have a high success rate and it works on various group of enemies. One example is if I'm in a building sniping on the top balcony, then I see a large group of enemy soldiers rushing into the building and if I were to fight them it could be life threatening. One thing that I love to do is stealth then jump off that building. I just juked an entire squad! They still think I'm up there, but that's not true! I'm in the other building, or I'm way back over at point C.

    Do you see how that decision was strategic? There are many other strategic decisions the infiltrator needs to make that are both subtle and critical which can lead to dramatic results.
  9. albeido

    for those of you posting videos of sniper shots and all that, this is not the thread for you. this thread pertains to close quarters combat only. we are talking about infiltration, sneaking past enemy lines, knife kills etc. if i wanted a sniper class id ask for a sniper. sniping has no place in this class in my opinion. and i would never carry a sniper rifle to play infiltrator.
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  10. Ztiller

    Fair enough. Here you go:

  11. albeido

    this is what we want. ps2 just isnt near as fun. notice in the first video where he flips on his darkvision to see the enemy infiltrator. it was totally balanced very easily, and notice how non of them even had sniper rifles? and how the enemies would just run right past them and the infiltrator did not engage them because he didnt have to cuz they couldnt see him. this is what everyone is talking about.
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  12. DirArtillerySupport

    Wow...you do realize Planetside 2 got it's name from Planetside 1 right? Would like to hear from any vets that thought perma stealth was a terrible terrible idea...that went on for 9 years.
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  13. PandoraAce

    Oh hell yes and I also want a weapon that can lock on to peoples heads and shoots projectiles that home in on the lock. Also the lock shouldn't disengage even if you take ADS off. It should stick on the UI and show his movements through terrain and buildings, also the bullets should be able to do tight turns, so even if I fire in the exact opposite direction the bullets would still home in on his head.

    Also I should be able to do this WHILE invisible. Also I want an underbarrel grenade launcher that shoots EMP grenades but ones that also kill. With 20 grenades.

    Hmm maybe that seems a bit imabalanced.... maybe it should have a 5 second reload time but it should have 800 ammo clip so it would be perfectly balanced.

    Also I want to fly. If that could be put in there as well, thanks.
  14. Vaphell

    ZTiller, McDMaster - how many infiltrators like you are there? It's like Michael Jordan saying 'i can dunk, so everybody can'
    Epic-skilled people can kill even with a fork, news at 11. Classes shouldn't be judged by their outliers but by median performance. Median HA, LA, engineer, medic are plenty useful, not the case with infiltrators.

    Try to understand, we think that you are more or less LAs in infiltrator's clothes and this is not how the class is supposed to be played assuming the name itself and the legacy carry any weight. The class offers nothing to non-ADHD people who want to avoid combat completely if possible (as the act itself announces your presence which is contrary to the goal of infiltration) and focus solely on sabotage, putting into it as much patience as necessary. Currently the class forces rushing things and that's a non-starter.
  15. Amouris

    Watching these vids makes laugh, and then sad because we don't have the tools for this type of game play. Furthermore we can't seem to get a clear answer when or if we are getting the tools.
  16. Jex =TE=

    Link please.
  17. Ztiller

    These are the two clearest ones. I have more where i start behind friendly lines and move in behind the enemies, but their focus lies elsewhere.

  18. OldMaster80

    Erm... Albeido asked to quit posting video about snipers, and you posted other sniping videos. Permacloak has nothing to do with sniping.
    The only infiltration video is the 4th, but do you realize the only reason why this guy is so effective at infiltrating is that he's doing this at night? Do you really think he could do the same with Hunter cloaking device during daytime?
  19. Ztiller

    Stop actively trying to look for excuses. Really. It is just annoying and stupid.

    At least 95% of these kills would have still been performed, but with a Automatic rifle or SMG. When you talk about Sniping, you talk about long-range engagement. Not someone sneaking up 5 meters from you, Using the cloak, and then headshot you with a sniper. The fact that i had a sniper is compeltely irrelevant to the effective use of the cloak overall.

    He asked for Close Quarter combat. Those videos clearly showed off close quarter combat. The fact that i use a long-range weapon effectively despite it is completely irrelevant. Any other weapon would have done just as well. I just do not own any of them, evidently because i do not need them.

    And your narrow-minded dismissal of even the Fourth video, claiming that it takes place during night (Which is around 40% of the gametime overall) ignores the fact that in video 2 i use a knife and manticore to take down half a squad completely unnoticed during daytime.

    The fourth video also clearly shows me using the cloak effectively during daytime to walk straight into an enemy group undetected and the fifth me crossing a field undetected.

    This is the problem with people like you. No matter what i do and show, you are just actively trying to find any possible explanation for why it is "not really so good". I show myself knifing down entire squads, i show myself walking around surrounded by enemies.

    And instead of acknowledging the now proven fact that the cloak is an extremely effective tool, you start coming up with idiotic excuses like "Oh well, you used the sniper rifle at 5-meters distance, so you're wrong" or "During night, yeah", ignoring all the times i performed just as well during day.

    Yes. And if Michael Jordan shows you how to dunk, then you should listen and try his methods, and not just blatantly dismiss it. There is nothing about what i do, that can not be mirrored by every other player on the game.

    You say LA is useful, and then you say that the Infiltrator is like an LA. So how will it be? Useful or not? There is nothing, in terms of contribution to the team apart from C4, that the LA can do that the Infiltrator cant.

    "offers nothing to non-ADHD people"

    To me, it sounds more like people who just want to run around with no-skill-required. Looking at the infiltration videos, they have literally zero skill requirements, and practically no tactical or strategic demands. I can understand that people like you want to play like that, but i prefer a class that actually tests me.

    I can focus solely on sabotage if i want to. The problem is that there is not much for me to sabotage right now. Whatever there is to sabotage i can destroy in 5 minutes. But that is not a flaw in the class, but in the base layout of the game.
  20. OldMaster80

    It's not an excuse. I seriously believe in that video you managed to be uncloaked for long periods just because it was during night. No way you can convince me you can do that with so much people during daytime, unless they're playing at 5 fps and low detail.
    Then, I'm not saying infiltrating is impossible without longer cloaking.
    What many ask if just to have a choice. We want to choose between a tool that requires more tactic as you have to take cover an keep moving but gives you full firepower (the Hunter) and a cloaking device that makes you easier to sneak behind enemy lines for recognition and hacking purpose, but with decreased offensive abilities (the Stalker).
    I'd like to remember that many of us have been playing like this for something like 10 years, and it's sad SOE is just ignoring it's long-time customers.

    Do you like the Hunter? Can you do hundreds of kills? Great you're very skilled I would shake your hand if I could. If they introduced the option to have the Stalker, that would change NOTHING for you. But from my point of view, after a decade of Planetside, I still prefer the old way. I would trade my sniper rifle for longer cloaking today if I could. Since this option was actually there in beta, I'm still waiting to understand what devs plan to do about this, because that cloaking device is probably one of the "hottest" items Infiltrators have been asking in the last 6 months.
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