[Suggestion] Why supressors are a joke and various ways they can be fixed

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by guiltyspark, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. guiltyspark

    First and formost suppressors do not effect velocity or bullet drop. The way suppressors work right now is dumb. I understand this feature was implemented so not "everybody" picked suppressors by default. But there are better ways to handle this without making killing people completely impossible by gimping the feature.

    Ways to fix it.

    1. Make it so when the suppressor is equipped that it doesnt effect in ANY way how the bullet drops or how long it travels.But as a balance , make it so when you are using standard ammo , you get a REDUCED radar signature when using the suppressor instead of how it is now where you dont show up at all.

    2. If you want to use your suppressor and remain completely radar invisible when firing , give the players the ability to use subsonic ammo that has the exact same firing mechanics as the current model (lots of bullet drop and limited range)

    this gives players choice.

    or you can just tone down the bullet drop as its way to great.
  2. Dr. Euthanasia

    How does this give players any more of a choice than the current suppressor? You don't choose to use the only available attachment for your weapon if it has no downsides - you will always use it. This leaves us with nothing but a buff to suppressed guns and the same choice everyone is already making, but under the new name of subsonic ammunition.
  3. Shadowflare

    Personally, we really should do away with this cod/bf3 mechanic of showing up on the damn map whenever one fires a weapon. People need to learn how to use their eyes and ears instead of going "Ohmagawd red triangles on map! Must kill!"
  4. Stadulator

    Supressors are fine. But if you're complaining about not being able to use them as a sniper... you might want to think it all the way through.

    Supressors are meant for infiltration . So put it on your pistol, give it to your LA, or the INF full auto gun. Because that is exactly what the supressor is meant for. And guess what.. You won't need to worry about it affecting anything except your ability to shoot people in a base and not get gang banged because you're showing up on radar.
  5. Stadulator

    This mechanic is not from BF/COD it's from PS1. And as in PS1 there are ways to defeat it
  6. Dasmasterneko

    I got no problems with how it is. If you are far enough that the bullet drops like a hot potato you dont need the suppressor to begin with. You should be far out of range. If you are sitting right next to them however the bullet drop does not matter but the lack of radar blip DOES.

    Suppressors are only truly needed in CQ sniping.
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  7. noidea

    I bought a suppressor for my sniper and I should have read these forums before purchasing it. A big waste of 100 certs for something totally useless.
  8. Dubious

    on any HA gun is just wrong and should be removed
    Sniper rifles has so high output velocity it shouldnt impact drop rate at all (not more than we already have)
    on any other gun its working fine
  9. Stadulator

    Or you could have simply read the item description:

    "... bullet velocity and effectiveness at long range are reduced..."

    Why is it wrong on HA? Only reaosn I don't have it on my HA is because I fit the compensator. My LA, ENG and Medic all have supressors tho
  10. noidea

    I didn't expect it to be THAT bad. A little loss, sure, but that much...
  11. Dasmasterneko

    Dude try find a hidden spot inside an enemy base and start picking off fools. In the right situations the suppressor is AMAZING. Ill give you a video to show you what i mean.
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  12. Stadulator

    Regardless, the item description alone should scream "NOT FOR LONG RANGE USE"

    Learn from DasMaster, he's got it right. It's a situational tool to be used as such
  13. Mustarde

    A basic read of these forums and it's pretty clear that suppressors will affect your max sniping range. DrankTHEKoolaid's infiltrator handbook documents this quite nicely. No one who is willing to do the research should be surprised by the mechanics by which this addition works.

    I find myself using the suppressor more and more these days, as it allows you to get close to the enemy and snipe them for a long time without being caught (obviously circumstantial) - and thanks to das for posting my video that showcases the silencer at work.

    The more you use a silencer, the more you get used to the drop off. While difficult at first, I am starting to land headshots from extended ranges by compensating the bullet drop - obviously it is something that is awkward and not ideal if you are planning to be only at long range - but can be used after practice.

    Lastly, as pointed out above, the silencer attachment can be seen on numerous weapon attachments, and is great for other weapons and classes. I dont see anything wrong with it - but if you buy it don't expect to throw it on a sniper rifle and keep hitting targets from 300 meters.
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