Why so many stuff are expensive? - answered

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by R4GING, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. R4GING

  2. SixReasons

    Either grind or pay (and grind less). I don't see the big deal. It still takes me a week or week and a half to earn 1k certs. and I have a 40% bonus to cert and exp gain because I paid. I can only play a few hours a day because I have a job (hence the paying) and my friends that don't have jobs and play make far more certs then me.

    I guess you might prefer paying $60 retail for the game and have everything unlocked from the start?
  3. R4GING

    exactly the point. those 1k Cert unlocks are not justified imo. not really sure about the real money price as I don't use dollars, but 1k Cert to 'change weapon' (take note - its not for a stronger one, but for a specialized/flexible one) is too much. for rocket pods/A2AM I would understand this as the extended fuel tanks aren't really of much help. same thing for Flash guns. but its on everything.

    they should have made those things cost less Certs then add more or give higher cost to the current Cert-only stuff.