Why TR guns suck.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Aegie

    Right, your problem right now is that many of your weapons have been adjusted for the sake of trying to get better overall balance. TR has had it easy in most regards for over a year so yeah, I would expect a negative reaction.

    I use the Trac5+Foregrip+4x on my TR alt and with the little time I have played (i.e. no real practice necessary) I was able not only to engage at all the ranges I was used to with NC long range options but what is more is that I was not pants down in CQC either and could reliably take down long range targets that were moving with relative horizontal motion because the ROF is so high (and horizontal recoil is not such a bad thing when targets are not standing still or moving straight towards/away from you).

    Get over it, or, at the very least, wait for some decent evidence to accumulate so that you can actually make a case.

    Seriously, NC have been dealing with being hardcoded as the worst faction for over a year- you do not even have a sense of the real outcomes of the patch yet.
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  2. LaRZy

    TR guns suck because the TR use them. :)

    otherwise they'd proberbly be the best guns on Auraxis.
  3. Odin

    boohoo my overperforming crap was brought into line...I feel terrible for you.
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  4. libbmaster

    TR guns suck?

    I mean, It would be nice if the devs distributed the "Spray and pray" and "high aim" weapons more evenly, but seriously, EVERYTHING you have sucks?

    Go home paperlamp. You're drunk. Again.
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  5. Divinorium

    You just isn't feeling the disco! of the TR weapons.

    PS: a NC, a TR and a VS background singer. now that's disco.
  6. Paperlamp

    You're either bad with the merc or not engaging at very long ranges in general if you think the TRAC-5 is comparable. The weapon statistics are all that's really needed to show the Merc is better for that range, but even from experience it's obvious to me.

    Trying to play horizontal recoil off as "not such a bad thing" kind of makes me assume you rely more on spraying even at longer ranges, in which case, sure, TR guns are for you. :/

    This is not patch specific, TR has had inferior mid-long guns to NC for a long time. It's unfair to buff NC's CQC weapons without addressing the other side of the imbalance.
  7. Paperlamp

    Just jealous of my forumside skills.

    Got to get a title that gets a knee jerk reaction to get those free bumps from low-effort posters who don't even read the post. Keeps the conversation going even if they don't add anything significant.
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  8. Aegie

    Um, no- Trac5 has extras that Merc lacks (like higher ROF, more ammo in the mag, etc) but whatever. I think it is pretty clear that you are simply reacting (predictably) to nothing but patch notes and care very little about actual balance.

    Short and simple truth is that NC has been UP for over a year and TR have been OP (in many areas) for over a year and all that is happening now is that people accustomed to having an easy time will have to adjust to having it less easy- thats all. Nothing really to write home about.
  9. Paperlamp

    And Merc has extras the TRAC-5 lacks like higher bullet damage, lower first shot and horizontal recoil, smaller ADS CoF, higher bullet velocity, farther range before hitting minimum damage. Hmm, all things that affect a gun's long range performance....
  10. Aegie

    Yeah, and the Trac5 boasts 33% more ammo and higher DPS. I'm not trying to say that the Trac5 is better at range than Merc, just different and yes very functional- it is also better at closer ranges and that is the tradeoff. I'm sure there is a range where Trac5 will loose out to Merc but I do not think it is as big as the range where Merc looses to Trac5. Oh, and that additonal 10 m/s the Merc has on the Trac5, yeah that does not really give as much an advantage as the higher ROF+33% more ammo in a mag.

    Also, performance metrics bear out the belief that (at least pre patch) Trac5>Merc in general.
  11. LordCreepy

    Still can't find any good TR carbine.
    They either can't hit the broadside of a barn beyond spitting range (lynx) or are very low rpm weapons(AMK).
    The TR LMGs are all meh - might as well use the NS Lmg you won't perform any worse.
    We got great ARs namely the T1 Cycler, the TAR and the SABR.

    Never had any problems with NC/VS weapons on my ALTs ; the VS reload times are amazing and they shoot like a laser even with a silencer

    And the NC weapons hit hard can't argue against that.
    Then again I prefer the Ace52CQC/Scar-H over the ACE23 too in BF4
  12. Erik

    Silly posts like this reminds me why I avoided PS2 forums for the last 9 months. I'm a TR player and I do not support this message.
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  13. MajiinBuu

    Use NS weapons if you suck so much
  14. Ultramarine

    i cannot remember the name of it right now, but the white 2 shot burst assault rifle for TR is awesome. It's a better "aim" weapon than anything the NC has. I started trying the other factions last week to get a feel for them.
  15. Liquid23

    meh give me a pointy stick and I will smear feces on it and still wipe the floor with the NC
  16. Aegie

    You have an issue then because up until now TR carbines have absolutely dominated all other faction counterparts- especially the Lynx and Jaguar where performance was above some LMGs.
  17. Paperlamp

    This is exactly why performance metrics aren't the best thing to balance on alone.

    How does the average player/new player use a Carbine and at what ranges? Infantry are more popularly used in CQC, where absolutely the TRAC-5 has an advantage.

    The Mercenary is more of a niche weapon by virtue of PS2s design being a little close range heavy for infantry. I will not deny that whatsoever. However, it's way ahead of the TRAC-5 for the range I prefer to engage at with light assault more often and the play style I have. TR has nothing comparable. That is the imbalance - they're addressing NC being behind in CQC without addressing TR being behind at longer ranges.

    NC got starter weapons that simply should've been rethought, they're great weapons for some players, but they're not friendly to run and gun, and require more trigger discipline and understanding of the weapon to use since that's just the nature of how you make yourself more effective at range.

    Ammo per mag is nice, and I do run ammo packs on my NC because I tend to run out more - part of that though, is that I can use the Merc more effectively at range, which simply due to that engagement range means I'm throwing more bullets around for fewer targets hits than I'd be getting in closer ranges where you can spray practically every bullet in sometimes. However, at Merc's most effective ranges I stay alive longer and tend to run out of bullets more, so the TRAC-5's larger mag will often be wasted anyway as it's more CQC focused where I'm more likely to get clobbered by a shotgun or SMG.

    I admit 10ms is not a major velocity advantage, but point is overall Merc just has better stats in almost every category that matters for mid-long range effectiveness.
  18. Aegie

    Except ROF, ammo in the mag, and DPS- three pretty hefty stats IMO.

    So, lets see, if we are not balancing on performance metrics then what else is there? Opinion? Magic? Voodoo?

    Here's the deal, TR does not get to be better at everything so accept that and one area where they are intended to be lackluster is at longer ranges.

    These differences have been here over a year and NC have been seriously UP in many areas for over a year. Yet, go figure that your thread pops up just after a balance patch intended to try and address some of these issues. The game has not really even come back up yet.

    Call me in a little over a year and I will listen to your complaints. Until then, wait for some actual evidence, compile it with more converging evidence, do this repeatedly over time for the next year+ while making constructive posts with suggestions while suffering from constant forumside flames and then you may have a case.

    Until then, all I can say is that you had better learn the art of patience because even if TR is seriously UP now (I highly doubt it) then you would still have to play that way for over a year to have any understanding of what other players have dealt with thanks to balance.
  19. LordCreepy


    They seem to perform nearly identical to the other faction Carbines and get beaten by shotguns&smgs anyway
  20. piottras

    NC might have hard hitting weapons, but due to recoil and CoF they require to burst fire at medium range much more than other factions, so the TTK around which the RoF/Damage balance is based is against NC by design because that does not take into account how shorter bursts NC guns allow you for to stay accurate. In close to medium range on the other hand, RoF is the best stat.

    So really, TR have better guns all around.
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