Wishes for features on forums

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by BuddhiBadugi, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. BuddhiBadugi

    I don't know where this belongs, so I put it just here. Maybe it can be moved to the appropriate forum from a moderator.

    There's 2 features I really miss on this forum:

    1) I am sometimes reading stuff, that I want to remind myself off for later. For instance while reading a thread about best weapon choice for a certain class, I find a very helpful post in making that choice. I can like the post, but I can't see nowhere the likes I have given out. Can we have that feature?

    2) Please have a look at this excellent post (that would warrant a sticky btw.): http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/comprehensive-guide-to-light-assault.76109/

    Then please have a look on this excellent post for Starcraft2 on Teamliquid: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=320038

    Both are really good content, but the spoilers on teamliquid let the guide be organized and not seem like a bloody mess as the light assault one. Also, it allows me to quickly jump to what I want to know instead of scrolling endlessly. I want to know what to put in my suit slot? I want to open that spoiler and be right there.

    I think both would be good additions to your forums (if not already hidden somewhere)
  2. Hydragarium

    I like your suggestion of "Save for later" bookmarks. I have something like 20 bookmarks in my browser for threads that are interesting to me.

    As for excellent guides and such - the game has an official wiki. I'm sure it could be ported to that format. But of course the wiki isn't as noticeable as the forums.