Why you shouldn't whine about Lockdown.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by LordMatt XLVIII, May 14, 2013.

  1. LordMatt XLVIII

    (Note: I originally posted this as a reply to a different thread, but I reposted it here because I thought people needed to hear this.)

    I'll admit, I haven't tried the test server or new abilities yet, but what I do know is that Lockdown is going to be the best support ability ever.

    ZOE temporarily gives the Vanu MAX considerable solo abilities against infantry. The Aegis gives NC MAXes a forward facing heavy shield, allowing them to temporarily block enemy attacks.

    However, the TR can Lockdown and sit. Now this may not fit most people's play styles, but it gives it a considerable advantage, albeit in a completely different way.

    First off, people seem to be a bit overreactive to how long it takes to deploy. From what I heard it's 1 SECOND. Besides, if you die because you were locked down, perhaps that was a situation where you shouldn't have been locked down. Now, on to the actual advantages. With the drastically increased rate of fire/reload speed and bullet velocity that Lockdown gives you, TR AA fire is going to be scary as **** for the NC and VS. In addition, the TR's default AV weapon is sorely lacking in bullet velocity, and in the opinion of most, overall effectiveness. However, with Lockdown, it becomes a force to be reckoned with(Not to mention Fractures).

    So why don't people like Lockdown? Well, here's my theory:

    Let's say you're playing a completely different FPS, one that's more based around the individual player(Think: Call of Duty). It's fast-paced, breakneck action, and Lockdown wouldn't be the kind of thing you'd want bogging you down in your blinding Free-for-all skirmishes. However, Planetside is fundamentally different, it's a game where strategy and patience can pay off big time.

    TL;DR- TR are whining because they'd rather have ZOE or Aegis for their CoD character.
  2. Gustavo M

    I'm sorry but it's like you wrote this for two minutes, not even cared to rethink what you wrote and called it as a "fact".
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  3. KnightCole

    ZoE looks like its going to be totally goddamn ******** OP....

    Aegis? it going to be about as good as the Vanguard shield?

    Lockdown? idk...immobilty just screams "nuke me with Rockets please'
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  4. Serpent808

    ZOE seems to stay on with an unlimited duration. To say it gives V-MAXs a temporarily solo abilities may seem a bit in-accurate. It provides more than just being a solo, 2-legged tank.

    Lockdown for the TRs, takes 2 seconds roughly to engage, and 3 seconds to disengage. It's got a limited rotation of 120 to 90 degs from left to right. You're rear is completely vulnerable to attacks while anchored.

    NC Aegis could be a little OP depending on how much damage the shield can absorb before the bar is depleted. You're basically a mobile meat-shield, and that's it.
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  5. Serpent808

    ZOE would decrease the V-MAX's defenses. On live server, they are squishy even with 5/5 Kinetic Armor. Roughly 3 to 10 shots to take a V-MAX down with the stock Heavy Assault Machine Gun. ZOE will probably drop this in half.

    Mechanics of Aegis is probably this: Your shield takes damage, it's bar on your lower right begins to drop, but slowly recharges after not taking damage for "t" amount of seconds like a nanite repair ability for armor or maxes. You can't shoot, you can't run, you can't melee swing with Aegis enabled.

    Lockdown T-MAXs will be vulnerable from the rear, but it doesn't mean you can't pin your back to the wall of a building, another max, or the side of a hill while shooting ESF or infantry down. When Anchored, T-MAXs have increase reload speed, muzzle velocity, and RPMs with LD enabled. Being nuked by rockets is problematic to all MAXs.
  6. BarxBaron

    ZoE is an eternal toggle-when-you-want Iwin button of massive pwn.

    OP if you think Lockdown is anywhere near the benefits of ZoE or being able to door face-check with NC max super shield you need to sober the hell up.

    Prowler lockdown only became passable due to the long distances it can be used at as well as relative tank beefiness. Maxes have no such luxury except in bursting and even then ZoE will do it nearly the same I bet and only 300 times safer.

    NC maxes will eat rockets for breakfast at buildings and proceed to insta **** with either shotguns or the "real striker" that should of been in TRs arsenal instead of the annihilator 2.0.

    ZoE is hilariously OP.

    There's a reason PS1 ended up having to give TR a choice of a capacitor instead of just lockdown.........then they give the capacitor in a different form to the VS and don't remove the move speed buff that was nerfed away from the PS1 version..................lol
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  7. SexyTRex

    Perhaps you should get on the PTS during a test and use it in combat. Lockdown is so situational that I see no reason to take it except in very specific defenses.
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  8. BarxBaron

    The worst part is all max abilities are useful in alot of situations except TRs.

    TR: Defense..........then instant death due to being immobile and maxes nearly having same low life span of any other soldier in PS2.
    Offense......I will personally tk people I see trying to "siege tank" push with freakin slow *** maxes that die just as fast as regular troops. Lockdown is useless in nearly all offensive attempts unless you someone make it somewhere...and GL making it to that building without max dash.

    NC: Offense.....pushing with super shield? Yes plz
    Defense......door checking/walling with super shield? Yes plz

    Zoe: LOL

    Lockdown barely worked worth a hell in PS1......and even then it was only because of bursters (TR had the only flak max) and because maxes needed AV to kill and were highly resistant to small arms. In this game maxes still get ***** by small arms, kinetic armor or not.

    Nuff' said.
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  9. Serpent808

    I think Lockdown would be extremely useful for guarding key points and suppressing any advances from Vanu or NC. This is especially useful in Bio Labs, Tech plants, and Amp Stations where there's a lot of choke points. On a side note, it would be more useful and beneficial if SOE increases the RPM gains on 5/5 Lockdown.
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  10. BarxBaron

    Yes because presenting an immobile target for 'round the corner pheonixes...or peek-a-boo instant lasers is a great idea.

    Hell why bother, just peek around the corner and shoot a damn rocket. I highly doubt you will die unless you walk all the way out like a fool.

    Seriously. This is not PS1. Lockdown CANNOT work with max lifespan as low as it is.
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  11. Serpent808

    Well as I explain in the Roadmap section -- > Class: Max Revamp, if you made the armor of MAXs like ESF or armor, you take the whole "lifespan" problem of MAXs out of the equation. Of course, this would make them miniature Tanks on steroids, but it's not like you can't find a way to destroy them. The only real deterrent is either going to be other MAXs with Anti-Tank Weapons, Heavy Assaults with Rocket Launchers, ESF with Anti-Tank missile-pods, AP rounds from Lightning and Empire Heavy Tanks. Let's not forget about C4--which won't 1-shot a MAX, but will damage it in moderation, Mana Anti-vehicle turrets, Anti-vehicle mines, Turret defenses from an Amp Station, Tech Plant, or Air Tower, etc... MAXs should really just be a deterrent for any form of Infantry that can't use "artilary-based" weapons.

    In addition, I've also mention since MAXs are basically walking exo-skeleton Tank Suits, they should have their base movement speed decreased. So it takes longer for them to mobilize to a point.

    If what I wrote up above actually happened in PS2, Lockdown would be OP, and there wouldn't be a need to increase the RPM features on Lockdown, and I would say it's even more logical if the amount of time required to turn off Lockdown was increased. Increased from 3 to 4 seconds to 6 to 8 seconds, and it wouldn't render the T-MAX from shooting while disabling Lockdown.
  12. KnightCole

    But its going to be laughably easy to nuke one that is stationary...
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  13. Zamos

    Organised outfits will love lockdown , zergs not much
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  14. Shockwave44

    Sure, if you're outside in the middle of nowhere and not indoors.
  15. SiosDashcR

    .. You should try these MAX abilities first on the test server, then base your conclusions off that.

    Throwing out an opinion without any supported proof besides of the claims of what people have been saying (because I damn well know the MAX takes longer than a second to engage) - is just poo that no one will listen to.

    ZOE is MORE than capable of sh*tting on infantry on its own, if you haven't already tried it or seen gameplay videos of people doing it more often than not- taking out NC ScatMAXes AND THEN PROCEEDING to taking out a TR MAX fairly soon after (because of their mobility and getting around the enemy).

    Aegis Shield - Dunno about that. Heard it was changed, could be wrong. Last time I checked some weeks ago, it was poo. Not sure about that anymore, though.
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  16. Pudgeinabowl

    /end thread. Do some investigation and playtesting before vomitting hyperbole and factless 'facts' into the PTS discussion forum.
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  17. BarxBaron

    And both will love NC shield (if not dumb) and ZoE.

    Some will complain about shield I'm sure..........because people don't realize maxes generally die from surprise corner rockets........not constant fire. Guess which special is almost designed for going around corners and seeing what's there?


    And the other two have great potential ANYWHERE?

    Do you understand where I'm coming from yet?

    Lockdown is too damn situational and the situations for it are minimal at best, boring at worst. There's a reason PS1 ended up givng TR maxes a capacitor later in life and hell, in that game lockdown was almost useable because maxes needed AV to kill.
  18. LordMatt XLVIII

    Some how I figured I'd get this kind of response. I also kind of figured that my assumptions would be off by a smidge, and from what I can see here, apparently they are. I was working off idealistic thoughts, and should've backed it up with evidence. I suppose what I've said here isn't so much proclaiming what is so much as it's saying what would be ideal.

    I'm glad for everyone's feedback, and I hope SOE will listen to the community and find a good balance.
  19. OldMaster80

    The problem with lockdown is that it's definitely more situational than all other Max skills. It's good for providing exceptional cover fire, and probably for AA purpose, but in face to face fighting it's likely to be useless. When bullets start coming from everywhere you don't want to be a huge static target with the butt locked to the ground: flankers will be on you like bees on honey.
    Using that skill in a profitable way requires a lot of practice and good combat awareness (and a little support from the team of course). The gap with ZOE is pretty evident on Test Server: Vanu Max can charge enemy lines in a very aggressive and fast way, causing havok and dealing a good damage. TR Max probably won't be able to do the same.

    Not everyone knows that this skill was also there in Planetside 1 and after years devs decided that it had to be removed and replaced with something else. Now it's going to cause exactly the same problems and complains.
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  20. LordMatt XLVIII

    Just out of curiosity, what did they replace it with? (I assume you're referring to Lockdown?)