Why so few Lightnings w/Skyguard ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Targanwolf, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Targanwolf

    I finally scraped up my 1000 certs and bought SKYGUARD.Taking my new baby out tonight to say hello to the TR and the NC. :)
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    I use my Skyguard a lot, and many times Im the only one there. Its one of my favorite things to do, especially since I view ESF pilots who farm ground targets as bullies who think they have the upper hand. Nothing is more satisfying than wacthing them line up a target and *OOPS* Skyguard tearing you apart. The trick is to let them close in and get focused on a target. Shooting at them at range is more of a deterrant than a counter.
  3. teks

    So, my skyguard got cut off while we were camping TR spawn, and I ended up in the incline of a hill directly behind a camping prowler, and two more prowlers camping a warpgate under me. My skyguard is full stealth, and the prowler didn't seem to notice me. He was sniping something, so I just stayed next to him so ESFs would assume I'm friendly.
    Now I was hoping something would wound the prowler, and I'd finish him, but ESFs kept flying low, and I couldn't resist.

    I killed two ESFs right next to the enemy 2/2 prowler.

    Ultimately I ended up in my most epic death scene. There were so many angry ESFs, and when they realized one of us lived. OMG. I was surrounded by three prowlers and 5 ESFs, and the ALL lit me up at once.

    So awesome.
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  4. Nintyuk

    The best bit is when you get lolpodders to hit friendlies, if you had gotten a prowler kill off friendly fire that would of been the coup de grace.
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  5. teks

    Hah, I'd like to see that.
  6. Targanwolf

    Getting SKYGUARD starts a whole new learning process.You have learn the DON'Ts and the do's. Was nice to see i could actually shoot some down.Bagged a few who rushed me with c4 too.
  7. oherror

    Yep and now with the larger magazine you can own a ESF really quick. If they are up close they are dead. I run mine all the time to defend sundies and our tank columns.
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