Will Emerald Inherite Mattherson's Plague?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tycoh, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Devrailis

    The issue is organization, which is skill.

    During the Hossin alert earlier today, NC lost 3 consecutive battles where the pops were relatively even.

    Why did they lose? No one sat on the points.

    Every single base NC lost, the VS pretty much strolled up to A point, while the majority of NC were off doing goodness knows what. Nothing useful was accomplished by 95% of the NC population in each battle. By the time most of the goldfish players realized we were losing the base, the VS had already pushed up to the spawn room. And by push, I mean leisurely strolled, pranced, skipped. They had time for cake and tea.

    This has nothing to do with VS weapons, or VS twitch skills, both are irrelevant when no one gives them anything to shoot at on the point anyway.

    Just remember, if you get facerolled by some BR 100 VS and you're sitting about 800 meters away from the point with your sniper rifle, it doesn't matter. His killing you doesn't matter, your dying doesn't matter, YOU don't matter. Your base was lost with you having 0 impact on the outcome.
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  2. gibstorm

    IMO they are better. If I drop below 1 KDR as just infantry I am doing horrible on a long play session this will only happen against the TOP VS units. Then I will move to lick my wounds and it starts going back up right away.

    You can tell the second you get into a gun fight. The difference is night and day. Now NC does have players like this too but IMO not as many. I don't fight TR so I can't comment on fighting TR
  3. Yuukikun

    The fun part about your comment is that during prime time, pops are capped for each faction on the alert cont. If you can't pull the same numbers, that means you can't organize them, not that you don't have them.
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  4. LanceTR

    You just completely invalidated your point. How can you say the VS are better players if they're the only ones you play against. That's like if you were playing games with a group of friends, and you only played one of them, and he beats you every time, so you say he's the best. If you haven't played against the other opponents how do you know who truly is the best?
  5. Yuukikun

    If you remove DA and AC from the equation, VS are the easiest bads to farm.
  6. gibstorm

    I have played against VS and NC. NC is easier to do better against. Again this on average both sides have good players and bad players.

    I assume DA is better cause I fight them alot and I have never seen a TR unit show up and drop kick them trough a window. We need pop to beat them every time once they dig into one of their prefered bases to defend.

    But you are right, my knowledge of how hard it to fight TR is limited cause I play TR. I have asked who out top units are on TR That would be equal to the top VS units and I never get anwser. So I assume this is not good
  7. Shadowomega

    Gibson only TR outfit that I can think of that does any form of Coordination is BWC, there might be a few other small ones. Being a Rambo in a game like this generally doesn't go well for the Rambo style player, even one of AT's recruitment videos pointed it out.

    Time to Time I do my lone wolfing but I use my team play knowledge to figure were I can best put my talents to go use. Even then things can get frustrating.

    As for the trolling I expect that from a couple VS emerald outfits, and part of it stems from when the VS was at 20% server pop for 6 months and taking it to the face from both TR and NC. Just a cycle of people being mean.

    @LanceTR there is a web site that tracks population extremely well and on average VS tend to be close in pop with the TR with NC holding the most. The only daily exception for this is between the hours of 11pm and 3 am.
  8. LanceTR

    I'd like to see that site, because any time I'm on other than prime time, VS has a major pop advantage.
  9. gibstorm

    Yeah, I like being a Rambo. I don't even care if I am on the losing team. I consider myself very good at FPS and can handle fighting against the odds.

    My concern is the average player can't!!

    Even teams = Awesome battles. Uneven Teams = Spawn camping. There is nothing pushing people to want to even the teams and I think that is a huge mistake

    My friends that I group with will get frustrated and want to move. "I am getting slaughtered, I can't do anything lets move." Now I can tell them all day the best way to get better is stay here and keep fighting because the harder your enemy the more you have to learn to beat them but they won't listen. It's human nature to move to an easier battle.
  10. Shadowomega

    Even teams in a game of persistence isn't likely even more so Planetside is a game where alot of people really get behind their faction and not likely to switch. Not to mention when Continental lattice comes in with Sanctuary Continents (Factions home continent where there is no battle allowed, safe log in point) battles may start to occur between two factions only. Map from PS1:

  11. Shanther

    The amount of NC / TR salt in this thread is amazing.
  12. NightEngine

    Well, see, we suck, so... yeah.
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  13. Shadowomega

  14. gibstorm

    Yes, yes, You are god mode, We should all be like you we get it.

    I mean, I can switch to VS and start talking about how awesome I am too. But I don't think that helps the game
  15. gibstorm

    There is no point in adding this, If teams can't fight equally.

    I mean do we really want only a few places open as the weak teams are backed into a corner 24/7
  16. Shanther

    And case and point.
  17. gibstorm

    I am sorry, I just want the game to be healthy and grow.

    I said it was a massive problem when TR had 40% pop on waterson as we controlled everything and we won the alert at the same time. They have still done nothing to even try to address the probelm and it's still a big problem on almost every most servers. They are losing players because of it. They can't afford to lose more

    If all you want to do if farm noobs for easy wins and troll hats of to you. Personally I think the game is better when it's competitive on all sides.

    Mean while the devs are working on blocking exp on spawn kills which would be a less of a problem if they worked on getting the teams to be even. So battles lasted longer on the field instead of outside of spawn rooms
  18. BaronVonVirtu

    Individual VS player skill is HIGHLY overrrated here. There may have/may have been more BR100s on VS than prior, but I disagree that they're just flat out better. Skill does tend to travel a little closer packed on VS, but I don't feel it's to the extent you're noting.
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  19. Shadowomega

    Actually Cont locking would change with continental lattice, like in the PS1 pic those conts are "locked" as in people TR/NC can not Drop pod in on a VS locked cont, however they can enter via warp gates. Also no more warp gate bases. If you haven't played PS1 I do believe they made it free to play now so, feel free to check it out.
  20. Liberty

    This is very much a chicken and the egg scenario. Did VS poach all the best players


    Did the TR and NC create an environment that the top players hated so much that they'd rather start over from scratch? And by extension, did a few VS outfit leads facilitate entertaining gameplay at higher levels rather than your typical "throw everything you have at it" mentality that is the meta of PS2.

    As someone who was poached from a high BR TR character, I can safely say the latter had quite a bit to do with it.
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