Will alerts be gone after continent locking is implemented?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Llamar, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Llamar

    Will they?
  2. Zar

    i guess they would have to be huh
  3. Morchai

    Gone? No. But they obviously won't be taking place on a locked continent.

    In fact, when a faction gets enough territory on a continent it will trigger an alert to lock it or prevent the lock.
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  4. Nanomorph

    There will be new types of alerts.

    Ask the devs for details.
  5. Alarox

    Why? You could just have alerts specific to the current continents.
  6. Malorn

    Alerts will be changing significantly with continent locking. They are not going away so much as being repurposed. They will be tied to continent locking and they will no longer be random / quasi-random. If you see an alert post-continent lock, it will be because some players made it happen, and the win or loss of that alert will have a very significant consequence.
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  7. Lord_Avatar

    This bodes well. :cool:
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  8. ZephyrBurst

    This bodes well indeed. Super good news, Malorn. :)
  9. Atis

    whoa, talking dev. Is he real? *pokes Malorn with stick*

    Its sounds like we'll finally have bit of strategy in this game, I just hope it wont be nerfed to cater to Iwannajustkillstuff crowd.
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  10. maxkeiser

    I still think certain facility alerts (amp station etc) should be kept on non-locked continents. Alerts are great fun and provide the best opportunities for organised platoons/factions.
  11. DurandaI

    If you are removing other, more normal alerts (continent, facillity) Put in the RABBIT alert from planetside 1 PLEASE!
  12. Ronin Oni

  13. Ronin Oni

    How do you nerf an alert? o_O
  14. Atis

    Its SOE, they can nerf a nerfbat for nerfed nerfs. For example they can add some extra easy way to undo the lock,
  15. Ronin Oni

    Conquer another continent.
    ^That's how you undo a lock
  16. Atis

    "Nerf", "add extra easy way" - do you know what words nerf, add, extra mean??
  17. Epic High Five

    Roll a natural 20 to regain Amerish access
  18. Camycamera

    sweet. i wonder what new types of alerts could come into place since it will be tied into continent locking, i guess we'll see when the more alert types thing on the roadmap comes along.