With Regards to Cert *resets*

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeslis, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Vedo

    With all the changes and re balancing and tweaking going on (which I expect with a newly released game) it would be awesome if they would give us a one time cert reset at the six month mark.
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  2. f33die

    While I understand that this game is undergoing constant changes and tweaking I am all for certification resets. When the developer does major changes to classes or items then the affected players should have a chance to check out the changes and then decide whether to keep current certifications or to completely reset them for the items that have been subject to change. The changes may crash completely with the player's play-style and the player should then get a free ticket to try something else.

    The current certification gain vs certification cost is harsh and as long as it remains like this I will continue to support certification resets. Players should not suffer when developers get a sudden change of heart.
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  3. Joe_da_cro

    so to the op if SOE refunds or resets the certs that you spent will you pay back to the game all the certs you gained while using the item?

    even a simple thing like the IR vision increased my killing in a lib while i was gunning for a mate of mine by about 100%.

    and to answer the question of course you wont. and becuase the answer is a big fat no this is a small reason why SOE doesn't refund.
  4. St0mpy

    *shrugs* i said im for it, i never said i expected it

    already far too many armchair designers here flooding the place with suggestions threads thinking their idea is going to be the ultimate game changer, and yours is just as sucky, remove all experience? why for god sake, removing xp is a punishment, we arent the ones that changed the stats. Letting people re-evaluate it is something fair they could do, thats all.

    Anyway who cares, im not so naive to think posting stupid ideas here is doing to change anything..its not.
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  5. Olek

    I'd prefer the ability to sell off the gear I no longer use and get 50-25 percent of my certs back, selling them off at a loss.
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  6. Jeslis

    No, I wouldn't refund all the certs gained while using it. This is something I completely disagree with.
    - If I was a proponent of WEAPON unlock resets, I would agree with you. I am not. I only wish to reset Certifications that do not involve weapon unlocks.
    To clarify, if I wanted a refund on my zephyr, I would support losing xp (probably a deficit that must be made up to start earning certs again) based on kills gotten with it.
    I do not want a refund on my zephyr, I want a refund on its Thermal Vision, so I can put those points into zoom instead.
    I want a refund on scopes Ive purchased because there was no easy way to figure out what each looked like.
    I want a refund on the grenade launcher attachment due to how buggy it is.

    However, if paying a cost based on item use in order to refund it, I would accept partial refund based on time used.. Ex; if I respec out of Thermal (cost 200), I only get 125 back.. etc etc..

    .. btw I answered.
  7. Jeslis

    I am both Liking your post, and quote-replying it for emphasis. This. Exactly.
  8. Jeslis

    By gear I assume you mean weapons?

    A sellback feature would be nice for weapons, much like my post .. 2-3 posts ago?.. Partial credit recieved back.. and hopefully any certs spent within the weapon refunded, or partially refunded.
  9. Jeslis

    Always open to more discussion ;)
  10. Wibin

    The OP's argument is going a bit far, but the fact that a lot of ingame things are just foriegn and you haev no clue what yoru doing... lets say for scopes, which don't work for every class, only that weapon in that class (except la/eng) you end up wasting points for no reason cause you cannot see wtf it does, or just buy them all and use them as needed.

    So I haev a good 200 points wasted in scopes and don't even use them half the time.

    At BR25, thats a lot of points.
    Granted, later on when i'm lets say br50, I"ll have points to waste on whatever I want and not care.

    But now I spend 4 days racking up 100 points a day to buy 1 item, when I could easly get that back.

    There really is no good solution to all of this except for giving each account 1 free re-cert. The account, not character. 1 per account. Then require you to purchase them afterwards.

    All SC purchases are never negated and will always stay. You cannot refund SC purchases.

    This is the only "simple" solution to it.
    So you can either save your 1 reset till your BR50, lets say, or spend it when your br25(likeme) when you've finally learned what all you want to do with the game.

    The thing with this though is it only stunts newer players who have no clue wtf they are doing.

    Experienced players can keep playing on and gaining certs and just overcoming the obstacles eventually.

    I have at least 400 points wasted on things I didn't realize stacked, or will never use now I know how the system works.
    I can overcome this, and I have. but I would really like that 400 points back to buy other things that cost way to many cert points. like.> Forward grip.
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  11. bobzebrick

    This, it's common practice elsewhere. With this game still being in beta I'm pretty sure more drastic changes will be made and people will demand refunds of certs spent on heavily nerfed/changed options. With how painfully long SOE have made the grind I cannot blame them and support it personally.
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  12. hostilechild

    Cert resetting would have some side effects.
    You start with a set of guns. You cert scopes and attachments with them. You level up.
    Buy a new gun, you now have to buy new certs scopes for those, rinse repeat......

    If reset certs you will not put certs into all the previous guns (some might if they have short/mid/long varieties) just the one you currently use. Small but still an advantage. You will not put certs into vehicle weapons you use to use and dumped for the new "OP" one. So some progression is lost that you made use out of.

    I am not against cert resets, but i don't think it should be free or be huge.

    As some have suggested allow X amount of certs to be "sold/traded back" each day, so you can save up and respend wisely.

    Also wouldn't mind if they said "ReCert token 2000NC", bet they would make a quick million.

    *Weapons purchased by SC or certs should be non refundable. You got your use, There could however be a 24hr buyer remorse for them. Trial is nice but not always working and don't get a whole lot of use out of it most of time, where as 24hrs is more than enough time.

    *I am 95% happy with my purchases, but i played beta and figured out a good bit then. Still can make a stupid mistake, cert scope for wrong gun for example. Change play style so favor 1 class over another or vehicle for example.
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  13. Flarestar

    It's not common practice elsewhere to reset talent/build/skill points after balance patches. It's common practice to do it after you revamp entire talent trees, or move a bunch of skills into different subcategories, or fundamentally change what things do. There's a difference.

    I have yet to see a single MMO that habitually resets progression/specialization options every time they make balance changes.

    As I said in another thread: No matter how many times people make this request, and no matter how many rationalizations people come up with, the certs are still not capped, and you still shouldn't be able to switch all your stuff around the moment the current FOTM gets nerfed, which is what has invariably driven the periodic resurgence of a ton of threads near identical to this. You know why you're really asking, we know why you're really asking, and SOE knows why you're really asking.

    There are exceptions, and those can be handled through mechanics other than cert refunds - for instance:
    • Remove the current Trial mechanics.
    • Put in a two hour refund window for *all* unlocks. Any time during that two hours, you can choose to void the unlock and get your certs or SC back, at the rate you paid originally in the event of the item being on discount and the discount ending during the two hour window.
    • Once you've done this for an item, you cannot do it again - if you unlock the mod again, you are stuck with it. No refund window.
    This both allows a reasonable timeframe for you to assess whether or not something is actually worth it to you, and prevents players from abusing that mechanic to pull something out briefly for on the spot use - a second burster arm, or a G2A launcher when you're getting swarmed by air, for instance.

    What isn't reasonable, however, in this type of game, is allowed a full wipe and reset of purchased options, SC or cert. All of that stuff, even cert-based mods, impacts your fighting effectiveness, and without a way to quantify that, simply giving you the certs you spent back without removing the benefit you gained from using the unlock basically just lets people screw around playing FOTM games constantly and voids any concept of actual progression.

    That being said: in the case of specific items being changed so drastically that they are in effect another item entirely, sure, for that item's cost. So far we haven't actually had that happen with any item - it came close with the original G2A and G2G lock on launchers when they were wanting to remove dumb fire, but that's the closest we've come to a change of that nature since launch.
  14. Jeslis

    I like your suggestions

    RE "and you still shouldn't be able to switch all your stuff around the moment the current FOTM gets nerfed,"
    -- This is why there is discussion of the *cost* of doing this.

    I 100% agree that respecing regularly for FOTM would be a terrible thing.

    If this was a once every 3 months, or a 50$ charge.. as a deterrent to doing it constantly, I would love it

    To be clear, we (most people talking about cert resets), do NOT want weapon resets ((With regards to your
    - we do not want a reset on bursts//G2A
  15. Flarestar

    Some of you don't. Many of the people posting are wanting a full reset.

    As far as the mods... the mods arguably make more impact than the weapons themselves in a lot of cases. The problem doesn't really change. I understand what you're getting at, it's just something that isn't really necessary. If you've actually managed to spend such a large amount of certs in things that you genuinely haven't used, you're doing something wrong. If you've been using them on the other hand, you shouldn't be refunded.
  16. Jeslis

    My argument to this would be.. -- If your managed to spend alot of certs in something your using, the *global reset* .. your likely to just re-cert back into it, probably even more.
    And when I first started, I DEFINITELY was doing something wrong. I was a ******.

    This is my situation,
    - I find myself driving a sunderer around alot, using a skyguard less now that more people have AA maxes, so would like my points out of my lightening acquisition timer to put more into the sunderer.
    - I have both IR AND thermal spec'd on .. 3? weapons.
    - I have flares, afterburner and .. scouting? .. on.. My liberator? I forget the names, but basically 3 utility specs for just 1 slot.

    The recent change to thermal/IR just *happens* to have happened, but the .. 'want' for a cert reset mechanic existed before nerfs/buffs to items/weapons.
  17. Nurath

    Wish I could reset my certs, feel points in my prowler were wasted seeing as that tank is just hopeless against magriders.

    It's not like there was a tutorial telling you about the game so you have some idea of what to spend on what.
  18. Jeslis

    I gotta be honest here Nurath.. specifically saying that the prowler is hopeless against the magrider is really not the purpose of this thread.. (even in the context of wanting to do a cert reset.)

    - I could go over some strategies that prowlers can (and have) used to successfully wipe the floor with my mag (fully certed out), but there are other guides out there for that.

    Don't get me wrong, the proposed Cert reset that this thread discusses would *help* you in your situation. But arguably you seem to simply not like, or not perform well at the prowler role (rather then nerf calling, a small shortcoming perhaps), specifically against magriders.
  19. PaperPlanes

    I know of some people who basically wasted certs when they started playing because they thought speccing into certain things on a class were passive abilities, so initially their certs were spread all over the place. One of my friends got Adrenaline Pump for Light Assault and assumed from the description it was a passive speed boost for sprinting, then he found out he had to choose between it and other more useful things like nano armor or flak armor.

    I'm sure everyone would appreciate a free total cert refund every once in a while. They did this in PS1 sometimes.
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  20. Kedric

    I love people who argue against something that would help other players and do no harm to them.

    To those against a cert refund, would giving a cert refund:

    1) Kill baby kittens?
    2) Make you bleed from every orifice?
    3) Cause a rain cloud to hover over your head all day?
    4) Make your car rust and fall apart?
    5) Place banana peels on your stairs every morning before you get out of bed?

    In other words, is there any reason in the whole entire world why a cert refund would hurt you, and thus cannot be allowed for other players who DO want it?

    *sound of crickets*

    I thought not.
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